Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1345 Gu Jingze, you are with the black eagle **

The Black Eagle looked at Gu Jingze, smiled, "You are coming."

Looking at Gu Jingze and deadly, he said, "Oh, yes, just said that he didn't finish it, Lin Che, Li Mingyu, there are several, we played."


Gu Jingze gave the black eagle, you absolutely died.

Then, I saw Lin Che.

Lin Che Nature did not expect him to come.

The black eagle ran and made her feel strange, these people didn't love it.

Gu Jingze was silent to see her, then ... Just find a position to sit down.

Looking at the two people left, Yu Yu is can't help but smile.

It's really quarreling.

Yu Wei said, "It's hard to be so full, we are better to play some games."

"What game, will not be the truth of the truth." Li Mingyu said that.

Yu Yu said, "What happened, the truth, such a traditional game, I have been so long, there are so many people like to play, explain fun."

Yu Yushan, I would like to guess the dice, see Li Mingyu, so, I really prepare to play the truth.

"Come, I really have a big adventure, who lost, or drink, or choose the true heart or bigger."

Several people came over, and the wine that was already full of tables. Li Mingyu had some with the Black Eagle, anyway, it is his place, let him not do so, hurry to take a good wine.

The Black Hawk is naturally very generous, and I took the best wine to give everyone a drink.

Lin Che is holding a dice, looking at the opposite Gu Jingze, shaking, as if it is shaking the scorpion as his head.

You dare to come here.

You still dare to come here.

See how I killed you.

Everyone broke the dice at once.

Lin He opened.

Oops, I am helping me, she is actually the biggest, smooth.

"Wow, my biggest, my biggest oh"

The biggest one is responsible for the problem.

A few things, it is almost the size, only Gu Jingze is the smallest.

It's just that God is specially arranged.

This is God, let you take me with me.

Lin Che thought, even looked at Gu Jingze, with a colorful.

"Gu Jingze, now you are a choice, or big adventure?"

"Truth." Gu Jingze watched her deeply, like a hole wearing her mind.

Lin Che Haha smiled, "Ok, said, you first, what is it."


Tang Gu Jingze, when did this question.

Yu Yuli spurted there.

Lin Che is absolutely deliberate, it is intentional to take care of Jingze.

However, to say this world, in addition to Lin Che, there will be no one, dare to be so tonally.

Unless you want to die.

So, this is a rare scene.

Yu Yuli saw it soon to listen to it.

Gu Jingze's face, it was already black.

Staring at Lin Ce, seeing Lin Che is proudly lifting the head.

good very good,

This woman ...

He said, "change your adventure."

Ha, no strength.

Lin Ce can only shrug, do not answer, but ...

Does he think that the adventure is so good?

Lin Express looked at him, "Okay, is it a big risk, then, I want you to take the initiative to go to the ** Black Eagle!"


This time, the black eagle also spurted.

He looked at Lin Su, "Hey, you have grievances, don't sprinkle my head, don't sprinkle."

Lin Ke looked at him, "Let's play games, who has any grievances."

Black Eagle said, "That ..."

"Now I am Wang Hao, you have to listen to me, hurry up soon, ******* Yu Yu smiled, really did not hold back.

Lin Shi is a set of sets.

How can Gu Jingze may be her opponent?

She is really sympathetic to see Gu Jingze.

Gu Jingze, it is also a smile, staring at Lin Ke.

This woman.

It's really looking for it!

Ok, ok, is she thinking about him?

Gu Jingze suddenly stood up at once.

The black eagle was frightened, this Gu Jingze, suddenly came out.

Will not come true?

But obey the deep god of Jingze's eyes, step by step, and went to the black eagle ...

"Hey, hey, Gu Jingze, you are calm, I am a normal man, I don't have to be a man, if you dare to come, I can, I can't care, I will hit people."

Everyone looks, the black eagle, even suddenly, immediately laughed with haha.

Gu Jingze didn't seem to hear it, it was still step by step and walked forward.

The Black Hab is really scared.

He jumped up at once, and he still had to run.

However, at this time, I saw it ...

Gu Jingze suddenly turned, and he picked up the laughing there.

Next moment, his lips were deep into the lips of Lin Ce.

No ...

Everyone only saw that Gu Jingze gesture is very fast, the tongue is very skilled, and the mouth explored in her mouth.

It's really a *******, and it is so obvious.

Lin Che did not respond yet.

What happened, isn't it to go to the Black Eagle, how can I be ** now, it is myself ...

Lin Che is a little dizziness that is kissed, and it has reacted for a long time.

I have been going to Gu Jingze slightly, she reacted, and quickly pushed his chest, but the small face was already because he just moved, the blush is not only.

Gu Jingze's eyes, looked at her, with blurred sexy.

"Why, isn't it going to watch **."

I hate it, I want to see you with the black eagle *** Whoever is to be pro.

Lin Che is more angry.

Gu Jingze has no longer wants to talk nonsense, and I have a cross to hold Lin Che.

"Ah, you let me go, why do you do it.

Gu Jingze took her directly to leave the box.

No one dares to stop, watching him have retired.

And Lin Che, was promoted by him so embarrassed a washing room.

This is removed.

Gu Jingze put her on the dressing table, watching her.

Lin Ce took a cheek, did not let him see, "I hate, let me go back, who told you to get me here."

Gu Jingze bowed his eyes and didn't let her have the opportunity to move half of the eyes.

"Lin Che, I know, you want to play that script, but I don't want to see you with a man with a private drama, so, you can promise me, the bed will be deleted."


Lin Express

How did the topic go here?

He stared at her seriously, "" must be deleted, otherwise I can't accept it. "

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