White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1193 The Master of the Underground Palace, Introduction to the Perfect Medicine

The next third coffin was the same faceless and bloated corpse.

Fortunately, the whole process went smoothly and there were no unexpected transformations.

It wasn't until I pried the fourth coffin that I finally found something different this time.

A few people were about to pry open the coffin with all their strength, but unexpectedly, with a thud, the bronze coffin fell heavily and was firmly sucked back, as if someone was holding the coffin lid under the coffin lid.

"It's intentional this time!"

These people are all strange people, each one more talented and bolder than the other. Instead of being frightened, they were surprised and intensified their efforts to pry the coffin.


The coffin lid fell heavily to the ground, revealing a gold-lined jade-clad corpse wearing a gold mask.

This set of golden jade is different. It is a full set of golden armor. It has a mysterious luster. It has the transparency of jade and the warmth of jade. It looks like golden jade or golden jade, but it is more noble and elegant than the two. through.

This is the real golden jade garment!

The whole set is made of gold and jade!

Several people were attracted by the golden mask worn by the corpse. It was exactly the same as the golden mask they had dug up before. Several faces were twisted together, looking as hideous and ugly as a ghost.

At this time, Mr. Bai said in surprise: "Why didn't I think before that the twisted faces on the golden mask could refer to the faceless corpses whose faces were stripped off? The golden mask actually depicts the tomb owner. True appearance?"

After hearing Mr. Bai's words, everyone began to imagine that a person had several distorted faces. He must be a deformed monster, and it was too damn ugly. Several people looked at each other and complained.

In order to verify this conjecture, they pried open the last remaining coffin among the five to check. Sure enough, this coffin contained a faceless and bloated corpse.

It seems that Mr. Bai was right.

"Instead of guessing here, just take off his golden jade clothes and see his true face!" The mountain guard has always had a bad impression of the tomb owner, so he spoke straightforwardly without hiding his disrespect for the tomb owner.

Unexpectedly, the erection of the body did not go smoothly this time. The body was motionless and did not move no matter how hard it was crossed.

Seeing that the bronze tools in their hands were bending and reaching the limit of stress, everyone temporarily stopped their movements, fearing that if they used more force, the soft bronze would bend on its own.

Qi Bo was surprised: "Is this golden jade suit so heavy?"

The blind man shook his head and frowned: "It's not that the jade clothes are heavy, it's that the dead person's yin energy is heavy. This is like a folk funeral and strange things happen. The coffin cannot be lifted or the coffin is forced to be lifted, and the hemp rope will break halfway and fall to the ground. These are all signs before the corpse transforms."

The mountain guard said in a fierce voice: "Anyway, the coffin has been opened. No matter whether he really wants to transform into a corpse or not, since it is unavoidable, there is no need to worry about it."

At this time, the corpse master on the side suddenly looked straight into the coffin and communicated in corpse ventriloquism that ordinary people could not understand.

At the same time, the voice of corpse ventriloquism also came from the golden jade clothes.

The more the corpse master communicated, the more solemn his expression became. He kept communicating with the corpse in the golden jade clothes. He clearly possessed the corpse king and went down to the cave, but he saw that the corpse king began to sweat.

But it's not hot sweat with strong yang energy, but cold sweat.


Seeing the ventriloquism response coming from the golden jade clothes, everyone was surprised at first and then looked solemn. They had never encountered this kind of thing when they pried other coffins. It seemed that the things in the golden jade clothes had grown into fire. , there are already signs of resurrection.

The corpse master was still communicating in ventriloquism, and the cold sweat on his forehead was still flowing. This communication lasted for about half a stick of incense, and finally ended with the corpse master's face being cold.

The guardian was impatient and asked impatiently: "What do the things in the golden jade clothes say?"

The corpse guard looked at the coffin with a cold look on his face: "He told us to get out."

"Damn, a cowardly rat who lives an ignoble existence dares to be arrogant in front of so many of us. Take off this golden jade suit for him and see how arrogant he can be." The mountain guard got angry.

The others were also temperamental people and unanimously decided to strip off their clothes immediately.

"Since you can't fight it off, then just break the golden jade clothes."

Each piece of gold and jade in the golden jade garment is connected by gold threads. If these gold threads are broken, it will naturally not be able to maintain integrity.

Previously, I didn't want to be so cumbersome and troublesome, so I chose to hang the corpse on the ground to prevent it from transforming.

"It's a pity that the five dung qi here are too strong and are too polluted for the spirituality of the magic weapon. Otherwise, I can let my paper-cutters pick off the golden threads. This can prevent the anger of living people from getting on the corpse and borrowing the yang energy." Zhong Family Yu The Corpse Man will rely on you next, so be careful."

Mr. Bai looked at the corpse master.

It's not that I don't trust the Mountain Guard's ability, but just in case, I leave it to the Corpse Guard to cut off the golden wire this time.

The corpse master hummed: "Not only do you think he's unhappy, I also think he's unhappy. Don't worry, it's my wish to leave this matter to me."

The corpse master took the dagger and began to cut off the golden strands and jade clothing one by one.

The movement of the corpse master was very calm, and he quickly cut through the golden threads. Strangely enough, the corpse in the golden jade clothes never resisted.

The golden jade garment was decomposed piece by piece, and in about the time it took to touch a cup of tea, all the gold threads on the torso were successfully broken, and the limbs were automatically separated and fell to the ground without breaking.

Then he took off the golden mask and revealed his true face.



"How can it be!"

Amidst a series of surprised sounds, everyone showed incredulous expressions, except the blind man who asked anxiously what was wrong? What did you see?

There was no distorted face in the coffin as imagined, but a fair and smooth face, with eyebrows like swords, showing cold edges, and eyes like red phoenixes. There was no expression of joy or anger on the face but it gave people invisible pressure. This turned out to be A very handsome and majestic face.

Very different from what they thought.

"I didn't expect the owner of this tomb to be so handsome." The mountain guard said in surprise.

Qi Bo was thoughtful, and then said: "I wonder if you have heard of Centipede Man?"

"The old slave, the young master, and the Taoist priest Jin'an once encountered a centipede man site in the depths of the desert in the Western Regions. The people there considered beauty to have many legs and hands. If they saw something good-looking, they would cut off their hands and feet and transplant them onto their bodies. The higher their status, the higher their status. , the more beautiful hands and feet you have on your body..."

"Mr. Bai got the general idea right, but not the details. Old slave, I think the tomb owner's hobby is a bit like that of the centipede man. He is an extreme narcissist with a twisted mentality. He specializes in collecting handsome men from all over the world, and then cuts his face and transplants it on his own face. . The four faceless corpses mean that the owner of the tomb has changed his face at least four times. Those four faceless corpses are indeed the sacrifices of the tomb owner, but they are not sacrifices after death but face-cutting sacrifices before death."

After listening to Qi Bo's conjecture, the corpse master moved closer to look at the side of the tomb owner's face, used a dagger to open his temples, and sure enough, he saw a very hidden and subtle scar near the ear.

After hearing the corpse guard's confirmation, the mountain guard snorted coldly: "What are you waiting for? Just burn it on fire. Firstly, to do justice to heaven, and secondly, to avoid falling into the hands of those outside. It has not decayed for thousands of years, and its complexion is as rosy as a living person. Close your eyes and fall asleep, isn't this the perfect introduction to medicine that those people most want to find?"

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