Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1346 I can of course understand you

Lin He didn't expect him to say this.

Is it because of bed show ...

So he has been awkward.

Lin Caicheng understood, but smiled at once.

So small ... all because of bed play.

Lin Ce is a little bit of a while.

Looking at Gu Jingze, she paired his cheeks, "I want to delete, but I have to see if it is necessary, I don't think it is necessary, I will delete it, there will be no picture, that Remind the bed, but also remind it, not necessarily, when you discuss the script, you will have no need together, although many spectors like to watch, but the story story is the most important, Quality is the most important, there is no bed play, not the necessary factors for success. "

Gu Jingze held her hand, "Is me too small?"

Lin Qing shakes his head, "You don't understand, and you have never seen my work."

"Yes ..." He deliberately avoided, never read it carefully.

She said, "In fact, there are few intimate lenses in my work, most of them are plot."

"is it?"

"Oh, so, ..."

Gu Jingze looked at her feelings, and hooked the lips smile and took her brain, "Don't be high here."


Gu Jingze thought, no more.

"I will not tease me again for a while." He hugged her from above.

Lin Ce screamed, "Which is called to tease? The truth is the case."

Gu Jingze low her chest, "Look at it, I will kiss others, you won't eat vinegar?"

"Oh, how do I know, or you go to the Black Eagle, let me see if I will be jealous."


Gu Jingze low her lips and kissed again.

Punish the general, bite her lips.

"Uhm ..." she called.

At this time, someone outside is asking, "Is there anyone inside, how to close the door."

Lin Che said, "Okay, don't delay people again, let's go."

Subsequently, Gu Jingze opened the door.

The people outside see Gu Jingze, and some surprised.

Gu Jingze said, "Sorry, you can turn your time, can you turn it? My girlfriend is a bit embarrassed."



Some of this is a bit of implied.

My girlfriend is embarrassed ... I have delayed my time ...

Just two people doing inside?

Oops, as immersed.

Moreover, the male master is still so handsome ...

Several girls have turned over, "Okay, we understand, understand ... Let's go out. We don't look."

Have such a boyfriend, who will don't help but don't help it, it is a bit too passionate here, but it is also understood.

Lin Xin listened later, it was a day of dog.

What is your own, who is embarrassed!

Lin Ce standing there, I really want to kill this man with my eyes, but I first looked at the few people next to him, and hurry up.

He said that it is exported, and he can't save anything. Fortunately, they really didn't see who she is, or hurry.

The next day, Lin Ce arrived in the company, and said with Yu Yushan, he looked at the decision to do this TV series, but there is a problem, it is that she can't do it, still find a company to work together.

Yu Yu said, "That's good, then let's find a partner company, I am also ready to let the archery company to prepare the character."

Some characters are made by a leading angle director. These directedations are selected to select the role, division of labor, and can save a lot of time.

On the other side, the director listened to Yu Yun's instructions and has begun to launch this project.

Because it is a Lin Che family's TV series, many actors are very interested.

Many characters have been discussed, or it is still a more familiar actor.

Just at this time, Lin Xin suddenly saw that there is a role above, it is directly fixed, but the name, she has never seen.

The name is Zhou Yu.

who is this.

She searched it, but did not find this person online. Although it is not an important role, it is a drama, and there is such a role in the end, let her have a little strange.

So she called the director to inquire.

The director looks like Lin Che, still very important.

Lin Ce asked directly, the director said, "You don't ask this, this role is not important, just don't do anyone."

"Of course, I have to know the situation, what is your investment?" Is this a person who invests in? "

"Oh, yeah, it is a role that can't be rejected."

"Can you refuse me?" In their, it seems that there is still no refusal, ...

Because almost everyone knows that Yu Yumin is the president's wife, which rich business dares to come here.

But now the director actually said, there is a person who can't reject.

When Lin Che was surprised here, heard the directors whispered, "Gu Jia's people."


Lin Che is depressed, "which is a house."

After Gu Jingze resembles, there are two remedies.

"Which one can I, Gu's people.

Old people said Gu's ...

That is Gujia, Gu Jingze.

No, Gu Jingze has an role in her.

Is there a mistake?

Lin Che is still surprised, the director there again said, "said that people said, don't care, anyway, I am not coming in, I am not a face, and there is no important role, and the key is that I have seen it, you didn't see it, just see the photo, I feel that it is not general. It is definitely a good seedllar. Unfortunately, I have been discovered early. If I have discovered it earlier, I have long big red big purple. If it is the next Gu Jing, I know that this is a quality drama, can't get someone, you have not seen photos, you see it, you are absolutely in the case. "

"Ann, the photo is a lot of deceptive."

"This is absolutely impossible to deceive people."

"Ha ha."

Lin He has no way, do not understand who will go to them here.

It's good, not long, the crew will open the first role party and prepare a yellow road.

On this day, Lin Che is also in the early past, is curious to see, who is, such a big school, to take care.

When it comes to the place, the boot ceremony is also relatively simple.

"Well, do you have such a big interest in him."

"Of course." Of course, I am interested, it is related to it.

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