Snow Mengqi returned to the room, looking at the people in front of you.

Everyone is still fortunate, the Black Eagle is finally gone.

"Meng Qi, I still ask for a clear, then act, you look, I'm like today, I am a person who is not good."

Snow Mengqi listened to the princes of the prince, lifting the scorpion, "Fan Grandpa, in front of us, there is still people."

"I don't say, that kind of thing is not good, I said, you see, these two people, you fight with them, just, hurt the enemy, self-loss 800, they usually do things without the bottom line What do you have to fight with them? "

"That is." There is also someone with people. "This kindergarten even, a small kindergarten, did not expect, this Lin Che is still a little means."

"Just, where is the general people think about this, you think, from these children, slowly cultivate, then yourself, and because of children, those adults will also have a good relationship with her. Get up, you said yes. "

"Yes, it's right, the human is like this, it is no wonder that Lin Che can firmly grasp Gu Jingze, and her means is so much."

"Li Mingyu can be so good to be with her, and the Encership is also a friend, now it has become a friend, visible."

Snow Mengqi heard that they were so angry that they were in the heart, and they had almost burned her ingredients.

If you let things go so, is they just regretted?


Xue Mengqi thought that she had to do something.

"We don't really need innovation, no matter what, they can do, I can do." Snow Meng Qi smiled, "her forces, we can do it, we are more likely, it is better to In this way, what she does, what we do, it is not possible. "

"That's more." The following is still facing face.

Snow Meng Qi smiled, "This is the easiest, it is not easy to make mistakes, but also let her have no way, grab her rice bowl, she can only worry."

Everyone thinks it is right.

Snow dreams smiled, "What is a Lin Che, what is the power of my house, I can't do anything."



Lin Ca has finished the kindergarten and feels tired.

It's a lot of angry, and it is also comforted in the kindergarten.

Some parents are still curious, I don't know what happened.

In order to comfort these parents, the teachers also dadden.

Lin Ke felt a little tired, it made people scattered.

"East, don't follow, I will walk."

Dongzi said, "Miss ... will be dangerous."

"Reassured, I have a disguise, and some people will see it."

Always so many people follow, occasionally want to relax.

Eastern is helpless, only nodded.

Lin Chew hat, bring a mask, walk on the road, look at the side, the children are studying, some parents are waiting there, while chatting, they are ready to pick up their children.

For a time, the sky has changed, it seems to rain, rumble, and thunder.

Lin Ke looked at it, covering a hat, and continued to walk.

If you don't encounter Gu Jingze, you will not be able to live in Lin family, you will find an ordinary person, so married, live a calm life.

In fact, this calm life is also very good, just, there is no Gu Jingze ...

She thought, waking up is a different man, when eating, it is something else, and I feel that such a life is so unbearable.

So, don't think about it. She chose now, I chose Gu Jingze, so everything is tired, you can endure.

At this time, I saw a man with my wife.

"You look at you, don't pick your child, so late."

Women are not willing to say, "Isn't it a few minutes.

"It's raining right away, in a few minutes, the child is raining, and the road is not easy to go."

"This is not yet raining."

"I said you, every day, there is no matter, a few minutes, you can't be earlier."

"Why don't I do anything, you don't have to give it to me in addition to work.

"Ha, that is not tired, you will try it, you try to raise a child."

"You try to bring your child, so much trivial, hey, I will tell you, you can't stand it for a day."

"Hey, what is trivial, the child will send a kindergarten, you don't have anything."

"Hey, I can't say it with you."

Two people have a big quarrel to pick up their children, Lin Ke looks at the back, thinking in mind, maybe it is not quiet ...

Although she always feels that she is nothing, Gu Jingze has never feels that she is very good, it is absolutely not willing to make her a little thing, and she will never be so embarrassed.

Compared to the man, Gu Jingze, there is really different, don't say anything else, other men seem to feel that women don't do everything every day, and Gu Jingze, all, she is done, Gu Jingze I feel that she is getting tired.

Helpless shook his head, said, Gu Jingze is still too good to her.

Lin Che thought, more I smiled.

At this time, the rainy point of the bean, from the sky, the face is hurting.

Lin He is going forward.

The phone rang, and it was Gu Jingze.

She is busy picked up the phone.

"Lin Che, raining, Dongzi said that you will go out, don't have an umbrella."

Lin Che nicknad, "Yes, didn't bring it."

Silent, Gu Jingze said, "Where are you, I will pick you up."

"Near Wanhong Building."

"Okay, I will come right away."

Lin Chen is waiting there, waiting, a little, a low-key Mercedes-Benz.

Gu Jingze under the car.

Lin Che didn't remember that there is this car at home, it should be just a hundred million cars, it shouldn't be Gu Jingze, "Where do you get the car." She said.

Gu Jingze Guan took the door, "Qin Hao."



Old people should also feel envious, Gu Jingze's assistant, all of which are this million-level car.

However, Qin Hao has so many years around Gu Jingze, this is still there.

Gu Jingze opened an umbrella and said, "Now go back."

Lin Che said, "Don't, anyway, it's hard to follow, let's walk."

Walking in the rain, it is a feeling.

Gu Jingze laughed, supported her umbrella, holding her forward.

Lin Che is in his arms and feels that his taste is much more strong in the rain.

And she side, seeing, rain is on his shoulders, because the umbrella is more tilted in her, her body is not wet, his anti-wet.

The rain is bigger.

She said, "We still find a place to hide the rain."

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