White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1215 Fatty Li: Fatty, I can carry two thousand-year-old female corpses by myself!

Facts have proved that Jin An was indeed right.

After the subsequent exploration of the upper level, we found the underground palace that we had gone through before. The bronze alchemy furnace in Huang Changticuo was rushed down from the underground palace.

It was a coincidence that when Jin An led people along the rockslide to the superstructure, it happened to be the tomb where he overheard the conversation between the exorcists and the adults and Quan Zhenzi.

Even the remains of the corpses that they wiped out still remained in place.

After so many days, these corpses have not shown signs of decay, which shows the heavy yin energy in Gui Mo Mountain.

However, a strange phenomenon appeared in these corpses.

"Taoist Master Jin An, why do these corpses all have one characteristic? Where are their faces?" Fatty Li, who was squatting next to the dead body to examine the corpse, turned to look at Jin An.

The meaning in his eyes seemed to be: Taoist Master Jin An, when you talked about the underground palace experience last time, didn't you mention that you brutally cut off people's faces?

At this time, even Jin An was looking at these corpses with a slight frown on his face.

"There is something strange in this underground palace. Fatty Li, please remind the brothers to be careful!" Fatty Li saw that Jin An's tone was serious and did not sound like he was joking. He immediately realized that the faces of these corpses were not those of Jin An.

Instead of being afraid or frightened, Fatty Li's eyes lit up.

Jin An, old Taoist priest, and old dog: "?"

Next, Fatty Li happily reminded the members of the Criminal Investigation Department to be vigilant. There are unclean things in this underground palace that eat people's faces.

This person is smiling and warning of danger, and it looks like there is no danger at all.

But that is for outsiders who are not familiar with Fatty Li’s character. Everyone in the Criminal Investigation Department who has worked with Fatty Li for so many years knows very well whether there is a mole on Fatty Li’s butt. They all know that Fatty Li’s biggest hobby is He likes to encounter evil spirits, which is one of the reasons why Fatty Li joined the Criminal Investigation Department. The more dead people and murder cases he encounters, the more likely he is to encounter evil spirits than ordinary people.

So when they saw Fatty Li's excited expression, everyone knew that there was something really dirty in this underground palace.



The collective swords were unsheathed, and everyone in the Criminal Investigation Department took Fatty Li's words seriously into their hearts and braced themselves to be alert to any disturbance.

It was said that the human faces had been cut away. In fact, it was more like the faces of these corpses had been dug away, leaving bloody pits.

Jin An has not yet seen what caused this.

At first, other than mandrills and corpses, I encountered no other strange and strange things in the underground palace, and the traces of flesh and blood on the corpses did not look like they were left by mandrills.

Moreover, the mandrills were controlled by the corpse exterminators and had been wiped out by them long ago, leaving no survivors.

Finally, we tentatively came to a conclusion. Either the underground palace is very large and they have not fully explored it, or the corpse-eating thing came from other ancient tombs. For example, the underground palace has a mountain path connected with other tombs, or this landslide came from another ancient tomb. Corpse-eating things ran out of the ancient tomb.

There are too many thousand-year secrets in Gui Mo Mountain. This landslide may just give the world a glimpse of the true face of this mountain.

Jin'an ordered people to gather these corpses together, take them out together when they go out later, and then dig a hole and incinerate them. The space here is tight and not suitable for cremating so many corpses.

There is no absurdity that a fire cannot solve.

Jin An next went to the Linggong Hall to look for the burial cave.

Seeing Jin An leading the way as if he were walking around his own backyard, the Criminal Investigation Department officers were all surprised. They followed silently without asking any questions.

As we got closer to the Spiritual Palace Hall, the stench in the air began to get stronger. When we stood in the Spiritual Palace Hall full of corpses, the stench that penetrated our noses even the wet cloth covering our mouth and nose had no effect. , can make people vomit out all their overnight food, and there was a sound of retching in the team.

"What kind of place is this? Why does it stink so much!"

"This stinks too!"

"This smell...is worse than the latrine that my father-in-law's family in the country hasn't dug out in decades! Have we fallen into a thousand-year-old latrine! I've never smelled such a stench that hits my head in my whole life!"

"Thousand-year-old pit... vomit... stop talking... say it... I feel like I won't have any appetite for at least a few days when I go back this time!"

Fatty Li glared: "Look at your potential, you can't even stand this stinky thing. You're going to embarrass me, the Criminal Investigation Department. How will you deal with those rotting corpses in the future to look for clues... ugh..."

Fatty Li tried to pretend to be calm, but in the end, even he himself was retched from the stench.

But what left Jin An speechless the most was the old dog, which started digging holes and burying feces with its hind limbs again. No matter how hard the old Taoist priest pulled the dog leash, he couldn't pull it.

Jin An suddenly sighed in his heart: This team is not easy to lead...

I just finished thinking about it, hmm!

Jin An covered his heart with his hands, feeling a dull pain in his heart. He had angina pectoris again!

Well, even the ghost mother thinks this place is too smelly, so she should stop going to these stinky places all the time!

The team stumbled a bit along the way. When they found the entrance to the burial cave, they found that it had long been buried by mudslides. A ray of sunlight from the outside shone through the cracks in the mountains. The environment was so bright that no torch lighting was needed.

Walking out along the cracks in the mountain, you can just see the officers of the Criminal Investigation Department responsible for patrolling at the foot of the mountain. Looking into the distance, one can see the checkpoints dozens of miles away and the mountain people who were stopped to watch the fun.

Looking further away, you can see Feihe Mountain on the opposite side.

The ancestral tomb of Prince Zunyi in Feihe Mountain happens to be facing each other from Gui Mo Mountain.

"This is not a good phenomenon. As the mountains collapse and the ground cracks, the corpse energy that has been accumulated for thousands of years is released. This is called corpse energy rising to the sky." The old Taoist priest came to Jin'an and imitated Jin'an in looking at Feihe Mountain from a distance. .

"There are many talented people in Feihe Mountain. What I'm more worried about are the ignorant mountain people who are watching the excitement." Jin An withdrew his gaze and looked at the mountain people who were discouraged from approaching.

The old Taoist priest was slightly more optimistic than Jin An: "Gui Mo Mountain has been peaceful in these years, and there has been no disturbance to the people. Firstly, it is because of the murderous aura of King Zunyi of Feihe Mountain to suppress evil spirits. Secondly, it is also because it is close to the capital. The emperor At your feet, the world is in good health."

Jin An stopped in silence, no one knew what he was thinking.

The old Taoist priest did not disturb Jin An. He took out the exclusive formula of detoxification pills from the Tai Chi Bagua bag and distributed them one by one to prevent the miasma from entering the brain and causing collective poisoning.


Even dogs are assigned.

"Fat Li." Jin An shouted.

"What's wrong with Taoist Master Jin'an?" Fatty Li, who was holding a detoxification pill in his mouth, spoke with a bit of a tongue and vague syllables.

Jin An: "There happens to be a ready-made way down the mountain here. I ordered you to go down and let the brothers work hard to carry those poor corpses down the mountain and find a place to bury them together."

"Okay." Fatty Li began to call on everyone from the Criminal Investigation Department to carry the body.

Not long after, I heard the envious voice of the old Taoist priest behind me: "You are lucky this time! These corpses have suffered here for thousands of years. If you carry them down the mountain, you are doing them a favor. By accumulating a thousand years of virtue at once, you will not only be able to survive disasters in the future If you turn it into good luck, you will be able to bless your descendants for generations! Think about it, if you encounter an imp blocking your way when collecting corpses in a haunted house in the future, will the imp be more powerful than the thousand-year-old corpse here? Isn't this turning evil into good luck? "

"It's a pity that I, old Taoist priest, am old and frail. I am not as strong as you young men and cannot carry these thousand-year-old corpses. Otherwise, old Taoist priest, I would have to carry a thousand-year corpse down the mountain!"

The old Taoist priest looked at the corpse and sighed.

Then I heard Fatty Li yelling in surprise: "Fat Master, my arms can run a carriage! Fat Master, I can carry two thousand-year-old female corpses on my back!"

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