White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1188 Jin An: I am the righteous God of Tai Sui, who dares to disturb me?

The final search result is that the hidden cave space is comparable to a large karst cave. It takes a while to measure the east, west, north and south before reaching the end.

What I saw the most during this period were various exotic flowers and trees carved in bronze, which were as majestic as a royal forest garden and covered a vast area.

Tai Sui met three humanoids, and the humanoid mother Tai Sui met at the beginning was the most complete one. Of course, completeness is only relative. As Mr. Bai said, if you haven't grown any facial features yet, you haven't really practiced yet. Becoming a spirit is the greatest luck among misfortunes.

But having three Tai Sui around is like having something dirty lying on the side of the couch. No one knows when it will break out and hurt someone.

As for the body of the tomb owner, they searched all over the cave but could not find the coffin.

"In my opinion, the body of the owner of this tomb is buried in the soil at his feet, so he deliberately planted a few Tai Sui to warn future generations to see who dares to disturb Tai Sui's head." The mountain guard looked at the human Tai Sui with a scrupulous expression. direction.

The blind man squatted down, grabbed a handful of black soil, smelled it, then sprinkled the black soil in his hand and said, "The soil here is also the soil of five dung."

"Damn, there's so much excrement soil, so many bird and bat caves have to be dug out. It's a whole country looking for excrement." The mountain guard couldn't help but curse.

This black soil is fertile soil if left outside. If you sow a handful of seeds this year, it will be a bumper harvest next year. But in this dark underground space where the sun is not visible, the cold air is too strong, it is dark soil, dirty soil, and no matter how many crops you plant, they will wither.

Only a living creature like Tai Sui, which has a lot of yin energy and evil nature, can hide here and secretly cultivate to become a spirit.

Tai Sui is taboo against Tai Sui in many ways among the people, and is also taboo against Tai Sui among people who live in social circles. This is a lesson learned from countless lives since ancient times. Corpse guards are always more concerned about breaking ground on Tai Sui's head, even if they know that it is the owner of the tomb. Deliberately frightening outsiders, but this kind of conspiracy method brought to the table is the best at frightening people. The corpse guard looked around and said cautiously: "How about we search this burial cave carefully again? This burial cave is very spacious. We just roughly measured the space, but we didn't actually search it completely... For example, we didn't go in to search for those bronze woods... Maybe the tomb owner's coffin is hidden in the bronze woods?"

All right.

When the corpse master said it, even he hesitated, and even he felt that his words were not confident enough.

Several people discussed to no avail, but in the end the issue was pushed to Jin'an's side. Mr. Bai looked at Jin'an: "This secret burial cave was discovered by Taoist Priest Jin'an, and it was also excavated by Taoist Priest Jin'an. Do you have any clues about this burial cave? Do you think the tomb owner’s coffin is above ground or underground?”

Who would have thought that Jin An seemed to already have the answer in his heart, and he said without hesitation: "This time I went on a night trip with my soul out of body, and I brought with me a Tai Sui bow and arrow talisman that can kill in the three realms."

At first, everyone did not realize the meaning of Jin An's words. Why did he mention the Tai Sui bow and arrow talisman? It had nothing to do with Mr. Bai's question. After a few breaths, they gradually realized the meaning.

According to folklore, the water god Gonggong had a son named Houtu, who gave birth to the god of time, Yanming, and Yanming had twelve children, who are often called the twelve Taisui gods among the people. The twelve Taisui are respectively Shetige, Danqian, Zhixu, Dahuangluo, Guo Zang, Xiexia, Hutan, Zuowei, Jianmao, Dayuanxian, Kundun and Chifenruo, which correspond to the twelve branches in order. .

Jin'an means that I have Tai Sui's bow and arrow talisman, I have Tai Sui God as my backer, and I walk the world on behalf of the gods. Who dares to trick me? It is equivalent to rebelling against the Twelve Taisui. A few little Tai Sui who only dared to hide in the dark and practice secretly, dared to make trouble on his head, the real Tai Sui God?

Another meaning is that he supports the view that the coffin of the tomb owner is buried underground and agrees with digging up the earth to find the body.

Haha, several people laughed happily and praised Jin'an one after another as a lucky star of humanity. This journey made them much smoother. After the praise, everyone rolled up their sleeves and prepared to dig the grave.

The corpse master will no longer stop everyone this time.

This hiding hole is very big, so naturally you can't just search blindly, otherwise you may not be able to dig out the coffin if Yu Gong comes. This time, let the blind man cast stones to find the way.

It’s the same turtle shells, this time instead of just throwing them on the ground and relying on echolocation, this time the turtle shells are used to make predictions.

Turtle shell hexagram is also called six-yao divination.

Put your palms together and shake it, then throw it six times to form a hexagram.

The sequence of the sixty-four hexagrams of the Turtle Shell Shake Gua: Qian is the sky, the sky is windy, the Tianshan Mountain escapes, the heaven and the earth are not, the wind and the earth are viewed, the mountain and the earth peel off, the fire and the earth advance, the fire and the sky are abundant. The ridge is water, the water festival, the water thunder tunnel, the water and fire are both beneficial, the fire leather is rich, the thunder and fire are abundant, the earth fire is bright, the earth water division...

The first hexagram: Qian Qian is the sky, Qian Qian is above Qian Qian and Qian Qian is below.

The second hexagram: Kun Kun is the earth, Kun is above and Kun is below.

The third hexagram: Tuen Shui Lei Tuen, the ridge is shaken up and down.

The result of the final hexagram throw is "The earth and thunder will return, and the earth will shake down."

The blind man touched the hexagram with his hand and began to interpret the hexagram: "Thunder is in the ground, and it returns. The inner hexagram of this hexagram is earthquake, which is thunder, and the outer hexagram is Kun, which is earth. When the sky is cold and the ground is freezing, thunder returns to the earth, and it returns again and again. Return in due course.”

"The general idea of ​​this hexagram is that vitality will emerge in the cycle, success is in sight, and failure will occur if you are impatient. Those who get this hexagram will have better fortunes, follow the trend, and things can be accomplished, but they should not be too hasty. Thunder means that there is vitality in desperate situations, you guys Who makes a thunder? If you want to find the place where the tomb owner’s coffin is buried, you can use thunder to hear it.”

The smell here is not the sense of smell, but the hearing with the ears. The blind man means that he needs to listen to the thunder to find the corpse.

The soil of five dung is the source of yin and yang. It seems to be in a desperate situation, but it has the cycle of the five elements, which is endless, just in line with the meaning of thunder.

Everyone looked at the turtle shell thrown by the blind man in amazement. Jin An exclaimed: "I didn't expect that Mr. Turtle Shell's fortune-telling was so magical. The owner of the tomb spent a lot of time and energy, calculating the first thousand years and the next thousand years, and finally it was There is no way to hide from Mr.’s searching sky and earth, there is nothing to hide from.”

Although Jin'an has artifacts such as the Luo Geng Jade Plate, he is currently traveling at night as a soul and does not carry it with him.

The blind man put away the tortoise shell and said with a slightly proud smile: "This thousand-year-old tomb is unusual, but old man, these tortoise shells of mine also have a good background. They are also from the imperial mausoleum antiquities."

The blind man stopped talking briefly, everyone knew it well and did not ask further details.

The next step is to find the coffin through thunder. Mr. Bai, the blind man, the corpse guard, and the mountain guard are all strange people in the world. They are not members of the Taoist sect and have not practiced orthodox thunder methods. Qi Bo suggested that Jin An should come this time and praise Jin An. He has profound attainments in Lei method.

Jin An did not refuse. He was also curious about what the owner of the tomb looked like after putting so much effort into it. He immediately sacrificed the Holy Blood Tribulation Thunder Talisman, and with a deafening sound, lightning struck in the burial cave, turning day and night upside down in an instant. Bright as day.

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