White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 45 Graveyard Meal

"Because the way Li Dashan died was so weird, I'm afraid something strange will happen."

"So there was no burial, but they were burned completely."

Feng Captou explained.

The old Taoist priest shook his head and said, "I am just asking casually."

When the jailer opened the cell door, the old Taoist priest carried his treasure bag of Tai Chi and Bagua on his shoulders, stepped into the cell, and began to look around carefully.

Jin An frowned slightly.

He couldn't explain why, but as soon as he stood at the door of the cell, he felt uncomfortable.

It seemed that there was an indescribable turbid and lingering atmosphere in the cell where Li Dashan died suddenly, making Jin An very uncomfortable.

It's like the uncomfortable feeling of summer clothes sticking to your skin.

Jin An thought for a moment.

He did not enter the cell, but stood at the door and glanced at the cell using his aura technique, and then his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

Just at this time, the jailer also opened the cell door, and the old Taoist priest walked in.

After the old Taoist priest entered the cell, he first carefully checked every corner of the cell. Only when passing by the land where Li Dashan died, the old Taoist priest would take the initiative to avoid it.

Unexpectedly, they did not immediately check the place where Li Dashan died.

Instead, check the rest of the cell first.

The sight of Feng Captou and the other jailers made Monk Zhang Er confused and confused.

The old Taoist priest touched and checked twice, even turning over the hay pile in the corner. After bending down and checking carefully several times, he stood up straight with his right hand on his back.

"What did Daozhang Chen discover?"

Feng Captou couldn't help but ask.

"I did find some discoveries..." The old Taoist priest frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

"I wonder if Capt. Feng has noticed that the cell where Li Dashan stayed is a little too clean?"

"Old man, I just searched and found not even a single cockroach or spider. These insects like darkness and moisture. Logically speaking, there should be cobwebs in the corners of the walls, and there should be many insects that like shade in the haystacks."

"But I haven't found even one."

"All things have spirits. Ants can predict the coming of earthquakes in advance, and snakes hibernating underground can predict the coming of floods in advance, so as to avoid disasters early. It seems that there is something scary in this cell, which scares away all the insects. "

After the old Taoist priest finished speaking, Yue Mo pondered for a few breaths.


I saw him grabbing the handful of grave rice from the Tai Chi Bagua bag.

"Is there a porcelain bowl here? An ordinary empty bowl will do."

The old Taoist priest told a jailer outside the cell that Feng Captou ordered the jailer to find a bowl for eating, and soon an attentive jailer found an empty bowl.

Afterwards, the old Taoist priest poured the uncooked rice from the grave into an empty bowl, then took out an incense stick and lit it, and stuck it straight on the uncooked rice in the rice bowl.

After doing all this, the old Taoist priest put incense in the bowl and placed it respectfully on the open space where Li Dashan died.

"What does Daozhang Chen mean?" Feng Captou looked at the dead rice on the ground and was stunned for a moment.

"I remember Daozhang Chen mentioned before that the main function of the dead man's meal is to treat ghosts and gods with courtesy so that they can send ghosts and gods away?"

"Is there really something evil in the prison?"

A chill ran down the back of Feng Bao's head. Immediately, this middle-aged man, who had a slightly fat face and always had a kind smile on his face, his eyes were as sharp as two knives. His hand was nervously placed on the handle of the knife at his waist, and he held his breath. Look around the dark prison with vigilance.

Even the jailers were so frightened by Feng Captou's words that they turned pale.

"This, this, this..."


Several jailers were so frightened that they could not even speak.

The old Taoist priest glanced at the frightened jailers from the corner of his eyes, then continued to turn his gaze back and focused on the bowl of dead man's rice.

His two eyes stared at the dead man without blinking, as if he was afraid of missing any details.

"In addition to sending away ghosts and gods, the dead man's meal also has another purpose. It can be used to test whether other evil spirits have lived in a place!"

"This bowl of rice I have is from a grave. It has been eaten by the dead. If there are unclean things lingering in a place, there will be two consequences. First, the cultivation is not as good as the original owner of this bowl of rice from a grave. We should be polite first and then attack the unclean things. He will leave obediently; secondly, the evil in the cell is more ferocious than the bowl of grave rice in my hand, and I will eat both soft and hard food! But no matter what it is, the incense stick inserted into the dead man's rice will burn abnormally fast... "

Before the old Taoist priest finished speaking, bang!

The incense stick inserted into the dead man's rice actually broke at the waist.

The expression of the old Taoist priest changed drastically.

"This is a battle between two tigers, and one of them will lose! You guessed it right, Feng Capt. Li Dashan's death is indeed related to evil spirits! This is a murderous master who cannot communicate and can't be saved!"

After listening to the old Taoist priest's words, the jailers on duty tonight almost fainted from fright. They looked around timidly and saw nothing. They couldn't help but feel that a sinister wind was blowing in the prison.

These jailers were so frightened that their bodies were shaking and their legs were weak.

His face became even paler.

At this time, no one cared whether what the old Taoist priest said was true or false, because everyone already believed in the old Taoist priest's ability.

The old Taoist priest has been so professional all the way.

A fake Taoist priest or a fake monk who only knows how to dance to ward off evil spirits is not a parallel import at first glance.

As expected of being one of the top three arresters in Chang County, Capt. Feng quickly calmed down, clasped his fists, and politely asked the old Taoist priest: "Since there are unclean things hidden in the prison, can Taoist Chen exorcise the evil spirits?"

After this incident, Feng Baotou's attitude towards the old Taoist priest became even more polite.

Unexpectedly, the old Taoist priest shook his head.

"This is just a wisp of residual yin energy. It doesn't mean that the murderer is still living in prison."

"Because the prison is dark and humid, with no sunshine all year round, it is easiest for the yin to gather, so this ray of yin energy remains until now. If it were outside, it would dissipate on its own within three to five days."

"So there is no need for me to exorcise the evil spirits. Tomorrow, Captain Feng only needs to have someone cut a hole in the wall of the cell to let the sun shine in. When the Yang energy is strong, the evil energy will naturally decline. In a few days, the cell will return to normal. "

After listening to the old Taoist priest's words, Feng Baotou once again cupped his fists and thanked him.

Then the three walked out of the prison.

However, along the way, Capt. Feng's brows were knitted into the character "Sichuan", looking very worried.

At this time, Jin An, who had not spoken a word since he left the prison and looked at Li Dashan's cell with his aura technique, spoke up: "Perhaps, Capt. Feng no longer has to worry about it. We should check Capt. Zheng's side. There will be new gains.”

At this time, only Feng Baotou, Jin An, and the old Taoist priest were left at the door of the prison.

Under the moon, when Feng Baotou raised his head again, his eyes were determined, and he had already made a decision.

"Thank you very much, Master Chen and Mr. Jin An, for your help tonight."

"Next, Feng needs to take advantage of the time when Capt. Zheng is temporarily transferred to Wen Mo Temple to investigate all the details of Capt. Zheng. When there is new progress, Feng will ask the two of you for advice."

Because it's curfew now.

Jin An and the old Taoist priest naturally could not return to their residences by themselves.

It was up to Feng Captou to personally send the two of them back to their residence via the same route.


Neither Jin An nor the old Taoist priest expected that Feng Captou would come to their door so quickly.

It was only in the early morning of the next day that Feng Baotou came to the door early, and he brought bad news!

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