White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1192: A tree cannot survive without bark, and the corpse is hanged to remove its armor.

Just when the coffin was being pried, a small accident happened. A large amount of dark red mucus flowed out from the cracks in the coffin. It didn't look like blood or corpse water, but it was a bit like sealing fat to isolate the air.

The blind man took out a small porcelain box of ointment and smeared a little on each person's nose, saying that it could detoxify and prevent the thousand-year-old corpse poison in the coffin.

Blind man: "The smell of this ointment may not be very pleasant, so let's just make do with it."

The mountain guard sniffed his nose hard and said doubtfully: "Does this ointment have a smell? Why didn't I smell it? Did you smell anything?"

Everyone shook their heads and looked at the blind man in confusion.

The blind man was silent.

Seeing the blind man's sudden silence, the mountain guard urged him, "Don't say anything, blind man. You are making me a little panicked. What will happen if I can't smell the ointment?" Does it mean that we have unknowingly been infected with the poison in our marrow and become terminally ill?

Fortunately, the blind man immediately spoke and explained: "That's not true, blind man, I just suddenly realized that everyone is used to smelling the soil of five dung in the burial cave, and maybe the nose is blocked and the sense of smell is lost. This is also a good thing, at least you can't smell the ointment. "

The more the blind man said this, the more curious he aroused the curiosity of others. The corpse master said: "No, blind man, the more you say this, the more curious I am. What is the secret of your ointment that can make you so nervous? My nose Now it’s all the smell of latrines, and I can’t smell anything other than odor.”

The blind man raised his hand and patted the corpse master on the shoulder, and said seriously: "Sometimes ignorance is a blessing."

Everyone was a little creeped out when they heard it. Don't be scary when you say blind man. Now is not the environment for joking.

The blind man didn't say anything, but kept urging everyone to continue opening the coffin. The mysterious red liquid in the bronze coffin had already drained out and the coffin could be opened. They should cherish the precious time that Taoist Jin'an and Master Yiyun bought for them.

Everyone had to temporarily suppress their strong curiosity and go to open the coffin to find the owner of the tomb.


The heavy bronze coffin lid fell heavily to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust and red liquid on the ground. Unexpectedly, the corpse in the bronze coffin was wearing gold jade clothing, and the whole body was covered by gold jade clothing, so the true appearance of the corpse could not be seen.

"The gold-threaded jade clothing is a rare and generous gesture. It is said that the gold-threaded jade clothing can preserve the body from decay for thousands of years, and can even breathe on behalf of the human skin, thus achieving the purpose of resurrecting the dead."

After listening to Mr. Bai's description, the blind man solemnly said: "Peeling off a jade garment with golden threads is like peeling off a dead human skin. Regardless of whether the person inside is dead or not, one cannot directly touch the jade garment with golden threads, otherwise the anger will collide with the death energy, causing an imbalance of yin and yang. As soon as the things inside are caused, the body will be deceived. So if you want to peel off the golden jade clothes, you have to think long and hard."

"Mountain Keeper, although you are not a corpse chaser, you have been dealing with the dead for generations. You should have an idea on how to strip off this golden jade suit, right?"

Facing everyone's gazes, the mountain guard smiled confidently: "My ancestors dug several large tombs when they were building mausoleums. I have indeed seen the jade clothes with golden threads several times. There is indeed a way to completely peel off the jade clothes with golden threads. "

Next, under the eyes of several pairs of eyes, the mountain guard took out the rope for tying the body. This time he tied a noose button and tried it. When he saw that the noose was strong enough, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Wait a minute, two people in front, two people on the left and right, use broken bronze branches to set up the body. As long as the soles of the feet are an inch away from the ground and do not come into contact with the energy of the earth's veins, the ground is thick soil, which can lead to the underworld. Both feet Hanging in the air means blocking out the negative energy of the underworld.”

"Then I carefully lifted the corpse out of the bronze coffin. It didn't need to be too far away from the coffin, as long as the head was exposed. I used the corpse rope to twist the neck of the corpse, and stuck the breath in the throat, so that the breath could not go up and down, and there was no chance of leakage. It’s possible for a living person’s breath to return to Yang.”

This method is not complicated to implement. The difficulty is that the tools used to hold the body must be strong and durable enough.

Mr. Bai added: "A set of gold jade clothes weighs at least several hundred kilograms. Bronze branches may not be able to support such a weight. You can cut the bronze tree body and split it into several sections."

Mr. Bai's proposal was accepted by everyone.

The preparations were quick, and it was time to set up the body.

In fact, according to the strength of these people present, they are not afraid of ordinary corpse fraud at all, so there is no need to be so cautious. However, what they are facing now is not an ordinary corpse, nor an ordinary corpse king. The insights they have gained along the way have subverted their understanding of the owner of the tomb again and again. Therefore, they have to treat every detail carefully and try to avoid extraneous matters.

As mentioned before, the people present were all veterans in the industry, and they were all masters with a calm mind and a steady hand, so the process of lifting the corpse off the ground was very smooth and completed in one go.

The mountain guard's noose and the rope for tying the corpse were also successfully put on the corpse's neck. Even though the rope was the same thickness as ordinary hemp rope, it was very strong and stable to hang the corpse weighing several hundred kilograms on the vertical coffin.

The next step is to peel off the golden jade clothes.

The mountain guard skillfully found the rope buckle on the back of the golden jade armor, and successfully took off the heavy jade armor, finally revealing the body that had been hidden inside for thousands of years.


The next moment, Mr. Bai and the others collectively exclaimed, looking a little surprised.

This is a male corpse. Perhaps because it has been soaked in liquid for many years, the corpse is severely swollen, but the hair and nails are still growing. The nails have grown ten inches. Each nail is as black as a dagger, and the hair has grown to The heels are as black and thick as a bunch of water plants in the dark night, giving people an eerie and chilly feeling.

This is a very typical Yin-nourishing corpse. Everyone present had expected it. What surprised them was not this. What surprised them was that the face of the corpse seemed to have been cut off, and there was no human face!

There was only a hideous human face that was soaked and bloody!

Because other people were holding up the corpse, after the mountain guard hung up the ropes to bind the corpse, he walked up to the corpse and almost put his face on the corpse's face, looking back and forth, not shying away from those gloomy black hairs.

"This faceless face was not born. It was cut off by a sharp blade. The wound and flesh showed signs of healing before death. The face was cut off by a sharp blade while he was still alive." The mountain guard observed.

The origin of the owner of the tomb made everyone even more confused. For a while, monk Zhang Er felt confused and confused.

"The owner of the tomb went to such great lengths to hide five coffins, just to bury people who were executed and skinned? This doesn't look like the owner of the tomb. It would be more correct to say that they were buried as sacrifices."

"I originally thought this would be the ancestral grave of the tomb owner, where five generations of the tomb owner were buried, but it seems that is not the case."

Everyone expressed their opinions, and the best way to verify it was to continue opening the coffin.

There is an old saying among the people that a tree cannot survive without bark.

Peeling off a jade garment with golden threads is like peeling off skin. Although the jade garment with golden threads can protect the body from decay for thousands of years, and there are legends about bringing the dead back to life, the sequelae are also very obvious. Peeling off jade garments with golden threads is like peeling off skin. The next step is to be completely dead.

The mountain guard asked everyone to put the body back into the bronze coffin, and then pried open the second coffin as expected. It was also the same gold-lined jade clothing, the same male corpse, and the same hair and nails were still growing.

His face was stripped off again before he was alive, and his face was bloody and bloody!

"This is so fucking evil!"

"If this is really the tomb owner's tomb, is it possible that he cut his own face before being buried? Does that mean he has no face to see his ancestors?"

As soon as the mountain guard finished speaking, Mr. Bai glared at him and told him to pay attention to taboos and not to talk nonsense. As they were doing their dirty work, they should still respect the heaven, earth, ghosts and gods.

But just as the mountain guard said, everything in front of him made the background of the tomb owner even more confusing and mysterious.

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