White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 476: Heretic Buddhism, Bon Religion, Black Religion (6k big chapter, please subscribe and vo

The evil and life-threatening Sanskrit sounds in the Great Rift Valley are still chanting.

The deeper you go into the Buddhist kingdom, the harder it becomes to resist the life-threatening chants.

It is as if I am carrying a Buddha mountain on my back.

I have always wanted people in the world to take refuge in me, the Buddha.

Jin'an and their resting place.

At this time, due to the outbreak of Yin Qi at night, several people were trying their best to resist the life-threatening Sanskrit chants above their heads.

The night fog is thick.

The night fog that filled the Great Rift Valley was thicker than at dusk.

The life-calling Sanskrit sounds above the head are still getting stronger. The shamanic instruments on Jin'an's vigorous blood and Ayimaimaiti's bodies have lost their effect at this moment. Jin'an uses the "Heavenly Demon Sacred Art" to immobilize the souls of several people. , just barely got through it.

These life-demanding Sanskrit sounds are very evil. Except for the first two nights when his vitality is strong, he will rely on spiritual martial arts to guard his mind and keep his spiritual platform clear in the next few nights.

Just like the previous times, he resisted again until the evil spirits broke out here, causing thunder to drive away the evil spirits. A bolt of thunder lit up the sky, the Sanskrit sound calling for life dissipated, and a violent storm began to fall from the sky and the earth.


The heavy rain beat on the rock walls, cliff paths and house walls, making a loud noise like the galloping of thousands of horses.

Jin An closed his eyes from his meditation and looked at the door. Although the doors and windows of the house were closed tightly and he couldn't see the rain outside, he could tell from the rain outside that the rain in the depths of the Great Rift Valley was more violent than in the outside. The rainwater fell along the eaves and fell outside the door, forming the Shuiliandong Waterfall. He still didn't understand what the rain was all about.

At this time, the three people of Aiyimaimaiti also closed their eyes and woke up from the hard support. Compared with the relaxation of Jin An and Mr. Yiyun, the faces of these three people were not so good.

His face turned pale.

He was soaked as if he had just been fished out of the water.

"The deeper we go into the Buddhist Kingdom, the harder it becomes for us to persist. Although Taoist Master Jin'an came to help, our backs and clothes were still wet with cold sweat. Just now we almost thought we were really going to see the Buddha and convert to him. Fortunately, thunder saved us every time..." The three of them breathed heavily and said with lingering fears.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, why do thunder interrupt the chanting of those evil sects every night?"

Jin An stood up calmly and said in a calm voice while moving his hands and feet: "In places where there is evil energy or people who are dead but not stiff will become zombies, the Yin energy and corpse energy are particularly strong, which will cause thunder and disaster to destroy the evil."

"The popular understanding is that in the Buddhist country, the yin energy is abnormal every night, causing the aura of heaven and earth to be disordered. Places with disordered magnetic fields are prone to abnormal weather conditions, such as lightning strikes."

"So places with heavy Yin Qi, heavy corpse Qi, or places where zombies are about to be born are prone to being struck by lightning. Not only are they afraid of the thunder of the domineering Pure Yang, they constantly avoid lightning strikes, but also because the more they practice, the stronger they become, the easier it is to Attract lightning strikes.”

The rain outside came and stopped quickly.

It stopped quickly in less than half a stick of incense.

"Hey, where did this huge white fog come from in this room?" someone exclaimed.

At this time, the doors and windows in the house were closed, unable to stop the white fog from spreading outside. Gradually, a layer of thick fog became thicker, adding a hazy feeling to the world like seeing flowers in the mist.

There was no expression of surprise on Jin An's face: "There are lush vegetation in the depths of the Great Rift Valley, and there is already a lot of moisture. In addition, there was a heavy rain just now, so heavy fog is a normal natural phenomenon."

Ayimaimaiti couldn't help but take another look at Jin An, and said in an envious tone: "Taoist Master Jin An, you know so many things. It's like you know everything. Nothing can stump you, Taoist Jin An."

Jin An looked at how the three people in front of him liked him, and said with a cheerful smile: "I like honesty. People who tell the truth. If you have any other truths to tell me, I like to hear them the most." The truth.”

Ayimaimaiti and the other three said: "?"

The three of them looked at the shameless Jin An calmly. Yes, this was the Taoist priest they knew.

At this time, even Mr. Yiyun couldn't help but roll his eyes at Jin An. Her skin was as crystal clear as jade, her neck was slender and beautiful, her eyes were solid and heroic, elegant and refined, and she had a special charm. Her eyes were full of charm.

Just when Ai Maimaiti and the other three were rummaging around, thinking about how to flatter Jin An, the white mist in the room was quietly changing in the darkness, gradually turning from white mist into a thick black and white mist, through which There is a coldness only found in the underworld.

Ding dong.

Ding dong.

From time to time, water drops fall from the eaves outside the door.

At this moment, the yellow talisman in Jin An's arms was burning hot. He hurriedly took out the yellow talisman. It turned out that the talisman on the Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Exorcism Talisman was stimulated, and his spiritual power shone.

As soon as the Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Expelling Talisman was taken out, it immediately stirred up the mist that was filling the room. It was like the righteous god who hates evil and hates evil senses the evil spirits and causes chaos, and automatically generates a response.

Seeing the changes in the plague-repelling talisman, the look on Jin An's face changed drastically: "Be careful with these poisonous fogs! These fogs from the Buddhist country are the poisonous miasma of the jungle! Hurry up and change your external breathing to internal breathing!"

Just in case, Jin'an used the plague-repelling talisman to remove the poison from everyone.

Fortunately, the Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Expelling Talisman warned them in time, and the poisonous miasma they inhaled was not much. They did not even need to use the Plague Expelling Talisman, nor did they consume the precious spiritual energy on the Plague Expelling Talisman. The poisonous miasma they accidentally inhaled in their bodies was removed by the Plague Expelling Talisman. .

Only Mr. Yiyun is not affected by these poisonous miasma.

She appears as an empty shell herself.

It's not a real flesh and blood body.

Just when Jin An had finished removing the poison, Ai Maimaiti and the other three looked grateful, and were about to say words of gratitude, suddenly!

Bang bang bang!

In the deserted Buddhist temple, there was a rapid knock on the door!

This sudden and urgent knock on the door was particularly clear in the empty, calm night, and the five people were startled.

The rapid knocking on the door was very close. They subconsciously looked in the direction of the door. The knocking came from outside the door of the house where they were. Someone was knocking on the door.

Aheqi drew his weapon and prepared to fight: "Who will be knocking on the door this night? Could it be the people we saw during the day who discovered us and now that the rain has stopped?"

But just as he finished speaking, cough, in the dark room with only the five of them, an old man's old cough suddenly sounded.

The sound was in the house.


The three of them, Ayimaimaiti, were so shocked that their scalps exploded. They looked for the source of the strange sound like headless flies in the dark room without firelight.


The sound of someone rolling over and getting out of bed came from the back room. The sound sounded very strange. It sounded like the creaking sound of coffin boards being turned over. It added a lot of coldness and absurdity to this strange and quiet night.

Then someone went down to put on shoes.

The sound of getting dressed was heard.

Jin An was surprised to see that the dark back room, which was originally empty, turned on with lights and candles, and then an old man walked out of the back room while coughing.

At this time, Jin An's expression became even more surprised. He saw an old monk wearing tantric monk robes and with Bodhisattva tattoos on his arms walking out of the back room holding a lamp of oil.

It is a bit inaccurate to say that he is an old monk. If you look closely, you can see that he is actually a middle-aged monk who has aged prematurely.

Although he looks very old, through his facial features and facial contours, it can still be seen that the monk is actually only about forty years old, but he has aged into sixty or seventy years old. Even the sound of coughing sounds like someone with a serious decline in life essence. Old voice.

There were five more outsiders in the house. Logically speaking, the monk should have shouted, but the monk seemed not to see the presence of the five people. He walked over with a lamp in hand and went straight to the door. As he walked, he said impatiently to Jinan. The three of them, Ai Maimaiti, couldn't understand the words.

The next moment, Jin An was stunned.

The pupils shrank.

As the lamp oil played a role in illuminating the room, Jin An finally noticed the changes in the white mist. At this time, the white mist in the house turned into black and white, with a cold atmosphere, and all the furniture in the house became monotonous. Black and white.

This is a color unique to the world of the dead.

They are no longer in the earthly world.

Looking at this scene, Jin An felt so familiar, this is the underworld!

They did not go to the underworld, but entered the underworld by mistake. He had encountered this situation several times before. If the yin energy in a place is extremely strong, it will open the ghost market. The most powerful thing is to open the gate of hell, even if the yin life is not over. People can also see the gates of hell.

Behind the gate of hell is the underworld, which only the dead can go to.

If a place has too much yin energy, even people who have not yet exhausted their yang life can still go through the yin and enter the underworld. However, once a living person enters the underworld or the ghost market, his or her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys will be ripped out by evil spirits, and their heads and hands will be destroyed. People's feet were put into a frying pan and fried, and people were probably frightened to death.

Jin An still remembers the horrific scenes of him going to the underworld twice in the flesh, one in the tomb of the Dragon King, and the other in the tomb of the underworld in the dojo.

Both of these are Yin tombs, places where Yin energy gathers heavily.

Unexpectedly, in this hot desert, they would accidentally enter the underworld.

"Anode comes from yin?" Jin An thought for a moment and figured out the link.

Obviously it was the first time for the three people of Aiyimaimaiti to go to the yin. They looked at this black and white world of yin that they had never seen before with ugly faces: "What is the yin life of the anode? Taoist priest Jin'an... What is going on here?" , have you already seen something..."

Young Master Yiyun had obviously gone through the dark side, and his expression, apart from being surprised at first, quickly returned to calm.

Faced with the question, Jin An roughly explained what walking in the underworld and the underworld are.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, you are saying... that a living person will surely die if his flesh and blood body goes to the underworld... Then why, that old monk can't see us?" After the initial shock, the three of them gradually calmed down and deliberately approached Jin. Ann looks for security.

Jin An didn't object to the three of them standing close to him. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't alert the enemy first. Let's wait and see what happens and see what these lingering things want to do. We will also take this opportunity to understand." The details of this country of ghosts and Buddhas."

Benny spoke cautiously: "Could it be that...they really can't see us?"

Jin An just said something perfunctory, and then focused all his attention on the monk who had walked to the door and was about to open the door.

At this time, Master Yiyun whispered: "What he just said is not from the Western Region dialect, but from the Tubo dialect."

Jin An was not surprised by this at all.

Because the monk's dress is very similar to that of Tantric Buddhism, it is easy to identify him.


As the monk opened the door, there was an old couple standing under the eaves of the doorway. The couple looked ordinary. They were supporting a weak man in their hands. They had a painful expression on their faces and kept uttering pain from their mouths. Moaning young man.

The man didn't know what kind of strange disease he was suffering from. His body was horribly emaciated, and his face was as pale as a dead person. His expression was very painful, and sweat was pouring down from his forehead.

The old couple supported the man and knelt in front of the monk. The three of them knelt and kowtowed, begging and pleading for something, probably begging the monk to save him.

The monk first checked the man's body, and then chatted with the couple for a few words. Judging from their expressions, the monk finally rejected the couple and did not intend to save them.

Just when the monk gave the order to expel the guests and wanted to close the door and drive them away, the man who had been supported by the old couple suddenly screamed in pain. The voice sounded shrill and horrifying. He was rolling on the ground in pain, as if he was suffering from great pain. While rolling around, he coughed up blood severely.

Then under the eyes of several people in Jin'an, a foot-long blood-stained steel needle was coughed out of the man's throat. Such a long steel needle had obviously punctured the man's internal organs or mouth, and a large puddle was coughed up on the ground. blood.

Of course, now that we are in the dark, the blood is not scarlet, but black and white.

Seeing such a long steel needle being coughed out of the body, the three of them couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. They subconsciously touched their stomachs and throats. Goosebumps all over their bodies were so cold that they were almost frightened. screamed.

It must be so painful to eat this thing. This man must be mentally ill. Why did he swallow such a long steel needle? They felt their throats hurt just by looking at it... The three of them all thought that the needle-swallowing man was a lunatic. .

Even Jin An felt a little uncomfortable in his throat just looking at it.

In the past, getting a stuck fishbone was enough of a pain, but to swallow a foot-long steel needle and harm yourself, you have to be so crazy to do it.

No normal person would be able to do such crazy things.

The old couple burst into tears and banged their heads. They kept begging the monk to save them. The monk saw that the man was about to die if he continued to cough, so he carried the man into the house.

The three of them carried the man who was coughing up blood in pain, and the four of them hurried past Jin An and the others, as if no one could see Jin An and the others, and carried the man directly into a room in the back room.

The five people and one bird, whose curiosity had been aroused, also followed.

The room is very simple but spacious, like a Zen room for practicing. The most eye-catching thing is the several kabalas placed on a long cabinet, including a human skull wine bowl, a leg bone flute, beads polished from baby finger bones, and a spine. Made of whips, Buddha amulets studded with gold and precious stones...

These kabalas are not the kind of frivolous decorations among the people, but powerful magical instruments that have been blessed by monks and engraved with scriptures.

Seeing that those Kabalas have been touched and turned white, and their surfaces are smooth and round, you can know that these Kabala instruments have been continuously blessed with magic power. Each Kabala has been used for decades.

Jin An and the others did not see these things when they checked the house during the day, which means they only appeared when they were under the influence.

In addition to the Gabala instruments, there are several Tsa Tsa Buddhas placed on another higher-grade cabinet. The Tsa Tsa Buddhas are large and small, and there is a happy Tsa Tsa Buddha of a naked woman hugging the Buddha. Buddha, there is Tsa Tsa Buddha riding a yak in the snowy mountains, Tsa Tsa Buddha playing with snakes, Tsa Tsa Buddha in white clothes... In addition, there are several Tsa Tsa Buddhas covered with red cloths. It is difficult to tell what Tsa Tsa Buddha is for the time being. Buddha.

Of course, what manifests in the underworld is covered with black and white brocade cloth, not red cloth.

Among the five people, only Master Yiyun could understand the conversation of those people, so Jin An asked the other party: "Master Yiyun, what are they talking about? What is the situation of these people?"

Mr. Yiyun: "I don't know the monk's name yet, but he is called Master Tashi by the old couple. Tashi is an honorific title for an eminent monk in Tubo."

“In addition to being a monk, Master Tashi is also a master in making Kabala instruments and Tsa Tsa Buddhas. The human bone Gabaras and Tsa Tsa Buddhas we saw in this room were all made by this Tashi guru. hand."

"The names of the old couple are temporarily unknown, and the name of the sick man is also unknown. He is the son of the old couple. The man had previously prayed for a Tsa Tsa Buddha from Master Tashi. It was the woman who embraced the Buddha. He was so happy to rub the Buddha, and wanted to use this to make the landowner's daughter, who had always had a crush on him, fall in love with him. Originally, Master Tashi didn't want to rub the Buddha for such a person. There is something that means his destiny is not strong enough. , it is also said that you should not force your life to have no meaning, be careful of the backlash in the end, hurting others and yourself. However, the ancestors of the couple and the ancestors of Master Tashi were old acquaintances. Due to human feelings, Master Tashi gave up a statue. Happy Tsa Tsa Buddha gave it to the man."

"What happened later was very simple. The man and the old couple were from ordinary families. They tried too hard for something they didn't have in their lives. As a result, they suffered backlash... It seems that in this Buddhist country, people with a certain status will worship rubbish in their homes. The Tsa Tsa Buddha or Gaga Bala magic weapon is used to protect the house. The big landowner's house also enshrines a Tsa Tsa Buddha with magic power blessed by a senior monk. I am happy that the power of the Tsa Tsa Buddha is greatly reduced in the hands of ordinary people. The Tsa Tsa Buddha was broken, the Tsa Tsa Buddha was shattered, and a pair of hearts fell out of it... According to what the old couple said, the hearts of the man and woman were filled with steel needles, forcibly connecting the two hearts that were originally far apart. A man and a woman were forcibly brought into marriage, and as the joy was shattered, the man was attacked by evil spells. More than a hundred steel needles pierced into the heart of the man and woman all flew into the man's stomach..."


Aiyimaimaiti and the other three couldn't help but take a breath.

As expected, the people in this Buddhist country are all lunatics. How could they use such evil methods to forcibly bind marriages?

When I heard the consequences of the backlash, I subconsciously covered my throat again, feeling uncomfortable.

"That Master Tashi said that the backlash from the joy of rubbing the Buddha has just begun. Right now, he is still vomiting out a steel needle every day, and it has not yet reached the time of real pain. One day, the steel needle will come out of the intestines and out of the brain. When the needle is drilled out, the person bites the stone grinder in pain, and the teeth are broken, which is the middle stage of the backlash. When the steel needle drills out bit by bit from the eyeball, slowly torturing the person blind, and the pain is unbearable, then the backlash arrives In the later stage. This happy situation seems to be very overbearing when it comes to forcibly nailing down a marriage. Once it backfires, it will also be very overbearing. The final outcome is that the person will die in pain."

"Because there are so many reasons, Master Tashi did not intend to save the man at the beginning. This is his own fault."

"There are always times in my life when I insist on forcing myself to do something, and I don't listen to Master Tashi's advice, so I end up with this miserable end."

"He had expected this outcome and had made the stakes clear from the beginning. However, the man and the old couple were obsessed with money. They only wanted to marry the daughter of a big landowner and marry a rich man, but they did not care about their own fate. Can you hold it down?"

Ai Maimaiti and the other three couldn't help but shrink their necks when they heard it again: "This is not love, this is fatal! No wonder they say love is as fierce as a tiger and will eventually eat people! This seems to be true at all!"

Even Jin An nodded in agreement.

Young Master Yiyun glanced sideways at the four men in Jin'an and continued: "Now I have some idea of ​​the origin of this Buddhist country. Whether it is the Buddha that sends children, the red-eyed Buddha, or the happy Buddha, these Tsa Tsa Buddhas all have one characteristic, and that is Using living people to refine and rub the Buddha is actually a black magic, similar to black magic."

"I just listened to Master Tashi's brief introduction to Tsa Tsa Buddha, and then combined with the many evil Tsa Tsa Buddhas we saw along the way... The exact origin of this Buddhist country should be the relationship between Bon and Buddhism. The heretic who adheres to Buddhism is born from harmony.”

Aheqi: "What is the Bon religion?"

Jin An knew something about this and said: "Bon is a native sect of Tubo before Buddhism was introduced to Tubo. It is also known as the black sect, black witch, and black shaman. It is an evil practice with very dark cultivation techniques."

"However, after Buddhism became popular in Tubo, Bon religion has long since disappeared, because Bon religion merged with Buddhism and gave birth to Tantric Buddhism that is different from Mahayana Buddhism in the Central Plains."

Aheqi was stunned: "Taoist Master Jin'an, do you mean that Tantric Buddhism is actually a cult that has been integrated into black wizards?"

Jin An shook his head solemnly: "Of course not, you have a narrow understanding. Whether it is Tantra or Mahayana Buddhism, it is orthodox Buddhism."

Young Master Yiyun glanced at Jin An unexpectedly, as if he was surprised that Jin An actually knew so much, even the Black Sect of Bon Religion, which had been extinct for many years.

She nodded: "Yes, this Buddhist country is not the Tubo Tantric Sect. Strictly speaking, it should be the Buddhist heretics who were hunted down and hid in the depths of the desert to survive during several Buddhist incidents in history. What is the Buddhist heretics? It means that they are not surrounded by Buddhism. Orthodox Buddhism admits that it was abandoned by the Buddha and used the name of Buddhism to practice heresy and deceive ignorant people everywhere. Many of their spells are related to black witchcraft, followed by Buddhist sutras and Bon black witchcraft. It is the main body of their belief and has little to do with orthodox Buddhism."

Speaking of this, she thought for a while: "To put it in a layman's terms, it is a group of lunatics who created a dark Buddha that has been seriously misinterpreted."

At this time, Master Tashi was talking to the old couple. Jin An couldn't understand, so he asked Mr. Yiyun to translate for them in real time.

Mr. Yiyun: "Although Master Tashi didn't want to save the man who was attacked by Tsa Tsa Buddha, he couldn't stand the pleading of the old couple. For the sake of his ancestors, he planned to save him. That’s the man.”

Because the Happy Buddha was made by Master Tashi himself, he could directly talk to the two ghosts attached to the hearts of men and women and ask them to spare the man's life.

However, the negotiation did not go smoothly. The two ghosts were too resentful and wanted to kill the man. They did not show any respect for Master Tashi.

The two possessed souls were kidnapped and sold to the Buddhist Kingdom by human traffickers before they were alive. Then Master Tashi ripped out their beating hearts alive and stabbed their hearts with steel needles while they were still alive. The wound was riddled with holes, endured the pain of hundreds of needles piercing the heart, forced two unfamiliar hearts together, and could not be reincarnated for eternity. The feeling was more painful than the pain of soul refining, so naturally the resentment was very great. It is precisely because of the great resentment that the power of the Tsa Tsa Buddha is even more domineering.

Seeing that the negotiation failed, the monk scolded angrily, and the Bodhisattva tattoos on his arms shone with a ghostly light.

"Master Tashi is going to forcefully cast a spell to get the needle." Mr. Yiyun warned.

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