White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 120 The Origin of the Cornucopia (Thanks to the leader @

"Then who is the person who revealed the mystery ten years ago?"

Jin An asked the question in his mind.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Yiyun shook his head.

"Some people speculate that that person should be the first group of people to discover clues about the cornucopia in Chang County."

Jin An lowered his head and pondered.

Unexpectedly, this person’s identity is quite mysterious.

But yes.

After all, this happened ten years ago.

Ten years is not a long time.

Not short.

Many historical truths have long been buried in the long river of time.

Jin'an thought carefully about Master Yiyun's words, and he quite supported the speculation about the identity of the mysterious man. He should be the first person to discover clues about the cornucopia in Chang County.

Because the matter of Qingqianliu involves secrets from thousands of years ago. If a lot of manpower, material and financial resources had not been spent on deliberate investigation, ordinary people would have no idea about such secrets that have been buried under the long sands of history.

Before Jin An could take the initiative to speak this time, Master Yiyun had already continued: "After talking about the reason why Qingqianliu was so magical one night ten years ago, let's talk about the relationship between the cornucopia and Qingqianliu..."

"What does Mr. Jin An think the cornucopia should look like?"

Facing Young Master Yiyun's question, Jin An looked thoughtfully.



Listening to Jin An's wild guesses, the faces of Master Yiyun and Qi Bo showed that everything was exactly as I had guessed.

Jin An naturally saw the changes in the expressions on the master and servant's faces, so he tilted his head and thought for a moment, then added: "Or is it a potted plant?"


Mr. Yiyun and Qi Bo, who had originally looked so sure, almost choked on Jin An's words.

Young Master Yiyun's bright eyes were full of surprise and astonishment: "Why do Young Master Jin'an think... the cornucopia will be, uh, a potted plant?"

Jin'an's reason is simple: "The green money willow plant thrives in a pot. Isn't it a potted plant?"

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

Mr. Yiyun snorted again.

"Of course, according to what Mr. Yiyun just said, the group of assassins, Zhiyin masters, and monk Pu Zhi want to blow down the tree and dig a cornucopia, but in fact there is no cornucopia under the soil where the green money willow is planted, so I don’t think the cornucopia is a potted plant.”

If you sit for a long time, you will easily get backache, neck stiffness, and buttock pain. Jin An stretched his waist and said in a lazy voice.

"Master Jin An, be more confident and remove the word 'should'."

Young Master Yiyun glanced sideways at Jin An, who was stretching regardless of his appearance, then changed his face to a solemn expression and said: "Speaking of the cornucopia, it has another very unlucky name, called the cornucopia basin."

"Whether it's called a cornucopia or a cornucopia, it's actually a coffin."


Jin An was startled.

This is indeed a bit unexpected.

"It is said that in ancient times when the world was not yet unified, there was a small country called Shanzhou. One day, there was a loud sound like fire and thunder in the sky, and stars fell in the west. The ground was turned into stone, and the light of fire shone brightly in the sky, which could be seen far and near. Three days later, the fire died out, and Shanzhou obtained a meteorite, which was named a sacred stone. This is a record from unofficial history."

Young Master Yiyun continued: "Since then, Shanzhou's national strength has been booming, and it has vigorously expanded its territory. Its soldiers are good at conquering and fighting, and its troops have an endless supply. It annexed the territories of neighboring countries everywhere, and soon annexed most of the small countries. Soon it was annexed by most of the small countries. Later, there were rumors among the people that the Shanzhou State had dark soldiers to help them. Every time they marched and fought, they only marched at night. Wherever the army passed, there were strong winds, and they were invincible and victorious."

"But just when Shanzhou Kingdom was fighting everywhere, annexing neighboring countries, and was about to dominate the world, the King of Shanzhou fell ill. Knowing that he didn't have much time left, he summoned all the craftsmen from all over the country overnight to polish the sacred stone and create the It was a coffin, but because it was unlucky to call it a coffin, it was named cornucopia, which means "all the luck in the world gathers in Shanzhou." Before his death, the king of Shanzhou called all his children and concubines to his bedside. An oracle was issued to bury his body in a cornucopia after his death.”

"However, the King of Shanzhou had just passed away, and a dozen of his sons began to rush to seize the throne. There were internal fighting among the parties, and blood flowed. Everyone was coveting the huge territory that the Shanzhou Kingdom had acquired, and no one cared about the King of Shanzhou at all. Corpse."

"It wasn't until the Shanzhou Kingdom fell into internal strife that the neighboring allies, who shared the same hatred, took the opportunity to break through the royal city and enter the palace. Only then did they discover that the body of the Shanzhou King was rotten and smelly, and one of his legs and hands was almost eaten by rats. It’s gone, only the bones are left, but no one cares about it.”

"That night, all the countries formed an alliance to conquer the Shanzhou Kingdom. In the chaos of burning, killing, and looting in Shanzhou, many royal family members of the Shanzhou Kingdom fled, and the whereabouts of the cornucopia were lost."

"Until Shanzhou Kingdom was destroyed, some rumors suddenly spread among the people for some reason, saying that the flying stone from the sky can bring people back to life. After death, as long as people touch the sacred stone, they can come back to life. So this is why Shanzhou Kingdom has been He can fight with an endless supply of troops, and the more he fights, the more soldiers he has, and he can dominate the world and annex neighboring countries."

"This can also explain why Shanzhou Kingdom only marches and fights at night. Wherever it goes, there are gusts of dark wind, and it is rumored by the people that the evil soldiers are taking advantage of the way."

"At that time, the King of Shanzhou knew that his time was short, so he wanted to use the cornucopia to come back to life, but unfortunately he married so many concubines and had more than a dozen sons, but no one buried him. The entire country of Shanzhou has been lost.”

Jin An did not interrupt Young Master Yiyun's narration and listened intently with bated breath.

Can the dead be resurrected by being close to a meteorite?

Could it be that this meteorite carries strong radiation and radioactive materials?

Just like it was difficult for the ancients to understand the various radiations and rays carried by extraterrestrial meteorites, which were often deified. Regarding meteorite radiation, Jin An had seen relevant reports in the news many times before. Of course, this is just Jin An's subconscious guess from modern times, or there may be other reasons, such as really being an innate treasure that can bring the dead back to life in mythology or something?

Mr. Yiyun continued to tell the story of the cornucopia.

"Originally, with the demise of Shanzhou Kingdom, Shanzhou Kingdom has faded out of the public eye, but faced with the temptation of resurrection, resurrection, and even immortality, at that time, various countries began to arrest the imperial clan members who escaped from Shanzhou Kingdom. Dear, palace maid craftsman..."

"At that time, the kings of all the countries were crazy. In just less than a year, countless people died due to direct or indirect involvement. The world was in a smog, and heads were falling every day. Naturally, all the royal bloodlines of Shanzhou Kingdom were also lost. One survived.”

"This bloody storm lasted for seven or eight years. The countries could not find the lost cornucopia, so they slowly gave up and continued to search for the whereabouts of the cornucopia."

"In these thousands of years, the cornucopia has been going around in circles. After being depressed for a period of time, it will appear again. When countless people die fighting for it, it will disappear again. No one can keep the cornucopia with them all year round. ."

"Because anyone who gets the cornucopia will end up with a bad ending. Either the country will be destroyed or the family will be destroyed. Then the cornucopia will be lost again and disappeared, abandoning the previous owner."

"This cornucopia seems to be born with bad luck and ominousness. Everyone who gets it will end up with a bad end and run out of energy. It seems that this cornucopia can absorb people's luck. When it absorbs people's luck, it will leave its owner. After it has been depressed for a period of time, it will be acquired by the next owner. Because it is too evil, later generations also call it the 'Yin basin', which means an ominous thing."

"But even so, whenever the cornucopia is born, it will always trigger a bloody fight, because immortality is too tempting for mortals with limited life spans. Everyone is afraid of death. As long as they are afraid of death, they will work hard to find it. That misty and boundless immortality. The cornucopia has such a magical power that always makes many people bleed in rivers fighting for it. But whether it can really bring back the dead and live forever, no one in history has ever witnessed it. The only record is It only exists in the unrecorded unofficial history of Shanzhou Kingdom that has long since disappeared."

Regarding the origin of the cornucopia, Master Yiyun did not hide anything and had already confessed it to Jin An.

She finally said: "I don't know when the news that the cornucopia was about to be born reappeared, and this time the clues pointed directly to Chang County, saying that the great scholar who was enshrined in Wenwu Temple received the cornucopia during his lifetime. "

"The assassins and others want to blow up the tree. It's probably because they haven't found the cornucopia elsewhere, so they think the cornucopia is at Wen Mo Temple, or under the Qingqian Liu."

After listening to Master Yiyun's words, Jin An fell into deep thought.

"Then how will Young Master Yiyun deal with the Qing Qian Liu rebellion?"

"Since this is a Yin tree that eats people, let's just ask the Yin assassins and the others to blow up this evil tree, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

Jin An said.

Mr. Yiyun shook his head: "This Qingqianliu incident has been brewing for a long time in Chang County and has become a major scourge. It is not that simple to get rid of the evil. Qingqianliu has slowly invaded most of the county with its evil influence. The common people cannot drive away evil spirits alone.”

"The Qingqianliu is relatively calm now. If the tree is destroyed, the Qingqianliu may be angered, and the whole city may suffer overnight."

"I have reported the news about this place to Fucheng. I hope that Fucheng will know it as soon as possible. Fucheng will report the news about this place to Zhenguo Temple or Yujing Golden Tower in the capital as soon as possible, and send a large number of eminent monks or a large number of Taoist disciples to Chang County to kill the evil. magic."

After hearing this, Jin An always felt that this rhetoric was very familiar.

The Taoist priest Wu Zang told him the same thing about the trumpet, urn, and coffin temple back then. Keeping the coffin in the temple would harm people's lives, but it wouldn't cause a major disaster. He just needed to avoid it on weekdays.

But if the temple is really demolished by force, it will be like letting a hungry tiger out of its cage, and more people will die.

Just at this moment, several government officials walked into the courtyard outside the study.

"Your Majesty the County Magistrate, the bodies of Jin Kuan and Lin Mingcheng that you ordered us to find have been brought here."

At this time, Magistrate Zhang's majestic voice came from the study: "Well, thank you for your hard work. Please step back and rest first."

When the government officials turned and left, Jin An looked at the two black coffins placed in the courtyard outside the study with surprise.

One of the coffins was naturally familiar to him.

When his soul left his body last night, he had just seen Jin Kuan's coffin in Yi Zhuang.

Jin An looked at Mr. Yiyun with puzzled eyes.

"Master Jin An, aren't you very confused as to why I keep preventing the tree from being blown up and why I keep worrying about angering Qing Qian Liu? These two corpses are the answer."

"I know that Mr. Jin An will definitely ask about Qingqianliu tonight, so I have just ordered people to transport two corpses to Yizhuang."

Young Master Yiyun led Jin An out of the study.

It was late at night, the surroundings were dark and very quiet, but there were two black coffins in the courtyard. Although the Yamen was the place where the fate of millions of people in the court was inherited, and righteousness was the most important, usually the Yamen would not cause trouble. But this still couldn't suppress the terrifying atmosphere of facing two coffins at night, with two dead people lying in the coffins.

Jin Kuan in one of the coffins has been dead for more than a day. Rigor mortis has disappeared. The dead man's face is gray, his lips are blue, and his eyes are closed. The body is lying flat in the coffin. The weather has begun to heat up, and the inside of the body has already begun to heat up. It started to rot, and when people got close to the coffin, the smell was not pleasant.

"Master Jin'an, does he know how Jin Kuan died?"

Although he didn't understand Mr. Yiyun's intention in asking this question, Jin An still replied: "He died suddenly in a gambling stall after the Qingqian Liu absorbed all the three souls and seven souls."

Young Master Yiyun first glanced at Jin An in surprise. She did not put too much energy into such trivial matters, but nodded and continued: "Since Young Master Jin An already knows the real cause of Jin Kuan's death, then Jin An Young Master, have you noticed that Jin Kuan’s corpse is any different from ordinary people?”

When Jin An heard this, his heart moved.

He held his breath and endured the smell in the coffin, and began to lean over and carefully observe the dead body in the coffin.

But when the incense stick passed by, Jin An found nothing. It was no different from an ordinary dead body.

At this time, Qibo walked to the coffin.

Qi Bo smiled at Jin An and said, "Master Jin An, let me do this dirty work."

"Actually, the people in these two coffins all died of Qingqianliu. They died suddenly after being sucked out of their three souls and seven souls by the evil energy in the Qianqian."

"Normally, there is nothing abnormal about these corpses. They are quite peaceful, just like the corpses of normal people after death. But if you put them together, then a problem arises..."

Qibo took out the two corpses in the coffins and spread them flat on the ground of the courtyard. As a result, a horrifying scene occurred.

The two corpses on the ground actually moved on their own. Their bodies were twisted and entangled. The two corpses were tightly stuck together. Their hands, feet, and spine were completely broken and stretched out to the back, entangled!




All the bones in the body were twisted, crushed, and exploded under the load.

A large amount of foul-smelling black liquid was secreted from the inside of the corpse, but it was not corpse night, nor was it the blood of a dead person, but it was extremely stinky.

Finally, after the two corpses were twisted and entangled like old tree root statues, they stopped changing and returned to a still state.

At this time, the surface of the corpse was already filled with the stinking black liquid secreted from the body, like tree sap, adhering the two corpses together.

There is a night breeze blowing into the courtyard at night.

The wind blows.

Goosebumps stood up on my arms.

"Young Master Jin An should know that no matter whether it is flowers, plants or trees, once they take root in the ground, they will continue to grow more grass roots and tree roots every year... So, Young Master Jin An, does he know that in the ten years since Qingqian Liu has turned into a shady tree? , how widely do its roots spread underground?"

Mr. Yiyun finally expressed her worries.



When Jin An reacted, he was stunned, and a chill climbed up his back from his tailbone.

In this way, all the people who died in the Qingqianliu eventually became the root system of the Qingqianliu. So how many twisted roots of the dead were buried under the Qingqianliu tree in Man Mo Temple?

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