White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 15: Dumbfounded (3 updates, please vote for recommendations~)

Jin An remembered something that the old man once said.

It is said.

A person who dies in vain, dies violently, or dies unjustly.

After a person dies, there will be a breath of bad breath stuck in the throat.

If this bad breath does not dissipate.

The corpse will be prone to evil spirits and corpse transformation.

Later, due to the large base of illiterate people in ancient times, people of that era basically relied on oral transmission to record narratives. The words "sei" and "resentment" are somewhat similar in spoken language, so "sei" was gradually spread to mean that there was a breath of resentment stuck in the throat after death. Can't swallow.

Jin An hasn't had time to think deeply...

See you soon!

After Yang Xing'er's corpse breathed out from her throat.

There was actually a wisp of fuzzy smoke floating inside Yang Xing'er's body.

The shadow bowed in the air, seemed to bow to Jin An from a distance, and then disappeared.

But only Jin An could see this scene.

No one else saw it.

But Jin An was no stranger to this scene. He had seen the same scene on Li Cailiang's body after he solved the "Thunder Corpse Killing Case" and cleared Li Cailiang's innocence.

Following the wisp of smoke from Yang Xing'er's body, she bowed to Jin An.

Jin An, who had practiced Taoist techniques, secretly sensed the Dao.

He suddenly understood!

This is the incarnation of heaven's virtue!

A flash of inspiration flashed through Jin An's mind, and he quickly used the qi-gazing technique he had just learned from "Guangping Youshuo Synaesthesia Record" last night.

"Those who have negative virtues will have positive rewards, and those who have negative conduct will have a good reputation." - "Huainanzi· Human Lessons":


Whether they are Taoists or Zen monks, they pay great attention to their own negative virtues.

Because Yin virtue involves cause and effect, karma.

Everyone has a cause and effect.

Therefore, everyone possesses yin virtues.

Yin virtue is intangible and cannot be seen by ordinary human eyes. It can only be seen by Taoists and Sakyamuni practitioners who have their own unique methods.

I saw a piece of yellow mysterious energy, with a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere of merit and virtue, which was seen by Jin'an Wangqi Technique.

Jin Anxin had an idea, and Yin De counted: two hundred, five and eight!

He cleared Li Cailiang's wrongdoing and gained a hundred yin virtues.

He cleared Yang Xing'er's grievances and gained a hundred yin virtues.

The rest is the virtue accumulated by Jin'an before.

The moment Jin An saw Yin De, the charm of the avenue, the voice of the avenue sounded in Jin An's mind like a thunderbolt: "Emperor seal!"

This mysterious scene shocked Jin An.

But no one outside heard it.

At this time, the people watching around were already excited. It was another "Thunder God Killing a Corpse Case" and another "Water Ghost Drowning Case". The people in Chang County all applauded Jin'an.

What the people want.

Everyone looked at him with respect and reverence.

"Mother, mother, I want to marry someone like Brother Jin An!"

There was a five or six-year-old nymphomaniac girl in the crowd, shouting in a milky voice.

The children's remarks made the adults burst into laughter.

At this time, the two government officials, after controlling the ashen-looking Zhao Murong and his parents, came to Jin An. Their eyes were full of respect at this moment, and they bent down to bow to Jin An.

"People know that ghosts are scary, and ghosts know that people's hearts are poisonous. The world is lucky to have Mr. Jin An."

This is already a very high evaluation of a character, which shows that Jin An has really convinced others this time.



This flatterer who showed off his second line made Jin An's scalp numb.

At this time, Jin An saw a familiar figure of a graceful lady walking around the world with a sword in the crowd outside the hospital. She was the daughter of County Magistrate Zhang.

At some point, the daughter of Magistrate Zhang appeared near the medical center and saw Jin An's case-solving process.

The other party nodded slightly towards Jin An.

Then turned and left.

After Jin An said goodbye to the two government officials and said there was an emergency, he bowed his hands and said a few polite words to the villagers around him, then hurriedly caught up with the slender and beautiful figure with straight and firm legs.

"Uh, that..."

Jin An wanted to say hello, but then he remembered that he still didn't know the other person's name.

I opened my mouth for a moment and didn't know what to call it.

Zhang Lingyun walked among the bustling crowd, and then stopped in front of a vendor selling soup dumplings. Her beautiful figure was taking out a delicate purse and was about to pay.

At this moment, the sun was blocked, and a person stood next to Zhang Lingyun.

It was Jin An who took the initiative to lick Zhang Lingyun to pay for her.

The soup dumplings are not expensive, less than five cents. The vendor handed the soup dumplings wrapped with straw rope and lotus leaves to Jin An's hand with a smile on his face.

Ancient people needed to pack things when shopping. They usually prepared food boxes, bamboo baskets, cloth bags, bottles, cans, straw ropes, etc. in advance. Of course, there are also pure natural zero-cost lotus leaves available instead of packaged ones.

Like buying a few steamed buns in a costume drama for only a few pennies, but being extravagant enough to pack them in oily paper. This is a case of a brainless screenwriter who doesn't pursue rigor at all.

Paper was expensive in ancient times.

When you buy a few meat buns, the merchant packs them in oil paper, which is like buying spicy hotpot, and the merchant packs them in LV bags, which is eye-catching.

"Master Jin'an, do you have anything to ask me?"

Zhang Lingyun is a smart person, and when she glanced sideways at Jin An, her autumn-silhouetted eyes were about to pierce the man's heart, and Jin An's face showed embarrassment when his thoughts were revealed.

"It's true that I have something to ask for. Um, you still don't know what to call me?"

"Zhang Lingyun." The girl wielded a sword, was cold and spoke few words.

"I heard that Miss Lingyun has been frail and sick since you were a child. Later, you have been practicing martial arts under a famous master to strengthen your body. Miss Lingyun is more knowledgeable than me. I wonder if Miss Lingyun has ever heard of where I can buy Taoist elixirs? Or Taoist elixirs. also?"

Zhang Lingyun shook her head lightly: "Taoist people never get together with martial arts people. This is not clear."

It seemed that Jin An's unjust case had just made Zhang Lingyun have a good impression of Jin An. This cold girl of sixteen or seventeen did not refuse to answer Jin An's questions.

Jin An looked disappointed.

But he didn't want to just miss an opportunity to contact people in the martial arts world, so Jin An, who quickly regained his mood, asked another question again: "I wonder if Miss Lingyun knows where to buy or find the martial arts people in the martial arts world?" Martial arts?”

"Such as sword skills, sword skills, and mental skills are all fine."

Jin An's idea is simple.

The forest is so big.

The grassland is so vast.

You can't hang yourself from a tree.

Now the speed of practicing the "Secret Tradition of the Five Internal Organs" is too slow, and I have been searching for Taoist elixirs to no avail. I can only learn more life-saving methods first, so as not to lose my life in this strange and strange world and have no power to protect myself. .

... A lonely figure on the cold river, an old friend in the rivers and lakes, why should we meet before?

In every man's heart, there is a martial arts dream of traveling to the end of the world with a sword, and only I can kill others but no one else can kill me!

Zhang Lingyun: "Can I ask Mr. Jin An why he suddenly thought of learning martial arts?"

"To be honest, Mr. Jin'an is too old and his body has already been shaped. He has already missed the best period of learning martial arts."

"It will be difficult to have high achievements in the future."

"Even after ten years of hard training..."

"At most, it can kill five or six ordinary bandits at the same time."

Jin An was silent at first, then his eyes seemed to penetrate the distant sky, and he murmured in a low voice: "...I want to find a way home."

In the bustling and bustling market, Jin An's back looks so lonely that he looks like he is lying on his back.

As soon as Jin An returned to the inn, he began to study behind closed doors what was going on with the voice of the avenue that sounded in his head at the medical center before.


Jin An learned the majestic rhyme of the sound of the avenue and began to talk to himself like a crazy person.

But after several attempts, nothing appeared.

Jin An thought about it seriously. This time he focused his eyes and looked at the doses of blood-enhancing and strengthening herbs on the table.


Once again, I learned the grand rhyme of the sound of the Dao. The tide of Dao rhyme enveloped the medicinal materials on the table, and a rich fragrance of medicinal materials overflowed, so strong that it could not be covered by the whole room.

Is this the effect of the medicine being intensified?

Jin An was stunned!

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