White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1180 Yin Mummy Corpse and Yin Zhi Corpse

The strange corpse in front of him was a female corpse with a big belly.

The female corpse had been dead for a long time and had never been discovered. The surface of her body was covered with thick dust, and she had a belly as big as the ten-month pregnancy.

It is strange to say that the underground palace environment is not dry, there are underground rivers flowing through it, and the air humidity is relatively high, but the pregnant female corpse in front of me died strangely, her body was dehydrated like a mummy, her mouth was open in pain, and the corpse was not rotten.

"It has not decayed for so many years, and the corpse is well preserved. It can only be the Yin corpse mentioned in the "Burial Sutra", but it is strange. How come this Yin corpse is dead and has not been raised?" the mountain guard said in surprise.

Death here means that the female corpse in front of you will not pretend to be dead.

The mountain guard guards the dead people in the mountain and guards the tombs of the dead people in the mountain. He has never seen any kind of corpse, so he recognized it at a glance as the Yin mummy among the Yin corpses.

Bodies that have been buried and have not decayed for hundreds of years are called shadow corpses in the "Burial Sutra". Some of them have intact skins and bones that have melted, while some bodies have been soaked in water and floated on the water, rotting but not melting.

There are two types of Yin corpses, one is Yin mummified corpse and the other is Yin Zhi corpse.

Yin mummies are called the eight evil spirits of hatred. The corpses buried in the ground are as waterless as desert mummies, with their mouths open.

Yin Zhizhi is called the Eight Evil Evils. Corpses that have been buried underground for thousands of years will still be intact, with hair and nails still growing. If the Yin Qi is heavy, even the clothes will not rot.

In the end, it was the corpse master who pointed out the key point: "There is a foreign object in her stomach. It should be the change in the body caused by the foreign object."

The Corpse Master clan is good at refining corpses, so he is particularly sensitive to the perception of the dead.

Although Jin An also borrows corpses to bring back souls, he is not specialized in refining corpses after all, so the corpse master is more sensitive than him.

Under close inspection with torches, everyone discovered that there was a suture on the chin of the female corpse in front of them. She died in a miserable condition. She was disemboweled from the chin to the abdomen, and was sutured back together afterwards.

Judging from the scabs and signs of accumulation of blood on the wound, this woman did not die for a long time after being disembowelled and the wound was sutured, and she continued to suffer the pain of execution.

"This is such a tragic way to die! Fortunately, slavery was completely abolished during the Qin and Han Dynasties. Sacrifice of human beings is against the laws of nature and cannot be tolerated!" The mountain guard's job is to guard the mausoleum for others, knowing that the person's sleep will not be disturbed after death. It is so important to see these dead people exposed in the wilderness and in horrible conditions.

Everyone clasped their fists and bowed to the female corpse, and said a few polite words, saying that they were just passing by and were not the ones who killed her. They could help her take out the foreign object sewn in her belly by the owner of the tomb and help her free herself from the thousand-year torture. It was not intentional. Insult the corpse, don't come to them to seek revenge after the injustice is done.

After saying this, Mr. Bai and the blind man asked the corpse master who was the first to discover the abnormality of the female corpse to be responsible for the dissection of the female corpse in pursuit of safety.

The corpse master untied the clothes on the surface of the female corpse. Even if it was nourished by the yin energy of the corpse, it didn't look very tattered on the outside. However, after all, these clothes had been around for a long time, and the clothes would be torn if touched.

After unbuttoning her dress, she saw a long suture on the woman's body extending from her chin to a few inches below her belly button.

This Yin Mummy Corpse is severely dehydrated. The body under the clothes is a mummy. The flesh and blood are close to the bones. Many

"Eh?" Jin An suddenly let out a soft eh.

Then he said: "There seem to be several pustule marks near the wound. The real cause of death of the woman in front of me is not like she died of disembowelment, but more like she died of wound infection."

The corpse master nodded: "Even if there is no wound infection, she will not live long with such a serious injury."

The corpse master did not use a knife. He was also possessed by the soul. The corpse king directly cut it along the line with his sharp nails, revealing a bronze ball in his belly.

This bronze vessel had long grown into a piece of flesh and blood. After being continuously soaked in corpse liquid, it dried up and finally fused with the organs in the woman's body, forming a huge placenta that looked like a sarcoma.

It took some effort for the corpse master to carefully separate the bronze ball. He picked it up and shook it. Something was shaking inside the bronze ball.

Everyone was collectively surprised.

The surface of the bronze sphere is engraved with complex patterns. Even though these patterns were so exquisite thousands of years ago, they are now covered with thick patina.

After another careful study, I found that the bronze ball seemed to be integrated into one piece, with no seams found.

"It's not that there are no seams. It should have been fused and polished with copper liquid, and then patterns were carved on it. Those patterns happened to cover the copper liquid welds very cleverly. In addition, it has been severely rusted over the years, so first The eyes give people the feeling of being perfect and natural." After listening to the description of the corpse guard, the blind man told the reason and taught the corpse guard how to find the copper welding seam.

Following the blind man's method, the corpse master easily found the welding seam: "Hey, there really is one."

The corpse master was neither an archeology scholar nor an antique enthusiast. Without the moral constraints of protecting antiques, he pried open the bronze ball a few times, and a black liquid and a round object fell out from it. He didn't stop until he reached the tip of Jin'an's shoes.

Jin An looked down and saw that it was a severed head that was still full of flesh and blood.

This scene is so familiar. Isn't it the dead head in the clay pot that I dug up not long ago?

Jin An expressed his thoughts. Everyone present knew what these human head sacrifices were about. The slaves were kept in pots and bronze vessels since they were young. It was about the purity of the soul and the purity of the body.

"His cheeks were bulging, and he seemed to have something else in his mouth." Jin An didn't mind it being dirty or had too many taboos. He took out a dagger, held his head with one hand and pried his mouth with the other.

It is said that a dead man's mouth is difficult to pry open, but he couldn't pry it open after several attempts. He simply pinched his chin and applied force, causing his chin to dislocate and his mouth to open, and a black pill rolled out.

Seeing the pill, everyone suddenly realized.

The mountain guard snorted coldly: "It seems that the owner of this tomb is not a human being. He is also using people to refine human elixirs. This is called reincarnation in the way of heaven. He used other people to refine human elixirs and eventually his own tomb was robbed and their corpses were refining human elixirs. It has become a drug introduction for others."

The blind man said at this time: "If this woman is the cauldron used by the owner of the tomb to refine human elixirs, she should be in the main tomb chamber and should not appear here. If it were not for the changes in the mountains over the years and this body was accidentally left outside, then It was this woman who escaped and died in the corridor due to her injuries. Regardless of the outcome, it seems that we are not far from the main tomb."

"I can already smell the Yin Qi getting stronger around here."

Everyone sighed for the people who lived thousands of years ago. After the corpse was buried, they continued on the road. With the blind man's reminder, everyone began to pay careful attention to whether there was an inconspicuous secret passage in the corridor during the rest of the journey. This secret passage may have been the masons who built the mausoleum. The escape hatch left can lead directly to the main tomb chamber...

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