White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 46 Rouge Powder

In Chang County.

The monthly payment for an ordinary government servant is two qian.

The pay for the class leader is slightly better, and he can get three taels of silver.

The three major catchers have the best treatment and benefits, and can get five qian in monthly salary.

If you add in the industrial and food silver subsidy, the monthly income will almost reach six cents of silver.

Industrial food bank, similar to food, housing and travel subsidies, is funded by the local government itself and is not supported by the court.

Like ordinary government servants, there are also white servants whose monthly salary is even lower. Their monthly salary is only one yuan.

White laborers are temporary workers outside the establishment.

Temporary workers carry the pot and snatch it from the top. This is a white servant who just lets people go whore for free.

Therefore, the place where Zheng Yuanhu lives is not secluded. On the contrary, it is a building with high walls and tile roof. Once you enter the large courtyard, the area is quite prosperous.

Zheng Yuanhu is one of the three major head catchers in Chang County. The dock gang, gangs, and underworld gangs in Chang County all rely on the three head catchers with high martial arts skills to intimidate them. Therefore, in order to retain talents, when the three policemen bought real estate in Chang County, the government provided special subsidies, which was equivalent to half selling and half giving.

Because talents have been scarce since ancient times, talents are popular wherever they go.

Feng Baotou knocked on the door early in the morning. After calling Jin An and the old Taoist priest with a solemn face, he went straight to Zheng Baotou's house.

On the way, Capt. Feng also briefly introduced Capt. Zheng’s situation.

But along the way, no matter how Jin An and the old Taoist priests asked Feng Battou if they had discovered anything, why did Feng Battou look so solemn?

But Feng Baotou always had a serious look on his face, and said that he couldn't tell clearly for a while, but he would know it when he went to Zheng Baotou's house.

The three of them passed through several cities and finally arrived at Zheng Yuanhu's house.

Feng Captou knocked on the door with his finger.


Three slow and one fast rhythms knocking on the door.

After hearing the knock signal, there were footsteps and the sound of the door opening immediately behind the door.

"Feng Captou."

The person who opened the door was actually a government official. Jin An and the old Taoist priest looked at each other in surprise.

"Let's talk inside first."

Feng Baotou walked in front. After everyone entered, the door behind him closed again.

Passing through the courtyard, I saw an old man in simple clothes in the lobby, who was being controlled by two government officials with knives.

"This is the concierge hired by Capt. Zheng. Capt. Zheng is usually busy with official duties and the house is often empty, so he hired a concierge to look after his house."

"Concerning the identity of this concierge, Daochang Chen and Mr. Jin'an don't have to worry. He is a local in Chang County. He has been working as a handyman for others. He has never been outside the boundaries of Chang County. He only worked as a concierge at Zheng's house three years ago. ."

"His identity is clean."

"Also, I have had him examined. His armpits and chest are all normal, and there are no signs of evil spirits."

Jin An looked at everything in front of him in surprise.

He wasn't surprised that Capt. Feng figured out Capt. Zheng's family background so quickly.

But he was surprised that Capt. Feng was so efficient in doing things. He had just made up his mind to investigate Capt. Zheng last night, and early the next morning he took people to control Capt. Zheng's servants...

He also occupied the home of Mr. Zheng...

Thinking of the solemn expression on Capt. Feng's face along the way, Jin An couldn't help but wonder, what major discovery did Capt. Feng make at Capt. Zheng's house that made him be so cautious? Even Zheng Capt's servants were controlled?

Jin An's doubts soon came to an answer.

Feng Baotou took Jin An and the old Taoist priest all the way to the main house where Zheng Yuanhu lived.

As a result, just as he arrived in front of Zheng Yuanhu's main house, Jin An subconsciously squatted down and sniffed the air.

There was an unspeakable smell in the air.

Jin An thought for a moment and immediately knew what the smell was. It was a very, very strong smell of women's rouge powder.

When everyone came to the door of Zheng Yuanhu's room, the smell of woman's rouge became stronger, and there was no doubt that it was indeed coming from Zheng Yuanhu's room.

Jin An's head was filled with doubts.

Because according to what Feng Baotou said, Zheng Yuanhu's family only has an old concierge, so where can the female family members use rouge?

Rouge, like perfume, is so strong that it only smells.


Something's wrong!

"Little brother, there is no need to smell it. This is not the extremely strong smell of rouge, but the smell of corpse!"

"Someone is borrowing rouge to cover up the corpse aura!"

The one who spoke was an old Taoist priest with a serious face.

Feng Baotou on the side politely asked the old Taoist priest again and again to confirm whether this was really corpse qi?

Old Taoist priest: "As an old Taoist, I have traveled all over the country and encountered grave relocations, plagues, and floods. I have seen all kinds of corpses for ten miles in the corpse field. Funeral aura, coffin aura, and corpse aura are as familiar to me as a commonplace meal. I am an experienced Taoist. I can guarantee you that this is definitely corpse energy!"

Feng Baotou was thoughtful, but he did not speak. Instead, he winked, and immediately a government servant stepped forward and pushed open Zheng Yuanhu's door.


A suffocating stench of rouge hit my nose.

After waiting for the air to circulate and the smell to disperse for a while, Jin An and the old Taoist priest followed Feng Baotou into the room.

The furnishings in the room are not complicated.

Bed, screen, teapot, table and stools…


It was a table with a bronze mirror on it.

In front of the bronze mirror, boxes of various rouges and perfumes were piled up.

These rouge brands are mixed, including Zuihuayin, Moon Peony, Yanzhi, Hongmoju... There are also several brands of fragrant powder. Don't ask Jin An how he can recognize all the rouges and fragrant powders used by these women.

Because he had just bought a box of Red Moon Rouge with Zhang Lingyun some time ago.

At that time, the store owner gave him a hard sell, and Jin An finally bought a box of Red Moon Rouge, the most famous among the ladies of the northern capital city. Of course, the price is also the most expensive.

Sometimes it is best for men to save face in front of the opposite sex.

Business bosses like this kind of company of men and women the most.

"These rouges and perfumes are all empty. There are so many empty boxes. If an ordinary woman uses them as powder on her face every day, she might not be able to use them all in a year, right?"

The old Taoist priest smashed his mouth and was amazed.

"I think these rouges and perfumes are not necessarily for women." Jin An half-crouched, as if imitating something in front of the bronze mirror, looking back and forth at himself in the bronze mirror.

Then he carefully observed the empty boxes of rouge and perfume one by one, and continued: "Because women are particularly sensitive to rouge and perfume. The smell of rouge is different, some are light and elegant, some are fresh and fragrant, and some are strong but not greasy. Wait, breaking it down can make people’s eyes dazzled.”

"It is precisely because of this that women are particularly loyal to a certain brand of rouge or powder. Once they choose it, it is difficult to change their minds."

"So it is definitely not like what is happening here. No matter what brand of rouge or scented powder you buy, you will use it randomly. This shows that the other party is a complete layman and does not understand the delicate thoughts of women. Usually only men will treat women with rouge, scented powder. Fans are not interested and do little research..."


When Jin An said this, his body shook violently.

A shuddering chill arose from his back and shot straight to the back of his head.

"Captain Feng, do you suspect that Captor Zheng is actually dead a long time ago, and someone is using his body to resurrect the dead, and has been pretending to be Captor Zheng to sneak into the Yamen?"

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