White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1382 Buried alive, find the infected person

It wasn't until the two entered a huge underground space that new changes occurred.

There are city walls and city towers here, all built to imitate the scale of a city. The scale of the buildings is very large.

"Building the city underground, are we in the ghost city of Fengdu?" Zhang Zhuzhu was shocked by the scale of the city wall in front of him, and couldn't help but whispered in surprise.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Zhuzhu turned his head back and forth to look at the darkness around him, looking nervous.

Unusually, there were no strange noises after the darkness this time.

When the two people passed through the city wall, they did not see the rows of houses they imagined behind the city wall. Instead, there was only an empty and huge hall.

The main hall was unusually large, with an unknown number of feet wide on the left and right, and an unknown number of feet high. No one had been there for a long time, and all that could be seen before the eyes was darkness and deathly silence.

Jin An's eyes widened in thought: "It seems we are not in a ghost town, but in a palace of the underworld."

Zhang Zhuzi was puzzled: "What is the Underworld Palace?"

Jin An: "The Underworld Hall can be divided into the front hall and the underworld hall. The front hall is built like a palace, and the underworld hall is where the coffins are placed."

Zhang Zhuzhu became more and more confused as he listened: "I only went to the temple to collect the body for everyone. How can I return it and have it have anything to do with going to the tomb?"

"Private tombs and excavations of tombs are a capital crime! At the very least, they are exiled!"

It's no wonder that Zhang Zhuzhu is nervous. From ancient times to the present, in all dynasties, robbing ancient tombs of ancestors has been a capital crime.

Jin An said: "It may not be a tomb."

“In the layout we saw along the way, we didn’t see the tomb-suppressing beasts, the ever-burning lanterns, the ceramic pots and other burial objects, the carvings of the tombs, and the feng shui that the tombs should have. The layout of the hidden cave..."

Zhang Zhuzhu was stunned for a moment after hearing this: "Taoist Master Jin'an, you really know everything. How do you understand the structure of the ancient tomb so clearly?"

Before Jin An could answer, Zhang Zhuzhu woke up like a dream and said, "I understand. Taoist priest Jin An not only subdued demons and eliminated demons, he also caught tomb robbers."

Jin An nodded vaguely. He had indeed caught several tomb robbers, but there was no deception on this point.

"It's not a mausoleum, but there is a front hall of the mausoleum. Could it be that it was built like this intentionally to gather the shade to raise the corpse and make it easier to sacrifice the plague-repelling tree?" Jin An's eyes flashed coldly.

Zhang Zhuzhu couldn't answer, so he stood still.

"Have you noticed that it's too quiet here? It's a bit abnormally quiet." Jin An suddenly mentioned a detail.

Zhang Zhuzhu looked at the dark environment around him, lowered his voice and spoke carefully: "We have been so quiet along the way. We haven't met anyone."

Jin An frowned slightly and shook his head: "That's not what I meant."

Facing Zhang Zhuzhu's puzzled gaze, Jin An did not answer immediately. He looked around a few times, then raised his head and stared at the dark roof of the palace with slightly narrowed eyes, and then said: "Have you ever noticed that the ones you have encountered before are like this?" There were so many headless corpses and black-blooded wall-crawlers, they all disappeared as soon as we arrived here. We have been here for so long, and we didn’t see any of them along the way.”

Zhang Zhuzhu was startled, then immediately realized what was happening. He looked around and said that it was really like this. We had been talking and we hadn't heard that creepy sound for a while.

The next moment, the two relit the torches, and the dim and flickering light illuminated a small area of ​​the front hall. Everywhere they could see was clean, and no blood or dead people were seen.


Jin An's eyebrows tightened a bit: "The smell of corpses here is not lighter than outside at all, so I didn't think about those headless corpses and black-blooded wall-crawlers at first."

After pondering for a long time, Jin An held a torch and continued to move forward with Zhang Zhuzhu. Although the front hall was large, it would eventually come to an end.

Jin An suddenly stopped at this moment and did not leave the front hall immediately. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and stared carefully at the left side of the front hall.

At this time, Zhang Zhuzi's words further strengthened Jin An's thoughts.

Zhang Zhuzhu held a torch in his hand and tried to illuminate the darkness, and said uneasily: "Taoist Jin'an, I don't know why, I always feel that there is something there, but it is only pitch black there, and I can't see my fingers, but I can It feels... just like, when we are walking on the road, we can feel eyes watching us from behind."

The direction Zhang Zhuzhu pointed was exactly where Jin An was staring.

"Let's go over and take a look. The smell of corpses here is no less than outside, but there is no headless corpse. This front hall hides other secrets."

"Besides, the front hall is so ordinary that nothing unusual can be found. Everything happens for a reason. It is impossible to build such a useless front hall here for no reason."

Jin An sneered and stepped out.

Zhang Zhuzhu followed without hesitation.

Before, they didn't know how wide the left and right sides of the front hall were, but now they measured it clearly. They walked more than 300 steps to the end. The left and right steps together were more than 600 steps. They guessed that the front hall covers an area of ​​​​mu.

The dim light of the fire illuminated the relief of the hell scene on the wall. The lines of the relief were dark, and even the light of the torch could not dispel the darkness.

This is a tragic relief of thousands of people struggling to escape from hell.

The reliefs are lifelike, deeply depicting the expressions of pain and despair on each person's face, down to the torn and broken fingernails.

When people get closer to the relief sculpture of Ten Thousand Corpses, the smell of corpses becomes even stronger.

Because it was so real, when I saw it for the first time, my scalp went crazy. A chill instantly ran down my tailbone and spread all over my body. My hands and feet were so scared that my hands and feet were cold.

Jin An looked ugly.

It was not because he was frightened, but he finally understood why the smell of corpses lingered in the front hall. The smell of corpses was even stronger when standing in front of the wall. This was not a tragic scene from hell. This was clearly a living person being tortured. Sealed alive into a wall, the smell of decay continued to come out after death.

Jin An looked around briefly and found that this tragic scene extended into the darkness. The walls were filled with living people who had been sealed alive. These people were crowded and struggling, with painful and desperate expressions before they died. He couldn't count how many people had been sealed alive. .

Ever since Zhang Zhuzhu saw this, the expression on his face had always been wrong. Suddenly, with a pop, Zhang Zhuzhu knocked his knees heavily on the ground and cried out in grief: "Uncle, fourth uncle, fifth uncle, I finally found you!"


Jin An didn't speak, and silently put his gentle palm on Zhang Zhuzhu's shoulder to comfort him.

Zhang Zhuzhu's crying vented his emotions for a long time.

Although we already knew that everyone was in danger and were probably killed, when we saw everyone's tragic death with our own eyes, the instant emotional collapse was something that outsiders could not experience.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, I want to dig them all out and leave this man-eating hell! This is what I promised everyone!" Zhang Zhuzi raised his red eyes and wiped away the tears.

"Well, take them all away, no one is left behind."

"Before we take him away, we must first get rid of the culprit, the Plague-Repelling Tree, and save more people."

Jin An said with cold eyes.

Zhang Zhuzi kowtowed heavily in gratitude: "Thank you, Taoist Priest Jin An! Taoist Priest Jin An, you are our living god!"

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