White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1383 The dead and ashes, hug together for warmth

Next, Jin An patrolled along the wall, the expression on his face kept sinking.

The four walls of the front hall are actually sealed living people.

A face with arms stretched out, struggling in pain and despair, constantly impacts people's vision.

When Jin An jumped to the top of the hall along the beams and pillars, he saw that even this place was a scene of hell on earth.

This front hall is a living purgatory filled with living people.

Jin An walked back to Zhang Zhuzhu with a gloomy look: "Do you want to avenge them?"

"After we avenge them, we will come to rescue them. They will not feel at ease if they don't avenge themselves! If there is a grudge, then there is no point in repaying kindness with kindness!"

Zhang Zhuzhu wiped away his tears and stood up, with a more determined expression on his face: "I, Zhang Zhuzhu, listen to you, Taoist Priest Jin An, for everything, you are a living god!"

Jin An looked around with a gloomy look around the relief scenes of purgatory: "I'm not a living god, I just can't stand this monster-eating hell."

"Finally, someone has upheld justice for us, uncle, fourth uncle, fifth uncle... and everyone, have you seen it!" Zhang Zhuzhu couldn't help but burst into tears as he spoke.

"Everyone, when we come back, we will definitely take you away from this place!" Zhang Zhuzhu bent down and bowed, tears falling down his face, breaking and soaking the ground.

Jin An clasped his hands in a bow, made a Taoist salute to the wall, and said "Supreme Taiyi Du'e Tianzun" to say everything.

After sorting themselves out, the two continued on their way.

After passing the front hall, they heard the faint sound of water. Not long after following the sound of water, they came to an underground cave space with a huge space. When they looked up, they could not see the top of the cave. A gurgling underground river blocked their eyes.

The first time he saw this underground river, Jin An thought of the well he saw in the forest.

His eyes flashed with a cold light.

It seemed that he was very close to the plague-repelling tree.

Jin An threw stones to ask for directions. The underground river was very deep, and the stones suddenly sank without making any sound.

He looked around and found no boats on the river bank.

Logically speaking, this shouldn't be done. If there were no boats and no roads, how could those people worship the plague-repelling tree? Worshiping Emperor Futian to drive away the plague?

Jin An expressed his conjecture, and Zhang Zhuzi also felt that what Jin An said made sense and helped them find the way together.

Jin An had to be sharp-eyed to find his way in the dark. He found a huge rock on the bank of a river.

The surface of the boulder was covered with scriptures, and a step was cut out on the back. After climbing up the steps, I saw that the top of the boulder had been polished to create a platform. There were many debris and hairs left on the platform, both from humans and animals, and there was also a large dry puddle. Blackened bloodstains.

"This looks like a sacrificial platform."

Jin An followed the sacrificial stone platform and looked in the direction of the underground river. He squinted his eyes and observed carefully. Sure enough, he found a row of steps paved with stone strips in the dark underground river, extending to the other side of the cave.

"It seems that this sacrificial platform is to worship the river god Hebo and his like. The way out we are looking for is here." When mentioning the river god Hebo, Jin An's tone was snorting with disdain.

This kind of behavior of bulls, ghosts and snakes is only worthy of being killed by his Shang Fu tiger beast masked sword.

Zhang Zhuzhu was stunned after hearing this: "But where can we find chicken and duck sacrifices to offer to the river god Hebo at this time?"

Jin An snorted coldly: "Why sacrifice it?"

"They're just a bunch of ghosts and monsters."

Having said that, Jin An walked down the sacrificial stone platform and stepped onto the stone steps. The Five Zang Taoist Temple enshrined Erlang Zhenjun, the righteous god. He was wearing the water talisman of Erlang Zhenjun. Shenhebo took it seriously.

Seeing Jin An being so domineering, Zhang Zhuzi became even more convinced that Jin An was a living god who came down to earth to save the world. Even the River God He Bo didn't take it seriously and dared to blatantly call the River God He Bo a bull, ghost and snake god.

The underground river was a bit cold. The two of them were walking on the steps, and the water flow just reached their ankles.

The light of the torch reflected on the dark river surface, making it appear dark and deep, like shining on an abyss. People dared to look straight at it, but did not dare to stare down for too long, lest they step on the ground and fall into the water.

Zhang Zhuzhu's sight in the dark was not as good as Jin An's, so he followed Jin An step by step, not daring to look behind him.

Jin An, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped. Zhang Zhuzhu, who had been following closely, almost lost his footing and bumped into Jin An. He almost fell into the underground river and was washed away.

Zhang Zhuzhu was about to ask when he found Jin An standing there and looking up at the top of the cave, as if he had discovered something on the top of the cave, but he saw nothing, and there was darkness above his head.


There were gravels falling from the top of the cave into the water, causing a circle of ripples. The ripples hit Zhang Zhuzhu's heart like a heavy hammer. Zhang Zhuzhu could clearly hear his heart beating violently.

The expression on his face immediately became extremely nervous.

Jin An didn't need to remind him, he already knew there was something hidden on the top of the cave!

Zhang Zhuzhu stood there for a while without daring to breathe, until his legs became numb and he felt like he could no longer hold on. Jin An continued on the road.

"Master Jin An, what was that just now..." Zhang Zhuzhu couldn't help but asked softly out of curiosity on the way.

Jin An: "Don't worry about it, it's just a normal falling rock."

Zhang Zhuzhu said softly.

But at this time, anyone who is not stupid can see that Jin An deliberately concealed it in order to prevent him from psychological pressure and to allow him to pass Tingbu with peace of mind.

Zhang Zhuzhu kept this matter in his heart very wisely.

Along the way, Mr. Jin An looked up from time to time at the top of the cave. Sometimes he would look around like a patrol, as if something was following them in the darkness on the top of the cave.

Plop, from time to time there will be rocks falling into the water, causing a few small splashes.

Zhang Zhuzhu subconsciously hugged the ashes on his chest tighter, finding a sense of security in the bag of ashes he carried with him, and kept mumbling something.

Listen carefully, and keep repeating: "We are all in the same boat now. I will keep you from falling into the water, and you will keep me from falling into the water."

A dead man who exorcises corpses and ashes actually share weal and woe at this time, work together to keep warm.

Jin An naturally heard what Zhang Zhuzhu was repeating, and he tacitly understood it and pretended not to see it.

Who would have thought that the two of them could pass through the underground river that was considered the most dangerous and most likely to contain traps, without incident or accident.

"Could it be that my prayers really worked and that this ashes ancestor was secretly helping us?" Zhang Zhuzhu, who regained his sense of down-to-earth after landing ashore, exclaimed.

However, he immediately realized that Jin An was still standing beside him, and changed his words: "It may also be because you, Taoist Jin An, are righteous and more effective than the River God He Bo."

Jin An showed a dumbfounded expression: "I'm not going to have trouble with a dead man's ashes."

Zhang Zhuzi then praised Jin An and Gu Gu.

On the river bank, we also found a huge stone sacrificial platform. It seems that this is also a guide stone for two-way sacrificial rituals.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, we have successfully landed ashore now. Now we can always talk about... what did you see on the top of the cave just now?" Zhang Zhuzhu couldn't help being curious, and finally asked.

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