White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 119 When the fake is true, the true is also false, and when the true is false, the false is

"I have answered your question."

"For the sake of fairness, it's your turn to answer my question."

When facing Jin An.

Mr. Yiyun disdains being the dishonest person who breaks his word.

Therefore, Young Master Yiyun, under the moonlight, briefly organized his words, and then answered Jin An's question.

"I don't know why Mr. Jin An misunderstood my method of painting skin. Mr. Jin An must have heard of the soul leaving the body, right?"

"Actually, the art of painting skin that I practice is based on the art of distraction."

"I can distract dozens or hundreds of my souls and control dozens or hundreds of paintings at the same time."

"And I just need to find a body that can distract my soul and live in it, but this body must be a yang body, not the ghostly painted skin in Mr. Jin An's heart."

"Only Yang Body Painted Skin can warm and nourish my Yuan Shen's distraction at all times, so that my Yuan Shen's distraction can move freely even in the daytime sun, which is the most harmful to the Yuan Shen's out-of-body experience."

"As for how to cultivate this Yang Body Painted Skin, it involves many secrets, and it is not convenient to reveal it to Mr. Jin An here."

Mr. Yiyun did not hide anything from Jin An.

She said everything truthfully.

After Jin An listened, his eyes looked thoughtful.

"Master Yiyun hasn't answered my other question yet. Were all members of Magistrate Zhang's family killed by you?"

Young Master Yiyun did not answer Jin An's question immediately this time. He was silent at first, and then exhaled like an orchid and said, "Young Master Jin An, do you think you can't trust me as a person?"

"Still think I'm a murderous female demon from the cult?"

Jin An shook his head gently: "I believe it."

"As early as a month ago, Mr. Yiyun and Mr. Qibo were willing to pick up a stranger like me that night. I trusted Mr. Yiyun and Mr. Qibo."

"But after receiving the answer from Mr. Yiyun, I became more enlightened."

"If the thoughts are not clear, everything will not go as planned, so there will always be a gap between me and Mr. Yiyun."

Young Master Yiyun smiled.

Her smile was beautiful and flawless, her smile blooming like a god: "It seems that Qi Bo and I didn't save a white-eyed wolf in vain that day."

"Save?" Jin An frowned.

In an instant, Jin An read a lot of the information.

"This is a long story, so why not go into the study and have a long talk." Master Yiyun looked at Jin An's eyes.

Jin An's eyes were open and aboveboard, and he said without hesitation: "Okay."

Looking at Jin An, who had no hesitation and had bright and upright eyes, Mr. Yiyun smiled again.

This shows that Jin An did not lie.

Really trust her.

Not those hypocrites who say one thing but mean another behind their backs.

And trust is the basis of everything.

Afterwards, Master Yiyun and Qi Bo walked in front.

Jin An followed.

The three of them walked into the study.

Just when Mr. Yiyun had just crossed the threshold and entered the study, she suddenly shrank her right hand as if she had been electrocuted. Then the pretender turned back and glared at Jin An in embarrassment.

"what you do?"

Mr. Yiyun covered his right hand with his left hand. At this moment, his right hand still felt a bit burned and stinging. When he looked at the tip of his middle finger, it was slightly red.

It turned out that just now, as Mr. Yiyun was walking in front, when he crossed the threshold and his arms swung a little too much, Jin An took the opportunity to use the inner energy of the Black Mountain Kung Fu to hold Mr. Yiyun's fingertips.

Jin An frowned and asked instead of answering: "Master Yiyun, is this body also painted?"

"Why don't Mr. Yiyun show his true face to others?"

Young Master Yiyun glared at Jin An in annoyance. Jin An's frivolous behavior just now completely ignored the relationship between men and women. The annoyed Young Master Yiyun did not answer Jin An's question, and went into the study room in anger, leaving only A wisp of breeze brought the scent of red moon rouge powder to the place where I was.

Did Jin An really have a sperm in his head just now?

Lost your head?

Deliberately holding the hand of the opposite sex?

Of course this is not the case.

Tonight's experience was really unbelievable. Who would have thought that there was no one alive in Magistrate Zhang's residence in the backyard of the Yamen.

They are all painters!

Therefore, Jin An wanted to know whether Mr. Yiyun in front of him was just a fish skin? But who knew that Mr. Yiyun in front of him was still not a real person.


Jin'an was startled.

If Mr. Yiyun in front of him is not a real person, then doesn’t it mean that what the old Taoist said when he looked at Mr. Yiyun’s face cannot be taken seriously?

——Master Yiyun's forehead is dark, indicating that his parents died in vain, and they did not die at the end of his life.

——There is a faint gray and black air in the children's palace, which invades the forehead of the parents' heaven, indicating that these parents died in vain, and they are inseparable from Master Yiyun.

In Jin An's mind, he remembered these two sentences that the old Taoist priest had talked with him in private.

As if to declare her sovereignty, Master Yiyun entered the study and sat directly on Magistrate Zhang's chair.

If this Taishi chair is in a yamen, it can only be used by officials with good grades. It represents the largest official in Chang County and is the top leader in Chang County.

If placed in the backyard, it symbolizes the head of the family.

However, Jin An did not expect this at this time, because he suddenly said another shocking sentence: "Master Yiyun, your painted skin should not be fish skin, right?"

"Master Yiyun, don't rush to deny it. I can still smell it with my nose whether it's fish skin or not."

When Jin An used the Black Mountain Kung Energy to burn Master Yiyun's fingertips just now, the burning smell that arose at that moment was different from what he smelled on Magistrate Zhang, his wife, and his bodyguard.

Mr. Yiyun did not hide anything, he directly admitted openly: "This painted skin is indeed human skin."

"Oh." Jin An just nodded calmly.

This time, Mr. Yiyun was a little confused and at a loss. This reaction seemed a bit too plain and calm?

Seemingly seeing the doubts in Master Yiyun's mind, Jin An took the initiative to explain: "As I said before, Master Yiyun and Uncle Qi saved my life. Since I have chosen to trust Master Yiyun, , I will no longer question Mr. Yiyun. Just like a life philosophy taught to me by an old Taoist, 'Everyone has his own secrets in his heart. You don't have to be serious about everything, and you don't have to dig deep to get to the bottom of things. It's rare to be confused once in a life.'"

Mr. Yiyun's eyes showed surprise and recognition: "Daoist Chen is indeed a strange person."

Next, Young Master Yiyun began to tell the whole story in detail.

"The trumpet urn, gathering place, and coffin temple. It is said that the coffin temple is the legendary cornucopia. Unfortunately, the cornucopia is not in the coffin temple. But the seal of the coffin temple has been broken by someone."

"Because Mr. Jin An is kind-hearted, the words he said when he bowed to the victims in the coffin temple, 'Good people should not suffer,' made Qi Bo and I feel deeply, so we planned to help Mr. Jin An. A handful."

"Jin'an should know what happened next. Mr. Jin'an got on my carriage and entered Chang County."

"Originally, I thought that after we said goodbye that day, we would never meet each other again. But fate is unpredictable. The inn where Mr. Jin An stayed happened to be the place where Qi Bo and I stayed, and it happened to be the five internal organs. Where Taoists live.”

"It's rare to have a chance in a thousand years... So I followed the current and brought the relics left by Taoist Wu Zang to Mr. Jin An's chance to stumble upon them."

"If Mr. Jin An insists on asking me why I have helped so many times, it can be understood that when you bowed to the deceased father and son in the coffin temple, 'good people should not suffer', which made Qi Bo and I see a bright future in you. Reason and the spirit of a saint who can distinguish right from wrong will not mean that just because this person is an evil spirit, a corpse, or a painted skin, he will think that they all want to harm others, and will sweep them all into the heresy and treat them as aliens. And there is another one The reason is that Mr. Jin An gave me the Red Moon Rouge that day. I don’t like to owe anyone a favor, even if it’s just a box of three coins of Red Moon Rouge, I don’t like to owe others, so I treat it as repaying the favor.”

This is what people often call good karma.

Good luck.

Get good results.

Whatever the cause, there is the effect.

The cycle of cause and effect has its own divine will.

After listening to Mr. Yiyun's explanation, Jin An decided that tomorrow he would go to the rouge powder shop to find the boss who forced him to sell rouge that day.

This time he wanted to buy ten boxes of Red Moon Rouge in one go.

Then he must lick Mr. Yiyun hard, even if he licks the head of the knife hard, even if the hard lick is successful just once, the deal will definitely not be a loss.

That was a favor from Mr. Yiyun.

The identity of Mr. Yiyun is obvious at first glance. Anyone who can learn the six arts of Confucianism "ritual, music, archery, imperialism, calligraphy, and mathematics" will have a rich or noble family.

"So, of all the people I bumped into that night a month ago, not one of them was alive?" Several black lines hung down Jin An's forehead.

Mr. Yiyun smiled happily.

Laughing and gloating.

At this time, Qi Bo, who was standing aside, finally recovered from the unforgettable emotional memories of his youth. Qi Bo couldn't hide a hint of sadness in the corners of his eyes, and then he looked at Jin An with sympathy.

This Young Master of Jin'an is determined and different from ordinary people. If he had been an ordinary person, he would have been frightened into a fool that night.

"Then what happened to Magistrate Zhang and his family?"

Mr. Yiyun did not answer immediately, but asked Jin An: "Master Jin An, do you think that how long can such a big thing as Qingqianliu and the secret hiding of gunpowder among the people be hidden based on the ability of the people alone?"

Jin An frowned when he heard this.

The truth behind Mr. Yiyun's words is intriguing.

Young Master Yiyun continued: "Young Master Jin'an should have read the letter sent by the owner of the incense shop to Taoist Wu Zang, right? I have read that letter, and Qi Bo has also read it."

"Even the owner of the incense shop could trace clues to the cornucopia all by himself to Chang County. Mr. Jin'an, do you think there will be only one force in the world chasing clues to the cornucopia? Others wouldn't have found it a few years, or even ten years earlier. Any clues that the cornucopia appeared in Chang County?"

Ten years ago?

Jin An's scalp felt slightly numb. What happened that night ten years ago?

"Since Mr. Yiyun, you alone have replaced Magistrate Zhang and his family, where is Mr. Zhang now?" Jin An asked the question he had been wondering about for a long time.

Young Master Yiyun glanced at Jin An.

Her tone was calm and gentle, as if she was just playing with a light feather and she said: "According to the laws of Kangding State, corruption and perversion of the law exceeds sixty taels of silver..."

"His crime deserves to be punished."

Jin An was startled.

Kill the imperial official?

Who is this Young Master Yiyun? Aren't you afraid that the Kangding Kingdom will convict her of a capital crime and make her wanted nationwide?

Perhaps this is the reason why Taoist Wu Zang used the Qi-gazing technique to see the scholar's aura of fame and fortune in Mr. Yiyun? Is there a Confucian scholar with a good reputation... Jin An frowned.

Here Jin An is still trying to digest tonight's conversation in his mind.

Mr. Yiyun on the other end was not in a hurry to continue talking. Instead, he waited for a moment, feeling that Jin An had almost finished digesting the content of the conversation and began to continue talking.

"Not long after I came to Chang County, I discovered that Magistrate Zhang had already colluded with some evil people, bribed them, and secretly helped them find the cornucopia. When the Yin-piercers and paper-piercers failed to find the cornucopia in the trumpet, urn, coffin temple, they He focused on the thousand-year-old Qingqianliu tree in the Wenwu Temple in Chang County, thinking that the cornucopia was buried under the tree, and secretly hid gunpowder in an attempt to blow up the Qingqianliu tree and dig out the cornucopia."

"But they are all wrong. There is no cornucopia in the Wenwu Temple in Chang County."

"I replaced Magistrate Zhang. I originally wanted to use Monk Pu Zhi as a bait to fish out the assassins and zhizharen who were co-conspirators behind the scenes, but I didn't expect Master Jin An to kill Monk Pu Zhi first."

"Treasure basin, what kind of treasure is that? It's really worth so many people fighting for, and so many innocent people dying."

"Ten years ago, what kind of accident happened to Qingqianliu? Why did Qingqianliu become magical overnight and its bronze leaves turned into brass leaves overnight?"

"Why did Mr. Yiyun say that Qingqianliu cannot be blown up?"

Tonight, Jin An's mind was filled with too many questions.

The more Mr. Yiyun explained, the more questions he had in mind, and it took some time to digest them.

The candles in the study continued to burn cracklingly. The night outside was pitch black and thick, but the lights inside were bright, forming a distinct and strange line between black and white.

In this silent atmosphere, Mr. Yiyun breathed out a sigh of relief, and the expression on his face changed to a solemn one.

"This matter is a bit complicated. Let's start with that shocking night ten years ago."

"Ten years ago, the green money willow was not magical overnight. It was just an ordinary green money willow that was more popular in the local area."

"Everyone enshrines the Qingqianliu in the Wenwu Temple, and the incense continues every year. It seems that the status of the Qingqianliu in Chang County is higher than that of the two saints, Civil and Wu. Even in Chang County, the status of the two saints is even lower than that of the two saints. Worse than a 'dead wood' that won't move."

"Among the people in Chang County, there is a legend about Qingqianliu passed down orally. It is said that thousands of years ago, several ancient dynasties ago, there was a great scholar in Chang County who was not only knowledgeable but also good at riding and shooting. In order to expel foreign invasion, he He died in battle. So the locals in Chang County built a civil and military temple specifically for this great Confucian to forever commemorate this great Confucian who was capable of both literary and military skills and died in battle. He was regarded by the people as a man of noble integrity and has been passed down for thousands of years. as long as."

"The people of Chang County chose a blessed site in Chang County, which has open terrain, running water and popular places. They built a temple and planted a willow tree. At that time, the Qingqian Liu was still a sun tree."

"But all this was accidentally broken by one person at a Qingming temple fair ten years ago."

"The man stood under the green money willow and looked at the green money willow with its branches and leaves spreading and luxuriant. It has stood for thousands of years and still hasn't fallen. He did not offer incense or worship to the green money willow like other people did. Offering incense... His face did not show piety and blessings like others, praying for the civil and martial arts examinations in the coming year... but he scolded the treacherous people who were greedy for life and afraid of death, traitorous to the country for glory, and let foreigners burn, kill, and plunder, but they still had the face. Build a temple for yourself, set up a chastity tablet for yourself, let the world praise you for dying in battle, rather than surrender, and whitewash the treacherous people into noble and upright Confucians. Others' treacherous ministers will be infamy for thousands of years, but you deceive the world and steal your reputation, and the more you live, the more you look like a saint."

"I wonder if Mr. Jin'an has ever heard of an idiom called "Public speech produces gold"? "Public speech produces gold, and people's words are terrifying, no matter whether they are right or wrong, white or black, when everyone around you is passing on the same word" When it comes to facts, what is false can become true, what is black can be washed into white, and what is pointed out as a deer can become a horse."

"When word of mouth spread too much, even I heard it a lot. In the end, even I believed that I was a great scholar with high integrity who drove away the foreign invasion and died in the battle. He really regarded himself as a man of integrity. It was exactly in response to that sentence As the saying goes, when the false is true, the true is also false, and when the true is false, the false is also true.”

"I wonder if Mr. Jin'an has heard of another idiom, which is called the stick on the head. That day, the stick on the head woke up from the dream that had been sleeping for thousands of years, and the dreamer was awakened by one word!"

"So that night, the green money willow was magical overnight. Green means fresh air, but the green leaves turned into turbid yellow leaves overnight, so that the willow tree that was supposed to be a Yang tree on the blessed site turned into a man-eating Yin tree overnight. Wood willow tree. Just like he was greedy for life and afraid of death thousands of years ago, betrayed his country and sought glory, ate the flesh of the people and drank the blood of the people, used his many bones to build the glory and wealth of his two generations of dynasties, and promoted himself to the rank of nobility. Even if he died, he would still remain alive. Transformation, nature is hard to change.”

Unexpectedly, there were so many secrets involved in this, Jin An was surprised when he heard it.

No wonder that night when his spirit came out of his body, he clearly saw a great scholar with great righteousness and iron bones, but behind him grew a thousand-year-old evil tree that was loved by thousands of people during the day and cannibalized people at night!

During the day, it is a normal Yang coin, but at night, it is a Yin coin that can slowly absorb three souls and seven souls!

Both true and false.

Both yang and yin.

Who can argue with the scholar's loyalty? Even if the bones are rotten, this thought should still exist.

At this time, when Jin An chewed on these words again, his mood was completely different.

Zhongyi, a scholar who deceived the world and stole his reputation, changed history, and then it was passed down by word of mouth for thousands of years, and it became everyone's talk of gold, but a thousand-year-old evil tree grew up that can eat people!

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