Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1316 The wife is taking the pet.

The next day, Lin Che came with Gu Jingze to the place where Saike is living.

Here is some of the palace, just still is very large, luxurious compares to the palace, and there is no difference.

Look out, these royal family also like to enjoy.

Entering, Saiside makes people in the tour, with Gu Jingze and Lin Che.

"Look at my recent small pets."

Entering, inside, there are two white tigers in a room, and there are several crocodiles to swim in the water. Two peacocks are spreading in the distance. Yesterday, the lion is still there. The sun is lying.

Sai Yide said, "That is Al Le, Ale just gave birth to a small, do you want to see."

Lin Ce is very interested, "Little Tiger?"


Lin Che immediately followed the past, saw the little tiger inside, and suddenly was sprouted.

So cute.

One seems like a kitten, but it is different from the cat.

Then the meat is called, watching a group.

"Oh, I'm so cute." She immediately walked over and asked a maid next to it. "Can I hug?"

The servants are enthusiastic, "Of course, Mrs., you are careful, although you are born, but your teeth are still sharp."

"Too good, so cute." She took the meatball with the meatball and played in his arms.

I didn't expect that she can hold a tiger one day.

I have a good time, while two men look at it, Gu Jingze is looked at her, a quiet feeling, making people feel very beautiful.

Sai Yide, looking at her, there is a great satisfaction in my heart, the feeling of vanity is very bursting, this feeling, he really didn't experience it for a long time.

Probably because this girl is happy on his face, it is true and happy, let people feel that he seems to have done a big thing, this feels so that he is very happy.

He walked over, "If you like, you can bring it back."

One of the majors look at their master.

This is very precious.

Lin Ke looked up, "Ah? Forget it, although it is very cute, I still think they should belong to nature, I don't want to raise the beast circle, so I will see it."

The servants listened, "Mrs." Mrs. "Mrs." The big king can give you, you can consider it, this kind of tiger, there is no a few in the world, in order to make Alale production, we I also spent a few years, I found a suitable tiger to breeding. "

Lin Che, "It's really extravagance,, ," she shook her head, "I am so precious, I can't want, let me waste, I have no appreciation, I will only treat them as a lovely animal. I won't think they are very expensive, still put it here. "

Gu Jingze is also gone, looking at Saisi, "The beauty of the big prince, we are not like, but my wife doesn't like it, she only likes this little animal, she will not drive after she grows. "

Sai Yi's eyebrows, "Okay, since this, let's go to eat first."

Sai Yide looked at Gu Jingze, "I heard that you are no longer the house owner of Gu Jia."

"Yes." Gu Jingze Tangran.

Said said, "You can give up the identity of Gu Jia's master, so that I am really surprised."

"There is nothing, but it is a responsibility, you can unload the burden, I am very happy."

"But you have to know that it is how much money I gave up, how much money, how big."

"The right is on the body, if you can use it, it is good, it is not good, that is, it is a sharp knife, I feel very easy now."

Sai Yide screamed, "Ok, you are so easy to satisfy, and I am very surprised, I have always thought that you are a wild people, but since you give up the identity of your owner, I can also say that I am now. You have money, hahahaha. "

Gu Jingze but laughing.

Said is said, "I can be arrogant in front of you, and you have to be taboo."

Gu Jingze is still looking at him, the esoteric of the eyes, can't see half of the emotions.

Sai Yide looked at Lin Qing behind, "What about giving up so much wealth for your husband, what do you feel?"

Lin Lu, "Oh, no feeling, my husband does not need wealth to improve his charm."

Sai Yide eyes flash.

Gu Jingze looked back at her, pulled up her hand, two people smiled, very tacit.

At this time, he saw the behind, and several women got out.

Look at the appearance, it is good.

I saw a few people, smiling while greeted, bowing ceremony.

"Dear guest."

Sai Yide looked at them, saying about Lin Che, "is my princess."

Three kings, with a few children, it seems to be a child of Said.

Lin He also looked down with a bow, a few women looked at Lin Ce, pay attention to Lin Che Tei Zhi Zezhi's hand.

Some surprised, Gu Jingze is not polite, and it is directly in the moment, this, a few Wang Hao feel surprised, and the eyes are staring at Lin Ce.

Sai Yide said, "Okay, go, the restaurant is ready."

Several princess sitting on the side of the table, while the Lin Che Take a few sitting at the presby.

Lin He looked at a few princes, I think they live at home, it is really ...

Not as good as a few children.

Sai Yide has been used to it, sitting there to Lin Che, "Try our food here."

"Thank you." She looked at it, some strangers for these things, I don't know how to eat.

She raised her head, "How to eat this?"

Gu Jingze said, "I will give you."

He stripped things, said to her, "Zhang Wei."

Lin Ce consciously opened his mouth.

Gu Jingze put food into her mouth.

She ate with her peace of mind, I nodded, "Well, the taste is good."

On the other side, several women looked at Gu Jingze, and she started to serve her, and even more fierce.

Sai Yid is also looked at his eyes. He went back to see his own princess, he snorted, glanced at them, they didn't dare to look at it again, and I went down to eat myself.

Sai Yide said, "I can't see it, Gu, you are so petted your wife."

It seems that those rumors say non-emperor, Gu Gantu, is it true for this woman, is it for this woman?

That is also too sorrowful.

Gu Jingze Road, "Wife is not to take it."

"Oh, it is a lover."

His wife is a child.

Lin Che, "Why are you getting married?"

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