Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1336, two of them are double splashed

"Miss Snow, you will see it, they are in the living room, we can't do it."

Snow Mengqi frowned, these two men ran a piece.

They didn't have a trouble before, and the cooperation was ruined?

However, it is all a year ago, and later they did not contact for many years. Now, they suddenly stand together, and people really feel a little surprised.

Two people sit there and the entire living room is very depressed.

The maid has so far, and the black eagle raises his head. "Who is it to take this thing, let people come over, others, just sway in front of me, have you hear it?"

The maid is scared.

"Miss Xue, Miss Xue is busy." The maid thinks that the lie he said is looking through it, and the black eagle lifts the eye, I have a feeling of death.

Li Mingyu saw that, "Hey," Hey, Black Eagle, don't give people a scare, you see, a maid, is not Xuemeng, what eye, last time you live When you strip people, you will scare me, you are not going to work today. "

"..." The maid is really scared in an instant.

Black eagle, "" How much you have nonsense. "

"Hey, don't look at me, you look at me, I have to scare." Li Mingyu is afraid.

The servant hurriedly said, "I will notify Snow Miss and let Miss Snow."

Treve, the maid left.

Snow Mengqi came over, smiled, "Two big driving, it is really let us be angry, it is, I don't know what two visits."

The black eagle directly lifted the eye, "Don't wear a stupid, kindergarten, isn't you get out, my daughter is in class, she is a little thing, I tell you, live the skin I have never done this, but I don't mind do it! "

Xue Mengqi was said to be a cold.

But then I have returned to God, but he also said that it will not really ... it will be fired.

"What kind of kindergarten ... You don't be excited, Mr. Mo, this kind of thing, you don't listen to the rain, I know, Lin Che is your sister, you must stand on her, but you didn't How long does it recognize? It is not good to talk, you don't care carefully, this is our own dispute, it is a civil war, she pulled you to make a bird, it is really ... I thought I thought. "

Black Eagle brings the lips, the dark eyes, full of indifference, "Are you in the mortar?"

Snow Mengmei is a Snow Mengqi. It will speak, a pit, but also want to make yourself so clean, a non-lifting look, but put the blade directly to Lin Che.

However, the Black Eagle has long seen him.

It is difficult to point to Lin Qing, you want to be in the middle.

Because she doesn't understand them at all.

"How is it, I am separated from you, you are brothers and sisters, how can I leave you."

Black Eagle, " My kindergarten is going to poison, but also we will give you a kindergarten to you, do you think I can sit? "


His shares?

Li Mingyu saw the shackles, "I also have to participate in it." Yes, you don't think we look in our eyes, where I also voted for a lot of money, when I became your house. "

Snow Mengqi once again dumb.

They also investigated the background of this kindergarten, but they did not find it.

I think of that it is Lin Ca, it must be the money of Gu Jingze, he is so rich, how all it is.

So there is no more attention.

But I don't want to talk to her now, the kindergarten is two in front of him.

What should she do?

Snow dreams quickly turned.

"We just want Lin Che to explain the funds of kindergarten, do not say that it is us."

"Oh? We found together, the capital will be explained with you?" Li Mingyu Road.

Snow Mengqi, "This ..."

"My black eagle spends money to set the kindergarten, but also to explain the funds?"

"I'm not……"

"Then what do you mean?"


"Now I don't care what you say, I want you to give me a confidence."

Xue Mengqi completely said that it can be said.

Because anyway, they are not let her say.

Finally, Xue Mengqi finally apologized, send two people to leave.

The Black Eagle took the voice and took out.

Snow Mengqi bite lips behind it.

It can be sent to two people, she will return to the house brother behind him.

"Hey, sister, how do you hit me."

Xue Mengqi turned back, his face was blue, wrote an angry behind, "Why do you say why you, hey, you are so embarrassed, why not find out why, these people do, you don't know, harm We will have these two people, almost can't get rid of it, hey, you will go to the past. "

Has also hurt her endless end.

Just an apology, I gave them a lot of benefits, and I sent two people away.

These two people are rogue, but they are not so good, and they are cheaper. They are satisfied with them.

I also agreed that they had to apologize, and they could no longer start with kindergartens.

She really wants to take the kindergarten.

However, looked at this small kindergarten, there are so many people behind ...

She naturally knows, not moving.

The outer maid is also a good time to send two people away.

Go out, Li Mingyu said, "This Snow Meng Qi is also amazing, and it is still not in the house."

Black Eagle, "I can't see it is fear, I can still get it in the morning and evening."

At this time, I remembered that I didn't touch Li Mingyu for many years, because after I was working together, I was essential to tear each other.

Just Li Mingyu still actually looks very well, like forgot how to kill each other.

"Hey, I will go back first." The Black Eagle took the lead in pulling his face.

"Hey, I will go back, but you don't have to look at me, those things have been more than a young, you are a brother, I will be good with Lin Che, definitely will not be alert you."

Black eagle is white, who is rare.

However, since he is indeed standing in Lin Che, the black eagle will not continue to have a holiday.

Li Mingyu really thinks, for Lin Qing, he can reconcile with a lot of people, let alone, he is still a brother.

No way, who is called Lin Xin is so attractive.

He just wants to have Lin Ce.

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