White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 14 Disaster (yāng) Qi

When it comes to this.

Jin An's eyes showed regret.

He walked to the woman's body and squatted down.

At the beginning, he pointed out various doubts about the woman's death.

While continuing to analyze the doubtful points of the case one by one.

"The body is clean except for the mouth and nose. There is no mud or mud. I looked through her fingernails and there are no water plants or mud caught in the panic when she accidentally fell into the water."

"Look at her back again——"

Jin An turned the female corpse over and lifted up a corner of her clothes. He suddenly saw a large light red patch on the back of the female corpse.

It was a unique corpse stain that formed on someone who had fallen into the water and drowned in the cold river water.

The husband's family of the drowned woman saw that Jin An was about to take off the body's clothes and wanted to rush out to stop him.

But the two government officials, who became more and more surprised as they listened to the analysis of the case, glared and drew their swords to stop the three people from causing trouble.

Prevent them from obstructing Jin'an's investigation.

Seeing that they couldn't rush straight away, the three of them began to lie on the ground and cry and scream miserably. They tried their best to throw dirty water on Jin An and try to arouse the sympathy of the people around him.

"Is there any more royal law? Is there any more heavenly justice?"

"Everyone, please help me judge. My deceased wife just died not long ago, and her body is still cold. In full view of the public, her body was insulted by this traitor one after another!"

"Xing'er, I'm sorry for you!"

"It's all useless to me!"

But at this time, no one stood up to speak for the woman’s husband and parents-in-law.

Everyone was focused on Jin An, who was solving the case, waiting to see if Jin An could really turn the tide and find out the real cause of death for Myolie Yang, who was at the bottom of society like them.

Wash away the grievances of the deceased.

The three members of the woman's husband's family burst into tears and rolled on the ground. To no avail, the three of them glanced at each other secretly, with uncontrollable panic in their eyes.

Jin An was not disturbed by the outside world. He looked at the woman's body on the bamboo bed. She was still very young, probably less than twenty-five years old. In modern times, she was in her youth, in her prime, and talked carefree every day. Love, movies, food, when you are most energetic, there are still so many journeys and scenery that you have not traveled through in life...

Jin An sighed.

"In order to avenge the grievances of the deceased and the injustice of the deceased, please forgive me if I offend you next time."

With respect for the deceased, Jin An took off the woman's winter coat that became heavy after being soaked with water. Then he rolled up the woman's sleeves and trouser legs, and carefully inspected the joints of her hands and feet.

In addition to the particularly conspicuous large corpse spot on the woman's back, there were obvious light red corpse spots under the woman's armpits and on the crooks of her thighs.

"Everyone knows that after death, body spots appear."

"The cause of corpse stains is due to the coagulation and deposition of blood after death. During autopsy, we will also use the traces of corpse stains to determine the person's posture before death."

"Everyone can see that on her back, armpits, and legs, there are large areas of siltation that are obviously not consistent with normal cadaver spots. This shows that someone has moved her body after her death. Long-term compression has caused the appearance of cadaver spots. Abnormal large-scale siltation situation.”

At this time, the woman's husband complained: "My wife fell into the water and drowned. The villagers rescued her and sent her to the county hospital for treatment. The body was moved along the way. Isn't this normal?"

"Why do you just use this to slander people because we threw our bodies into the well and then threw our bodies into the river!"

Jin An glanced at the other party indifferently: "You said this yourself. I never said that it was you or your family who jointly killed the person."

When they heard Jin An's words, the expressions of the three members of the woman's husband's family changed at the same time.

There was a look of panic on his face that could no longer be concealed.

Jin An did not hold on to this doubt, but continued: "If you insist on saying that these body spots were caused when rescuing people, then let's count them as being caused when rescuing people."

"Let's look at the soles of the deceased's embroidered shoes. Although the soles have been artificially processed, a large amount of wet soil from the river was left behind. It was pretended that the deceased went to the river to wash clothes. But after wiping off the mud on the toe of the shoe, you can see that the toe of the shoe has abnormal serious damage. Wear and tear. Let me ask you, who walks on tiptoes and only has the tips of their shoes severely worn?"

"But what if a person fell into the well and struggled violently in the well because of the small space, trying desperately to push off the walls of the well with his feet in order to surface and seek help?"

After Jin An re-covered the deceased, he walked to the female corpse's head and squatted down.

"Actually, I wasn't sure at first whether the person who fell into the water and drowned was the scene of the first crime. It wasn't until I checked the position of the deceased's mouth and nose that I could confirm it."

“If a person dies from drowning, because the mucosa of the respiratory tract and trachea is severely stimulated, a large amount of protein-containing liquid will be secreted and mixed with the drowning fluid. Under the respiratory instinct, a large amount of white foam or red foam will be formed and distributed in the mouth, nose, and trachea. And overflowed. This is one of the important pieces of evidence to determine whether the deceased drowned before death or was thrown into the river after death."

"But I was outside the deceased's mouth and nose for a week and I didn't see these bubbles."

"This shows that the deceased has been deliberately processed and did not want to leave clues and evidence on the deceased."

"It's just that the murderer didn't know this, so when cleaning up the body, he also disposed of the most important evidence, the foamy secretions from the mouth and nose. This left the biggest doubt about the real cause of the deceased's death!"

"So, this is not a superstitious water ghost seeking life at all, nor is it a water ghost trying to kill someone as a scapegoat! It's a murder case! Two officers, if you go and check the well at the woman's husband's house now, Perhaps there will be evidence that was not completely destroyed.”

This is the end of Jin An's words.

Suddenly the whole hall was shocked.

The people gathered at the entrance of the hospital, as well as the two government officials, were all dumbfounded and could not recover for a long time.

Although they did not understand what mucous membranes and proteins were, this did not prevent them from all looking angrily at the real murderers, Myolie Yang’s husband, father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Okay! I know that Yang Xing'er's death is not as simple as washing clothes by the river and being dragged into the river by a water ghost to be the scapegoat!"

Among the crowd, there were neighbors who participated in salvaging Yang Xing'er's body from the river and followed Yang Xing'er's husband's family into the county town. They started yelling angrily.

Through this neighbor, everyone learned the whole story.

Yang Xinger’s husband is Zhao Murong.

Before Yang Xing'er married into her current husband's family, she could be said to be the most beautiful woman in her village. Zhao Murong paid a lot of gifts to make Yang Xing'er's parents relax and marry Yang Xing'er as their daughter-in-law.

It's just that Yang Xing'er and Zhao Murong have been married for several years and have never given birth to a child. I don’t know if it’s the male or the female who is infertile.

Zhao Murong was from a single family, and they were afraid that their relationship would be cut off, so her parents-in-law were dissatisfied with this daughter-in-law. They beat and scolded her every day, thinking that they were losing money by marrying a loser who only ate but could not lay eggs.

Speaking of which, Myolie Yang is also a hard-luck person. She also has a younger brother. Myolie Yang’s parents used high betrothal gifts to help their son build a new house and marry his wife. Zhao Murong's family went to make trouble several times, saying that they married a loser who couldn't lay eggs, and demanded that the bride price be returned and that Yang Xing'er should be divorced.

But Yang Xing'er's mother-in-law's family refused to return the gift money to death, and the relationship between the two families became worse and worse, so they broke off the relationship and stopped communicating with each other long ago.

Myolie Yang's husband, father-in-law and mother-in-law became even more dissatisfied with Myolie Yang because of this, and the beatings and scoldings intensified.

It is very likely that because of this, the husband's family has been resentful for a long time, so they threw themselves into a well to kill Myolie Yang, and then pretended to be a case of falling into the water and drowning.

Jin An didn't hear this clearly.

There was astonishment on his face.

Because Jin An saw it, he didn't know whether it was due to the previous movement of the body, and a neurological reaction occurred. Yang Xing'er's closed mouth suddenly opened after death, and her throat softened... It was like a mouthful of death breath held in her throat was exhaled.

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