White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 31 Night Coming (Thanks to the Alliance Leader @for


Originally drunk.

Seven people whose brains have become sluggish.

At this time the brain is fully awake.

Then he pulled out his sword and hurried to the front yard.

Since the corpse theft occurred, they all carried self-defense weapons with them when they were on duty at night.

When the seven people ran to the front yard, they saw that the copper basin and incense candles originally placed beside the coffin had been overturned.

A man's back was facing them, planning to destroy the cinnabar ink lines on the surface of the coffin and steal the body.

The drunkenness of the seven people has not completely subsided. At this time, they did not think much about anything else. The blood rushed to their foreheads, and they shouted bravely: "Hey! Who is here to steal the corpse!"

Something strange happened.

The man who had turned his back to the seven people was destroying the cinnabar and ink lines on the white coffin.

Being shouted at by seven people was like being hit by something.

He actually fell where he was.

The man turned his head and looked at Lin Heshun and the other seven.

Then he climbed over the courtyard wall and escaped.

The next day.

It's time.

Inn house.

Jin An was overjoyed to put away his sword.

Thanks to his luxury and free daily nourishment with a century-old medicinal soup, he finally mastered the "Blood Sword Sutra" to the sixth level.

And he had only been practicing the "Blood Sword Sutra" for eleven or twelve days.

The red blood energy in the body is domineering and strong, and the energy and blood in his body is thick and strong, comparable to that of a tiger or a wolf.

Who can be like him?

Every day, there are hundreds of years of medicine to nourish and strengthen the qi and blood. Every day, the qi and blood in the body are as strong as the mountains and rivers.

Enough blood! Then the muscles and bones will be strong!

This is a double benefit!

I wonder who can be like him, so wasteful every day, eating century-old ginseng, century-old angelica and other medicinal herbs as food!

Just at this moment, someone outside the house called Jin An's name.

"Master Jin An?"

"Master Jin An?"

The door of the house opened from the inside, and Jin An saw that the person calling him was the smart shop waiter from last time again.

"What's the matter?"

The waiter said hurriedly: "Mr. Jin An, I just heard someone say that someone stole a body from Lin Lu's house last night!"

Next, with the explanation from the waiter, Jin An learned what happened last night.

"Body thief?"

"Could it be that a dead person came to steal the body again this time?"

When he heard that the body thief was finally frightened away by the seven people watching the night, Jin An was surprised at first, and then muttered six words.

"Seven gourd brothers?"

But next!

Jin An heard another unexpected news!

When Jin An heard that the old magic stick leader Kanyu Shanchuan Feng Shui had disappeared and had not returned all night, Jin An's head sank!

Could it be that what he was most worried about finally happened?

The waiter happily received Jin An's reward, and then he couldn't hide the joy on his face and left.

He respected Jin An even more in his heart.

Just on the way back, a doubt came to the waiter's mind.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or if I saw it wrong…

The goat Mr. Jin An keeps under the bamboo forest in the yard seems to be fatter than when he saw it a few days ago?

what happened?

After seeing off the waiter.

Jin An this time.

He didn't immediately go out to Lin Lu's house like last time.

Since the body was not lost, and there were so many members of the Lin family, and more relatives and friends had been called on to help find the person, he just had to wait for the result.

In fact, Jin An also intended to completely remove himself from this matter.


some things.

You can't just hide if you want to.

Outside the inn, there was a sudden commotion and a burst of noise.

Jin An walked out of the house out of curiosity, only to see a group of people from the Lin family rushing into a house on this street. Not long after, a group of people from the Lin family came out.

As a result, someone in the crowd shouted: "Dead people! Dead people!"

The Lin family actually brought out the body of a man from that house. Listening to the discussions among the neighbors, it seemed that the dead man was named Shuanzi.

He is idle on weekdays, but spends money lavishly every day. This person has a bad temper, so his relationship with the neighbors is not good.

But who would have thought that Shuanzi would die in his own home without anyone noticing!

If a murder occurs in Chang County, the Yamen will definitely be alerted.

Next, the Lin family members and the body were all taken away by the Yamen.

It's just that this time compared with last time, the only thing missing was the old Taoist priest.

In fact, Jin An, who was standing in the crowd of onlookers, had already guessed what happened to the body... It should be the person who stole the body last night.

Jin An heard from the waiter at the inn that all the people watching last night saw the dead man's face when he turned around.

Therefore, when someone is recognized, it is not difficult for the Lin family to bring someone to the door.

It was almost noon when people came from the Yamen and took them away.

However, the commotion caused by this incident was not completely eliminated until nightfall. For a moment, some people in the nearby street were panicked. Before the truth came to light, everyone closed their doors and windows early to rest.

I'm afraid that some rogue bandits and bandits will break into Chang County, kidnapping and killing people.

The most intuitive feeling is that even the inn business has been affected. Few customers came to stay in this street for half the afternoon.

So, shopkeeper Zhang ordered people to close early today.

He also specifically reminded everyone that before the Yamen solves the case and the murderer is caught, they should try to avoid going to less crowded places recently to avoid any danger.

Sunset and moonrise.

Night falls in Chang County.

The night is getting darker, and it is gradually reaching Haishi in the middle of the night. At this time, the night is already dark, and the people in Chang County have already fallen into a deep sleep.

At this time, the world was dark and groggy.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but tonight under the hazy moonlight, Chang County is particularly quiet and quiet.

Even the sound of dogs barking in the middle of the night has decreased a lot.

Under the moonlight.

Shuanzi's house where the dead man was found during the day.

Shuanzi is a single man, has not married, and has no children.

Therefore, since he was found dead at home during the day, Nuo Da's entire home has only been quiet. Under the moonlight, this dead empty room was as peaceful and dead as the silence of a deep mountain in the dark night.

The night grew darker.

The house has been calm and quiet.

Like a cold old pool deep in the mountains, without any ripples...suddenly!

In the empty room, there was a little noise. The sound was very slight, seemingly absent.


The door of the dark and deserted room seemed to be blown by the wind. The wooden door had an aging door shaft that had been in disrepair and made a sound like the painful groan of an old man on the bed.

Revealing the dark hole in the house, the world behind the dark door where one cannot see anything.

There was no one behind the door.

It seems that the door was not closed tightly and was blown open by the cold night wind...

Darkness behind the door.


Dead silence.

The whole room was dead silent.

The dark room, which had only seen death during the day, was filled with a bit of coldness and eerie silence under the moonlight.


In the inn, the door of the house where Jin An lived seemed to have not been properly bolted, and was gently pushed open by the night wind, revealing a quiet darkness with no one behind the door.

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