White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 30 Sanyang Wine (Thanks to the leader @

Two days later.

At night.

Lin Lu's family.

The white coffin was still placed on several benches in the yard.

The white coffin has been tied again with cinnabar ink thread.

A circle of white lime powder was also sprinkled around again.

A big cloth was also pulled up above the head of the white coffin to block the moonlight from shining directly on the coffin in the yard.

There is a copper basin next to the white coffin, and incense candles are lit next to it.

There were ashes left in the copper basin. Those ashes were paper money and ingots burned to the owner in the white coffin.

The night is silent.

Everyone around has gone to sleep.

Chang County outside the yard was dark and deserted. People were all asleep and everything was quiet.

But there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the yard tonight.

During the day, Daochang Chen took several young people from the Lin family, as well as the Yin-Yang Compass passed down by his ancestor, to the mountains and rivers near Kanyuchang County again. As a result, Daochang Chen and the others failed to come back on time before dark today.

This made the seven people responsible for guarding the coffin, Lin Heshun, miserable.

They have never faced such a battle alone.

It’s okay not to know what to do.

"I'm really anxious. Daozhang Chen took Lin Shan and the others out to see the mountains and rivers. Why did they go there all day long? It's already dark now, why haven't they come back yet?"

"What will happen even if we come back now? There is a curfew now, we can't enter the city gate, and we can't just walk around on the street. Instead of waiting for Director Chen to bring people back, we should think about how to get through tonight. Damn it, the yard There is a coffin inside, what’s the difference between sleeping with the coffin? It always feels like the whole yard is filled with wind!”

"Stop saying such scary things late at night. The goosebumps on my arms are all standing up right now!"

The seven of them sat in the yard and drank, with the accompanying dishes of pork head, cold pig ears, and roast goose...

The shochu makes your heart feel hot when you take it into your mouth.

Feeling comfortable all over.

The more you drink, the stronger your stamina will be, and the smell of alcohol will gradually increase.

But the more I drank, the more addictive I became.

During the night vigil, no one can stay up all night without a few sips of wine.

Since the corpse theft occurred five days ago, in order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, the Lin family has arranged for five or six young people in high spirits to accompany Daochang Chen and take turns guarding the coffin every night.

"Brothers, do you think the Sanyang wine prepared by Director Chen for our night vigil is really that magical? From what Director Chen said, it doesn't sound like he is lying to us. Can the wine really drive away cold and evil spirits?"

While drinking Sanyang wine, one of them looked nervously at the white coffin placed next to him, and said nervously with a doubtful expression on his face.

After hearing what their companions said, the remaining people also started to chatter with each other:

"I think Daozhang Chen's ability is obvious to all. Everyone respects Daozhang Chen, so Daozhang Chen... shouldn't have any need to make up a lie to deceive us, right?"

"I don't care if this wine can really drive away evil spirits. I just know that if I stay up late without drinking to refresh myself, I definitely won't be able to stay up all night without sleeping."

"Yes, yes, that's absolutely true."

The person who spoke at the beginning still had a nervous look on his face and said, "It's not that I doubt what Director Chen said, it's mainly because there's a dead man sleeping in the coffin next to him, which is a bit scary."

At this time, Lin Heshun continued: "According to what Taoist Chen said, the evil spirit and resentment after death are just left by the human spirit. Wine can disperse qi, so doctors in medical clinics use it to promote blood circulation, sweating, and relieve depression. The medicines used to dispel colds are always mixed with wine. If something unclean comes back, we drink several jars of Sanyang wine. The yang energy in our body will be suppressed by the yin energy, and it will definitely not be able to get into our bodies."

After listening to Lin Heshun's words, the other person burped and muttered, smelling of alcohol: "Why do I feel that this is what Director Chen said on purpose, just to make us drunk and emboldened."

Next, a few people drank wine, ate meat and wine, and talked about which girl had a fat butt and a big child, and which flower street had women with cheap prices. They used this to numb themselves and not think about the coffin.

The night is getting dark.

Gradually it came to the second half of the night.

The moonlight above the head is getting darker and darker, and a dark cloud blocks the moonlight, making it hazy and blurry, like a hairy moon with white hair.

This night is getting darker and darker.

The seven of them, Lin and Shun, drank so much that their tongues seemed to be unable to find their own. There were several empty wine jars lying beside the table.

Lin Heshun felt that his bladder was getting more and more swollen.

No more.

He could no longer hold back the urine that was brewing more and more.

He could feel that his dick had been stuffed back into his stomach. He might not even be able to find his dick when he took off his belt to relieve himself?

In fact, Lin Heshun was always worried about guarding a dead man's coffin.

He had been feeling the urge to pee for a long time.

But the man couldn't save his face. He didn't dare to admit that he was a coward. He said that he was afraid of going to the latrine to relieve himself alone, so he didn't dare to go.

So I just held my urine in for almost half an hour.

Lin Heshun felt that he couldn't hold it in any longer.

The more afraid of the coffin, the stronger the urge to urinate.

"Brothers, do any of you want to relieve yourself together?"

"I just wanted to relieve myself."

Because he had held in his urine for so long, Lin Heshun felt his body trembling with coldness and trembling when he spoke, and his voice was slightly trembling.

The few people who were drinking heavily and eating meat suddenly fell silent in a tacit understanding. They looked at each other tacitly, and the six people stood up together. It turned out that the seven of them had been holding back their pee for a long time, and they were just waiting for who could no longer hold it in first and who would speak first!

A man's self-esteem at this moment.

Completely shattered by a splash of urine.

"But if all seven of us are gone, who will guard the coffin?"

"Lin Qi, Ah Yang, and Ah Feng, you three will stay here first. After the four of us have finished relieving ourselves, we will come back and take your turns."

Those three people were very cunning.

As soon as he spoke, he left the table in a hurry, leaving only Lin Qi and the three of them cursing in anger.

The three of them had no choice but to continue eating the food and drinks in boredom, waiting for Lin Heshun and the four of them to come back.

However, the three of them waited and waited, but Lin Heshun and the others could not come back.

Worried that something unexpected had happened, the three decided to go find someone.

This is the front yard, and the latrine is a filthy place, so naturally it cannot be in the front yard. Usually when friends, relatives or other visitors come to the house, the smell of summer will scare them away.

After the house, there is a small backyard, where cooking firewood, farm tools, sundries, etc. are stored. Naturally, the huts were also built in this nook and cranny.

When Lin Qi and the others walked through the house and came to the backyard, they saw Lin Heshun and the others in good condition, with no accidents.

The four of them stood up and walked around, and their heads were blown by the night wind. At this time, the alcohol was completely strong, and the four of them bent over and vomited, leaving food residues all over the floor.

The stench of the latrine in the backyard, mixed with the rancid smell of undigested food, was really offensive.

Lin Qi and the others burst out laughing, mocking Lin Heshun and the others for their poor drunkenness.

But at this moment!


In the originally peaceful night, there was suddenly a sound like something falling to the ground. This sound was particularly harsh.

"what sound?"

"It seems to be coming from the front yard where the coffin is placed?"


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