White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1191 Golden Mask and Small Tower

Mr. Bai and Qi Bo moved gently and carefully dug away the surrounding soil. What was revealed was not the coffin they imagined, but a golden mask.

The gold mask was rough in workmanship, thick and heavy, with a weird shape and a distorted face, as if it were several human faces spliced ​​together.

"Let's not talk about anything else. The weight of this gold alone... weighs a pound." Qi Bo and Mr. Bai both weighed it.

At the urging of others, Qibo threw the golden mask ashore for others to pass around.

"Could this golden mask carve the true face of the tomb owner? Could it be that the owner of the tomb is a freak? How can one person have so many faces and look so ugly." After looking at it, the mountain guard passed it to the blind man.

The blind man took the golden mask and recognized it by touch with his hands. He remained silent and passed it to the corpse master.

Corpse Controller: "It's indeed quite valuable. If you take it out, you can sell it for a lot of money."

The words of the corpse guards caused everyone to roll their eyes. Grave robbing was a capital crime no matter which dynasty or generation they were in. They were not here to rob tombs, but to exhume corpses to do justice to heaven.

"Let's dig some more to see if we can find any other valuable clues. Since we have dug up the burial objects, there must be a body buried under this lightning strike pit!"

As expected, another burial object was unearthed after a while, this time a stone letter was unearthed.

The stone letter was covered with a copper lock, but it had been rusted and brittle by the years, and it could be broken into two pieces if it was pulled casually. Opening the stone letter, there is a carefully preserved jade plaque inside.

This jade plaque is about the length and width of an adult's hand. The front of the jade plaque is engraved with complex patterns, and the back is engraved with several large seal characters. The blind man translated it as a "ghost charm."

However, no matter how well-preserved the jade plaque is, if it has been placed deep in the soil of five dung for many years, the surface of the jade plaque will turn black, with a large number of large and small black patches scattered across it, causing the jade plaque's pattern to be somewhat blurry.

The pattern roughly describes a person giving a ghost talisman to a general who leads troops to fight. The general can use the ghost talisman to mobilize the ghost soldiers in the underworld.

The jade token was so stained that it was impossible to see clearly the identity of the person who had given the ghost talisman.

Everyone began to discuss, who is the owner of the tomb, the general who led the troops in battle or the one who rewarded the ghost talisman on the ghost talisman?

"To build such a huge underground palace, a general does not have such huge financial resources. The owner of this underground tomb should be the owner of the ghost talisman."

Next, several ancient objects were unearthed one after another, including a stone statue. The surface of the statue was even more stained, and it was impossible to tell what was carved. Only a human figure could be seen;

A human head is sacrificed in a clay pot;

A bronze seven-star pagoda was also stained on the surface and severely rusted.

This seven-star tower is small and exquisite. It is about seven inches high when measured with the palm of your hand. It is exquisitely made, and details such as doors, windows, eaves and corners are perfectly carved.

The doors and windows of the Bronze Seven-Star Tower are sealed, and the entire tower is cast in one piece, leaving no removable gaps.

When the small tower was shaken, the collision sound could be clearly heard from the tower. Everyone was surprised, but they couldn't find the removable opening after turning over and over.

It was originally planned to use the soul to explore, but this small bronze tower has been buried under the soil of five dung for thousands of years. The air of the dirty earth has already penetrated deep into the material, so the soul cannot be used. If you force your way in, you may not see the secrets in the tower, and your soul will be defiled first, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

In the end, the mountain guard snatched it away and directly split open the small bronze tower: "We are not tomb robbers. We don't have to consider whether the antique is valuable. If this small tower contains clues about the identity of the owner of the tomb, it will be the most valuable. ."

The mountain guard dug through the debris on the ground and found a thin bamboo tube with a small note inside.

Pull out a small piece of paper with small sesame characters written on it.

The text on the note is not the large seal script on the jade plaque, but other characters. The Warring States and hundreds of countries have their own cultural characters, so it is difficult to identify the text content. At this time, if you want to find someone, you won't be able to find him for a while, so you can only keep the note and look for someone after you go out.

For this note to be preserved so closely and buried with the owner of the tomb, the content on it must be very important.

Keep shoveling…

This time we excavated several stone figurines. These stone figurines are the same as those female corpses. They are as big as ten months pregnant. The only difference is that these are stone figurines.

But soon, everyone discovered that things were not simple. These stone figurines were actually sealed with living people. When shoveling the soil, Qibo accidentally touched the stone figurines with the tool in his hand, accidentally smashed the surface, and found that there were Hollow, revealing a well-preserved mummy.

"Beasts! Sealing a living person into a stone mold, you can imagine how painful it must be before death!" The mountain guard yelled with hatred.

The blind man felt something in his heart: "Mr. Bai, dig out all the human sacrifices and let us find a place to bury them again. This can be regarded as a relief for them. They no longer have to serve the master of the underground palace forever and cannot enter reincarnation."

In the end, a total of five human figurines were unearthed.

They couldn't take away these human figurines, so they buried them on the spot. After they dug out the bodies of the tomb owners and destroyed them, they would be avenged and they could rest peacefully here.

After the human figurines, we dug for a while, and this time we unearthed a large number of bronze sword coins, which were too many to clear. In order to speed up the progress, we simply stopped cleaning these sword coins and dug all the way, bang!

The tool shoveled something again, but this time it was obviously different from the previous one. The thing it hit was very hard and made a clanging sound.

Mr. Bai and Qi Bo were refreshed. After a few moments, they dug up a layer of stone slabs and cut through the stone slabs with brute force, revealing a dark stone chamber.

The two were overjoyed. It seemed that they had found the main tomb this time.

However, the two of them did not rush down to the stone chamber immediately. They went ashore and waited for a while. They felt that the turbid gas inside that had been dusty for thousands of years was almost replaced with fresh air, and then they threw a torch into the stone chamber.

Seeing that the torch was still burning and not extinguished, the group couldn't wait to descend into the stone chamber, eager to see what the owner of the tomb looked like.

The space inside the stone chamber is not large, but there are five vertical coffins sealed in the small space.

This unexpected scene stunned the mountain guards and corpse guards.

"what happened?"

"The owner of the underground palace tomb is not one person, but five people?"

"Did you find someone else's ancestral grave? Are five generations buried in one grave?"

The blind man thought deeply: "Maybe it has something to do with the five elements of the soil of five dung. We have wasted too much time. What is in the coffin can be known by prying it open."

There was no nonsense next. A few people casually found a vertical coffin and directly pried it open to search for the body.

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