White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1214 The new commander is actually more effective than praying to gods and Buddhas and conse

The entrance to Huang Chang Ti Cou was sealed, but this didn't bother Jin An.

If before the landslide in Gui Mo Mountain, the Yin Qi and Burial Qi in the ancient tomb had a great impact on the soul, it might even put Jin An in a bit of trouble.

But as the Gui Mo Mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, the sun's fire shone directly inside the mountain, and the funerary energy in the mountain overflowed and dissipated. It was no longer difficult for Jin'an's Yuan Shen to test it.

"Huh?" Jin An seemed to notice and raised his eyebrows.

"What's wrong, little brother?" The old Taoist priest is a "little qigong practitioner", and he can't do day tours of his soul yet, and his spiritual consciousness can be released during the day, so he can only ask Jin An anxiously.

Jin An pointed to the wooden coffin room in front of him and said softly: "I don't know what kind of wood is used for this yellow coffin. It's not cypress or agarwood. It can't even be detected by spiritual consciousness."

"You mean Huang Chang Ti Cou is very difficult to deal with?" The old Taoist priest wanted to raise his hand to touch Huang Chang Ti Cou, but he pulled back and did not dare to touch it.

Jin An chuckled: "That's not true."

Jin An led the team to a place where the huge coffin room was originally sealed. Due to landslides and geological changes, a wide crack appeared under the feet, causing the yellow intestine to collapse and create a small gap.

In the face of such a natural disaster, Huang Chang Ti Cou did not suffer a devastating collapse. One can imagine how strong this Huang Chang Ti Cou is. Not to mention that the tomb robbers relied on manpower to excavate, even if the tomb robbers used ordinary gunpowder to explode, they may not be able to explode the coffin chamber.

Following the gap, Jin An took the lead, followed closely by the old Taoist priest holding the dog, Fatty Li, and then some experts from the Criminal Investigation Department.

After entering the Huang Chang Ti Co, looking up, the space was filled with dense wood, making the space very depressing. Fatty Li looked for a topic to relieve his boredom: "Look, I'm not bragging to you. If you follow Taoist Jin'an, you can broaden your horizons every day, and you can live a better life every day." It's different. Have you ever thought that a criminal inspector could enter the imperial mausoleum? What does the imperial mausoleum look like? "

"I can tell you that seeing the imperial mausoleum is not a rare thing. I think that when I was in Wuzhou Prefecture, Taoist priest Jin An took me to touch the Tengguo imperial mausoleum. I also touched it when I was in Jiangnan..."

Fatty Li was about to spill the beans about returning to the God Realm of Ruins, but Jin An glared at him. He stopped his mouth in time and said instead: "Anyway, I'm sure there will be more eye-opening moments for you in the future, such as the Headless Village. Coffin Village, Couple Ginseng Shop..."

Everyone was already in a cold coffin room, and the surrounding space was oppressive. Fatty Li just wanted to talk about his experience of encountering evil spirits. Everyone felt a chill on the back of their necks, as if someone was lying on their backs and blowing cold wind on their necks. , all of a sudden, goosebumps arose, and they all complained: "Li Tou, that's you! We are normal people, and we don't want to encounter these things! Stop talking, and don't look at the current environment. The more you talk, the more horrified you become. It’s human!”

Fatty Li scoffed: "You are too cowardly. You should really practice your courage. How can you follow Taoist Jin'an to see more of the world in the future?"

"When we get back, I'll ask Lao Zhang and the others to help you walk through the shadows to build up your courage." Fatty Li mentioned Zhang Weishan's three shadow walking masters.

As soon as they heard the word "Zu Yin", the expressions of everyone present changed, and they felt that the yin energy around them became heavier.

At this moment, Jin An, who was walking in front, stopped and asked Fatty Li to raise the torch and shine it above his head.

The people who were frightened subconsciously raised their torches and looked above their heads.

In the oppressive and dark environment, a gloomy human-faced plate hung above the head, filling the entire eyeball. This big-faced plate came so suddenly, without any psychological preparation, and the hairs on the whole body exploded with horror, and the scalp felt numb!

Even a strong man with strong yang energy would be frightened to the point of shrinking his yang energy when faced with a sudden face above his head without any psychological preparation, especially when Fatty Li was still talking to them about the Headless Village and the Village of the Dead!

"Depend on!"

Even the brave Fatty Li and the old Taoist priest were frightened by this sudden scene and cursed.

Fatty Li saw Jin An standing there, looking up at the sky calmly. He calmed down a little and muttered in his heart, "If the sky falls, the tall Taoist Jin An will hold it up. Fatty, I'm afraid of my dick."

After taking a closer look, I discovered that the large-faced plate did not belong to a person, but the wood grain on the yellow intestine. These wood grains made it difficult to distinguish the authenticity from the fake at first glance in the dark environment.

"They all look good. Do you think this is a human face? Don't scare yourself."

The team's morale had just stabilized, and they were about to continue walking through the depressing Huangchangti. After taking a few steps, they were startled by a large, gloomy face.

Later it was confirmed that this was wood grain again.

They all say that nothing matters, but during the next journey, they kept encountering big-faced dishes, and each face was different, including an old man and a middle-aged man.

The old Taoist priest's face gradually became serious: "Wood can nourish souls, and thousand-year-old mountain trees can nourish mountain spirits and wild monsters. These are not like wood grains, but like the resentment of lonely souls and wild ghosts."

"Yes." Jin An nodded, agreeing with the old Taoist priest's statement, and continued to walk ahead.

Old things become better. This is the truth when you encounter some thousand-year-old trees in the deep mountains and old forests. The bark of the trees is like a human face.

Upon hearing the ghost, a group of senior men from the Criminal Investigation Department suddenly looked unnatural. They really did whatever they said.

But the only thing that made them feel at ease was that Jin An, as the backbone, had always been indifferent and calm, and people gradually calmed down and no longer panicked.

Everyone was surprised to find that as long as they thought about the new commander in their minds, they would no longer be afraid of ghosts and gods.

"What are you muttering about?" Fatty Li, who was following Jin An, turned around and asked everyone.

One person said cautiously: "Li Tou, have you noticed... When you are scared, as long as you think of the new commander, you will no longer be afraid of any monsters or monsters. It is more effective than praying to gods and praying to Buddha or consecrating talismans!"

There was no surprise on Fatty Li's face. Instead, he patted the man's shoulder with relief and said, "It finally dawned on me. I discovered a long time ago that thinking about Taoist Jin'an once every day can prevent all evil from harming me."

With such an episode, the team could maintain a calm mind and face the wood grains on the faces, and finally passed through the narrow aisle safely and arrived inside Huang Chang Ti Minato.

The interior of Huangchangtizuo is completely modeled after the living room during his lifetime. Upon entering, the place is full of wooden furniture, carved beams and painted buildings, exquisite and elegant. There is not a single metal utensil to be found. Perhaps it is because metal overcomes wood, so no metal funerary objects are included. .

Huangchangti was in a mess, and there was also a landslide inside. A huge crack in the mountain ripped open from the top of the mountain to the foot. A large amount of earth and rocks poured down, and a larger pit collapsed on the ground.

Next, they did not find the coffin or the body of the tomb owner. Instead, they accidentally discovered a bronze alchemy furnace that had been pushed down by earth and rocks.

"Why is there an alchemy furnace here?"

"It shouldn't be. There's not a single metal utensil here. This bronze alchemy furnace appears so unexpectedly... Little brother, could this alchemy furnace be the one you mentioned?"

The old Taoist priest was referring to the ancient warlocks who stole corpses to refine immortality pills.

Jin An looked up at the cracks in the mountain above his head: "The answer should be there. The alchemy furnace should have collapsed together with the earth and rocks."

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