White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1179 Mandrill: My father is Jin An, my mother is Mr. Yiyun

It’s not difficult for everyone to know how to get through the sacrifice pit with tens of thousands of people. What’s the most common thing in the underground palace?

Instead of gold, silver and jewelry, the most buried objects are those sunken wood beams and pillars that have not decayed for thousands of years.

A few people found some pieces of dead wood and threw them into the sacrifice pit. Due to their own buoyancy, these dead wood floated on the disgusting and smelly black mire, allowing Jin An and the others to reach the other side safely one at a time.

"The owner of the tomb who set up this sacrificial pit did not expect that future generations would use such a simple method to cross the pit. I guess even he did not expect that Lishan, a famous Feng Shui mountain at that time, would later become a group of ancient tombs with one floor of ancient tombs. A layer of Ghost Moth Mountain.”

Qibo turned his head and looked at the mud puddle behind him and said with emotion.

After passing the sacrificial pit, everyone held torches and walked forward, with the blind man and Mr. Bai in front, Jin An and Mr. Yiyun in the middle, and Qi Bo, the mountain guard and the corpse guard behind.

Jin An was moved in his heart. Although no one said it explicitly, Jin An could still tell that by letting young people walk in the middle, these elders were interested in taking care of the young people.

Although he is a martial arts immortal, he is here in an underground palace with a complex environment. Secondly, he is resurrected through corpses, so his strength may not be at its peak.

If these people knew that there were not ten or eight but five or six large-scale tombs that Jin An had laid down, and that Jin An was not only a martial artist but also a spiritual and martial artist, it would have been Jin An's turn to take care of them.

However, only Young Master Yiyun and Qi Bo know about this matter at present, but they have not publicized it everywhere. This is not about trust or distrust, but it is related to many secrets of Jin An. Unless Jin An takes the initiative to say it, neither of them will publicize it everywhere.

The corridor after passing the sacrificial pit is a bit long, and people can easily get bored walking in a long and narrow underground space for a long time. The team talked to relieve their fatigue while walking, and for some reason the topic turned to the mandrill.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, I think your mandrill looks a bit familiar. It looks like the mandrills raised by the corpse chasers? And even the clothes and hats are somewhat similar." The mountain guard looked at the mandrill in surprise.

Several other elderly people also joined the discussion at this time.

The corpse guard exclaimed in surprise: "Speaking of the clothes, they are quite similar. Not to mention very similar, they should be about eighty or ninety percent similar."

"Old Zhong, you are really a damn talent. Listening to you is like listening to nonsense." The blind man laughed and cursed.

The corpse master hummed: "What do you, a blind man, know? If I didn't say this, how could you, a blind man who can't see, have any impression? I was so kind as to feed the white-eyed wolf."

Hahaha, Mr. Bai and the mountain guard couldn't help but laugh. Their relationship is very deep.

As a junior, Jin An did not dare to laugh like that. He explained: "I accidentally rescued it on the road. It was driven out by the mandrill tribe and had nowhere to go, so it followed me."

The blind man said in surprise: "Old man, if my nose smells right, the mandrills raised by the corpse chasers should all be dead, right?"

"Taoist Master Jin'an, you mandrill is a living creature of flesh and blood."

The corpse guards and mountain guards also nodded in agreement at this time.

Both of them are professionals who deal with the dead. Whether the group of mandrills raised by the corpse exorcists are dead or alive, they have the most say and will not let them go.

"Is that so? Maybe mine is different, so I was kicked out of the tribe." Jin An said ambiguously.

The mandrill is still under the influence of the corpse exorcism technique, and its true identity cannot be revealed at this time, otherwise it will wake up like a dream.

Several people looked around the mandrill, saying, "It's really strange."

"Mr. Bai, the rat you raised has become a spirit. Why don't you let your rat try to find out anything from the mandrill? It would be best if you can ask important information about those people."

Under everyone's suggestion and instigation, Mr. Bai actually let the gray-haired mouse try it.

A monkey and a mouse chattered for a while, and then the gray-haired mouse turned and squeaked at Mr. Bai. Everyone was refreshed. These two little guys really had something in common. They were very interested and hurriedly asked Mr. Bai what he had asked about.

Mr. Bai didn't say anything immediately, but instead had a strange look on his face.

The more mysterious it became, the more itchy and unbearable everyone was, like ants crawling in their hearts, and they kept urging Mr. Bai to stop telling the story.

"Mr. Bai, please stop teasing everyone. What did the rat and the monkey say?" the mountain guard shouted anxiously.

Mr. Bai replied: "The mandrill said that Taoist Master Jin'an saved his life and was like his reborn parent, his father..."

"Tsk, tsk, they say three days of feeding a dog will mark three years and three years of feeding a man will mark three days. This mandrill is very affectionate and righteous, and he knows how to repay his kindness." Everyone sighed, and their good impressions of the mandrill greatly increased, and they continued to ask more questions. What.

Even Young Master Yiyun and Qi Bo were aroused to be curious and wanted to know what else Mandrill said about Jin'an.

This time, Mr. Bai first glanced at Mr. Yiyun who was curious about eating the melon, and then said, dumbfounded: "The mandrill also mentioned Yiyun's niece, saying that she was also very good to him, but... well, he said that Taoist Jin'an was his father Yi Niece Yun is his mother, he has a home and parents, he is not homeless."

Mr. Yiyun's eyes suddenly stagnated.


Everyone looked at Mr. Yiyun with strange eyes, and then at Jin An. The two of them looked abnormal, as if they were just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

At first, everyone thought the mandrill's words were quite interesting, but when Mr. Bai said the second half of his sentence, everyone no longer looked at Jin An and Mr. Yiyun jokingly, but instead looked at the mandrill with deep emotion.


The blind man was young and energetic, and although he was very capable, he offended too many people. In the end, he was hunted down by his enemies and his family was destroyed. He committed suicide in regret and lost his eyesight...

The corpse master also got into a huge disaster when he was young. He was kicked out of the Zhong family and wandered all over the world alone. He had a home that he could not return to, and his parents could not see each other...

The mountain guardians have the same lonely life, guarding a mountain alone all their lives...

The old people present here all have their own sad pasts. They have had several regrets in their lives. It is easy for people to suffer from homesickness when they grow old. When it comes to returning to their roots after falling leaves, even a little beast knows how good it is to have a home to rely on. Not to mention people?


The originally joyful atmosphere suddenly turned dull. Everyone had their own concerns during the rest of the journey and lacked interest in talking.

After walking for a while in the tunnel of the underground palace, suddenly, the blind man walking at the front stopped and reminded in a low voice: "There is someone ahead!"

"I smell dead people!"


The team paused in tacit collective silence. Mr. Bai released the gray-haired mouse to explore the way, and Jin An asked the mandrill to follow and take care of the gray-haired mouse.

Not long after, a mouse and a monkey returned safely. The gray-haired mouse came back riding on the back of the mandrill, raised his head and squeaked at Mr. Bai.

Mr. Bai told everyone that the front was safe for the time being. The team had not advanced far when they saw a strange corpse in the corridor.

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