White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1189 The humanoid Tai Sui who mysteriously disappeared



Amidst the deafening thunder, the bronze exotic flowers and trees in the burial cave all became lightning rods, guiding the lightning into the ground.

Jin An had expected this, and there was no unexpected expression on his face. He continued to use the Holy Blood Tribulation Thunder Talisman again and again, and moved the lightning.

There was lightning and thunder for a while.

No matter how stupid you are, you have already realized that the function of those bronze exotic flowers and trees is to act as lightning rods. The owner of the tomb took many protective measures thousands of years ago to prevent others from hearing the thunder.

Jin An also finally understood that the twenty-fourth hexagram "Recover the Earth with Thunder Recover" means that it is difficult to rush forward when planning things. The owner of the tomb was hidden too deep, and he needed to repeatedly listen to the thunder to locate the specific location of the body.

Jin'an went through the process several times and felt that the process was too slow. They could afford to wait, but those outside could not afford to wait. With the speed of those people digging mountains and rocks, the landslide could not delay the process for too long.

Jin An still chose the aggressive approach.

He put away the Holy Blood Tribulation Thunder Talisman, and then sacrificed a robe with a magic weapon of 600,000 Yin De level, risking the collapse of the burial cave, and activated the thunder and fire talisman on the five-color Taoist robe.


Thunder and fire soared into the sky, spreading rapidly like two fire clouds in the burial cave. The temperature in the cave instantly rose to a high temperature, and the entire world was filled with the aura of scorching sun and fire.

Others performed well, but the corpse guardian who was buried in the tomb of the Millennium Corpse King possessed by the soul had a hard time. Fortunately, Mr. Bai and the blind man took care of the corpse guardian.

This time the thunder and fire was so powerful that not all of the bronze exotic flowers and trees lightning rods successfully attracted the thunder. When the bronze flowers and trees could not withstand such majestic and domineering power of the thunder and fire, some of the thunder light rumbled and vibrated in the void, spreading in all directions.

Seeing that the power of thunder and fire was still not enough, Jin An decisively used it again, boom!

The burial cave shook violently, and a large amount of gravel fell from above the head. Some corroded and brittle bronze sacred trees were broken by these stones, and the effect of the lightning rod began to be affected.

Seeing that the burial cave was strong enough and did not collapse even after two thunder and fire bombardments, Jin An used the thunder and fire talisman on his robe for the third time.


The burial cave shook more violently, and more and larger rocks continued to fall.

After several previous thunder and fire bombardments, a lot of thunder and fire yang energy had accumulated in the burial cave. As Jin An used the thunder and fire magical power on his robe for the third time, a dark cloud began to accumulate above the burial cave.

Thunder also has the meaning of thunder and calamity. It is the sharp blade used by Dao to inspect the heaven and earth. It is specially designed to chop those old trees in the mountains and the king of corpses in the place where Yin gathers. Wherever the Yin energy in this burial cave is the strongest and most likely to cause trouble, the thunder will strike. .

The electric light exploded, and it was as bright as day in an instant. Everyone felt the ground under their feet shaking violently. The corpse master almost flew away in shock on the spot. Fortunately, there was no real soul in being scared away. However, the effect of this blow was also very significant. The thunder and lightning A deep pit of scorched earth half as wide as a man was carved into the ground.

Jin An was refreshed and said happily: "Thunder does not hit innocent people. The result of listening to thunder has appeared. It seems that the body of the tomb owner is buried here."

At this time, the team's morale was greatly boosted, and they immediately started exhuming the corpse.

This time the corpse guard felt unwell, so Jin An and the mountain guard dug the soil together.


In the end, I couldn't escape the fate of continuing to shovel shit.

Complaints are complaints, Jin An's speed in descending into the lightning pit was not slow at all.

But just when he jumped into the pit to shovel the soil of five dung, an accident happened. The human figure planted in the burial cave disappeared, and the exhumation process was temporarily interrupted.

The first person to discover that Tai Sui in human form was missing was Mandrill. As a mountain spirit, Mandrill was very sensitive to Tai Sui. Everyone was reminded by Mandrill and immediately checked the other two Tai Sui in human form.

As a result, all three humanoid Tai Sui disappeared, disappearing silently without anyone noticing.

"What's going on? Where are those humanoid Tai Sui?"

"Could it be that these dark things growing in the darkness were shocked by the thunder and fire inspection just now, so they hid them silently?"

"The ancestors are right. You really can't dig into Tai Sui's head. We haven't even started digging yet, but strange things are already happening!"

Even the progress of Jin'an and the mountain guards was interrupted, and they had to go ashore first and suspend their excavation.

"Can it be that even Tai Sui's bow and arrow talisman, which can kill the three realms, can't suppress the three humanoid Tai Sui here? Those three humanoid Tai Sui have been practicing for thousands of years. Are they not afraid that Tai Sui Zhengsheng is here?"

Everyone held torches in their hands and looked around carefully, secretly guarding against the human Tai Sui becoming a demon.

"We must find out where the three humanoid Tai Sui have moved. Are they still hiding among the lush bronze exotic flowers and trees in the burial cave or have they moved out of the burial cave without anyone noticing? And we must find out as soon as possible and leave them behind." We don’t have much time left!” Mr. Bai said.

The blind man also nodded in agreement.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the burial cave became tense, and everyone began to search for the three missing humanoid Tai Sui.

First, he went to the entrance of the burial cave to check, but found no traces and clues. He found that the hidden yellow talisman that had been left here to guard against outsiders had not been triggered, and the three humanoid Tai Sui were still in the burial cave.

This burial cave is so big that it is easy to hide hundreds of people, let alone just three humanoid Tai Sui.

"Help us find where those humanoid Tai Sui are hiding." Jin An said to the mandrills who were also mountain spirits.

The mandrill chirped in response, and carrying the gray-haired mouse on his back, he began to search for the humanoid Tai Sui throughout the cave.

"Mr. Bai, Qi Bo, you continue to excavate the body of the tomb owner first. Leave the matter of Tai Sui in human form to me. We can deal with it together to gain the most time."

"Hmph, I want to see what Tai Sui's background is, how dare he show up under the eyes of the Twelve Tai Sui God!" Jin An snorted and left in a hurry with Mandrill.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, I'll look for Tai Sui with you." Master Yiyun followed.

Jin An turned around and nodded, and the two of them left together.

At this time, Qi Bo was very sensible and did not get close to him.

Seeing my father and mother coming together, the mandrill chirped excitedly in front and worked harder to lead the way.

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