White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 477 Everything can be reversed to ward off disasters, ward off evil and wipe the Buddha with

As the Bodhisattva tattoos on the monk’s arms flashed with light,

Jin An was surprised to see,

That Bodhisattva tattoo is very strange,

When the Bodhisattva's head is turned upside down, only the front body and the back of the head can be seen, but the front face cannot be seen.

The rituals in the room continued.

The monk took a wooden tray, cut his right index finger, and used blood as a medium to draw a few scriptures on the man's forehead. Then he put his right hand on the forehead of the man who was wailing in pain, and began to recite incomprehensible spells in his mouth. .

The next scene was very magical. No one could see clearly what was happening, and they saw one foot-long steel needle after another flying out of the man's body and landing on the tray.

There were no blood holes or wounds on the man's body. Those foot-long steel needles just appeared out of thin air.

As more and more steel needles were placed in the tray, the painful moans in the man's mouth became softer and softer, the expression on his face gradually calmed down, and then he fell into a deep sleep.

The needle removal process went smoothly.

All the steel needles were taken out by the monks.

At this time, the old couple was grateful to the monk. They clasped their hands and kept bending to express their thanks, treating the monk as a great benefactor.

But the matter was not over yet. The monk said something to the old couple, then turned and walked to the cabinet where many Tsa Tsa Buddhas were placed. He picked up a Tsa Tsa Buddha that was covered with a cloth and walked back.

Mr. Yiyun translated in time: "Master Tashi said that those steel needles need to find new targets to transfer the resentment of the ghosts, otherwise those steel needles will return to the body of the man on the ground the next day."

"Master Tashi intends to pierce these steel needles into Tsa Tsa Foli."

As she finished speaking, the monk had already walked back to the man, and then took off the cloth in his hand to wipe the Buddha's head. It turned out to be an inverted Buddha with the same tattoo on his arm. The Buddha's hands were clasped together to form a seal.

"Why does this Buddha statue have an inverted head? It looks so strange." Ayimaimaiti said curiously.

At this time, the old couple looked at the Tsa Tsa Buddha held in the monk's hand and said a few words with surprise in their eyes. The monk also answered a few words, as if they were asking questions.

Sure enough, Mr. Yiyun translated below: "The old couple were just asking about the origin of the Tsa Tsa Buddha. Master Tashi replied that this is the Tsa Tsa Buddha that can reverse everything, ward off disasters and ward off evil, or the Tsa Tsa Buddha for short. To wipe the Buddha. It is to burn the ashes of the eminent monk's seated Dharma body, and then add incense, ash and mud to make a cloth to wipe the Buddha..."

"...According to Master Tashi's explanation, the resentment of the male and female souls in Huanxi Buddha is too heavy, and the Yin Qi attached to them is too overbearing. Therefore, only the Bucha Buddha made from the dharma body of the eminent monk can suppress the resentment of Huanxi Buddha. Male and female twin spirits.”

At this point, the spellcasting begins.

Master Tashi picked up a steel needle from the tray, bent his index and middle fingers to pick up the ruler-long steel needle, and plunged it into Bucha Buddha's body.

Jin An, who is wearing the Five Thunder Emperor's Evil-Slaying Talisman, has extremely keen senses. Whenever there is an evil spirit peeking out, he will immediately sense it.

Although the malice in the monk's eyes was fleeting and only appeared for a moment, it was still keenly sensed by Jin An. At this moment, the steel needle in the monk's hand had pierced all the inverted Buddha cloth wipes in his hand. Buddha.

In fact, all these changes happen in an instant.

Jin An didn't have time to issue a warning, so he stood in front of everyone. The black mountain energy in his body was activated rapidly, and the skin and muscles instantly turned into black skin, stronger than steel, tough as gold, with a cold metal quality like black iron. luster.

This is the eighth level of "Black Mountain Technique"! Black Pagoda!

The shocking change happened too fast. Jin An had just finished activating the Black Pagoda when a steel needle appeared out of thin air behind him at the throat of Aheqi.

It seems that the weakest person among the five is chosen.

But at this moment, a shaman's magic weapon on Aheqi broke and blocked the shot for him.

The monk didn't care whether the injection was successful or not. After taking the first injection, he immediately picked up the second one and continued to stab the Buddha in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, the shaman's magic weapon on Aheqi shattered into two pieces one after another.

"You're courting death if you play these tricks in front of me!"

Jin An's voice deepened. He took a step forward and spread his fingers like a black tiger out of its cage. He slapped the monk fiercely. The poisonous inner energy and hot blood exploded into red and black flames between his open fingers, fiercely hoops. Grab the opponent.

The monk ignored Jin An, who was attacking like a black tiger. He picked up three steel needles at a time, wiped the Buddha's head, neck, and heart with the inverted Buddha cloth in his hand and stabbed them decisively.


clang! clang!

Three consecutive clanging sounds of gold and iron collided, creating intense fire on Jin An's forehead, thick neck, and heart, like two pieces of steel colliding violently, emitting sparks.

Jinan is intact.

On the contrary, the three steel needles were broken by his blood and turned into nothing on the spot.

Faced with successive defeats, the monk remained calm. This time he picked up the steel needle and pierced the inverted Buddha cloth to rub the Buddha's eyeballs and soles of his feet.

If this is really solid, people must be blind and have vicious methods.

Those steel needles are very strange.

Every time it appears out of thin air, leaving no trace, a steel needle appears just under the sole of Jin An's left foot that is about to land, but Jin An's horizontal kung fu training is not a vegetarian, and the "Twelve-pole Shape" Having fully practiced Yi Quan and the eighth level of "Black Mountain Kung Fu", at this moment, he is like an old Black Mountain demon with copper skin and iron bones. He is both good and evil. He does not dodge or dodge, and just strides to kill him. Steel needles under feet.

He was wearing the Liujia Liujia Talisman for four times and was protected by the Liujia Yin God. He could see through the truth in the dark void. He raised his finger and clamped a steel needle at the critical moment. The steel needle was just away from his eyeballs. Just a hair's breadth.

The steel needle appeared out of thin air near the eyeball.

Hard to guard against.

He pinched the steel needle with his thumb, pressed it gently, and broke the steel needle between his fingers into two pieces. Yin Qi emerged from the broken needle.

This time the monk grabbed a steel needle again and pierced the Buddha's crotch, perineum, Huiyang, Qichong, Du, Ren and Chong. The crotch is the most difficult area to practice hard Qigong.

This monk's attack was not only vicious, but also very sinister. When he saw that stabbing his eyes was not enough, he stabbed Jin'an's lower door to cover the door. This would have made him crippled even if he had not practiced hard Qigong all over his body.




More than a dozen foot-long steel needles that flew out of thin air to Jin'an's lower road were all broken, and none of them could break through Jin'an's defense.


The three people behind Aiyimaimaiti subconsciously clamped their legs when they saw it, fearing that Master Tashi would also give them more than a dozen steel needles to kill their descendants. That thing must be very painful, right?

The three of them all worshiped like gods, watching Jin An's back crashing into Master Tashi like a black wall like wind and fire. This is the iron crotch skill that all men dream of!

At the same time, they looked at the back of Jin An, who was showing off his power, with horror in their eyes.

Is this the true strength of Taoist Jin An?

This was the first time they saw Jin An fighting someone head-on.

Although those steel needles did not seem to be strong in front of Taoist Jin'an, or even looked very weak, and none of them could get close, the three of them knew very well that those steel needles were not ordinary secular steel needles. With a lot of resentment and yin energy, even the shaman's magic weapon on them can only exchange injuries for injuries. A shaman's magic weapon can only withstand a steel needle.

If we had dealt with them just like Taoist Priest Jin'an, with more than a dozen steel needles attacking at the same time, they wouldn't have had so many shaman bear paws, shaman necklaces, and shaman drums on them to resist those who came and went without warning. Shadow's eerie ghost needle.

Thinking of this, they looked at each other.

Is this really a Taoist priest?

The strength of his body is so strong that it makes people feel suffocated, and his body is so strong from head to toe that there is no weak spot.

They should be lucky that Jin An directly attacked Master Tashi from the very beginning. Jin An's decisive killing methods distracted Master Tashi's attention. Otherwise, Master Tashi would have spared his energy to deal with the three of them, and they would have been killed long ago. He became a eunuch.

Jin An had mastered the 12th Xuanwu stage of the "Twelve-pole Xingyiquan" a long time ago. From that time on, his horizontal training skills had no shortcomings. He had trained the muscles, skin, and periosteum of his entire body into a copper wall and an iron wall. , and became a body without leakage or defect.

Because the Twelve-pole Xuanwu Platform also filled up the last part of his cover.

There is really no cover from head to toe.

Jin An pushed forward unimpeded and bullied him all the way. The monk was beaten by Jin An's fast attack and had no time to deal with the others. Seeing that Jin An was about to kill in the next step, he could already feel the hot sun fire aura from Jin An's body. He Without any further hesitation, this time I directly swatted all the steel needles on the tray towards the reverse Buddha cloth and wiped the Buddha.

Those steel needles disappeared into the air as soon as they flew out.

The next moment.

They all appeared next to Jin An in an instant, flying towards Jin An's important acupuncture points.

Jin An snorted coldly, and the surging masculine blood in his body suddenly contracted and then swelled. Boom, the blood burst out of the body with a red glow. The pure sun shone brightly, illuminating the room as bright as day, sweeping away the crowd. magic.

All those steel needles were blown to pieces by his explosive blood energy, leaving no residue at all.

Even the old couple and the man were burned and melted by his bloody energy, which turned into Yin energy and then into nothingness.

Only the monk was left in the room holding the cloth to rub the Buddha to resist the explosion of blood energy.

At this time, Jin An finally arrived. He clasped his fingers on the monk's shoulders, trying to remove the monk's shoulder joints so that he could not hold the Buddhist cloth and rub it against the Buddha.


The body of yin energy collided with the masculine blood energy, and billowing black smoke rose from the contact point of the palm, like the ruthless collision of water and fire between lava and extremely cold black ice. The monk's body remained motionless.

Seeing that the monk was motionless, Jin An changed the tiger claw to slap the shoulder with the eagle claw on the collarbone. Sharp energy erupted from Black Pagoda's five fingers, and he grabbed hard, trying to crush the monk's shoulder on the spot and break the opponent's arm.

Who knows.


Five blood flowers floated from Jin An's shoulders, and five finger holes appeared on his shoulders, with blood gushing out.

Seeing the blood, the monk's eyes revealed hunger and thirst, which was greed for the human heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and greed for human flesh.

But Jin'an's life function is so powerful. The Zang Qi living in the Five Zang Immortal Temple moved a few times between the five internal organs, and strong vitality was born. Then Zang Qi moved this vitality to the wound, and the five bloody holes on the shoulder immediately The bleeding stopped, and the wound seemed to be healing on its own.

If Jin An is allowed to recuperate for some time, the wound on his shoulder will even heal on its own without the need for sore medicine or bruise medicine.

At this moment, the monk's tattoos on both arms could be reversed to ward off disasters and ward off evil. A cold light erupted, and the monk's entire body turned black, including his eyeballs, which were only black without the whites of his eyes. Black eyeballs, this thing can not only reverse damage, but also reverse the opponent's ability.

He turned Jin'an's Black Pagoda into himself.

Those strange eyes, with only black pupils and no whites, glanced at Jin An coldly and ruthlessly, and wow, in an instant, he disappeared on the spot.

Jin An fiercely punched his body in one direction.


The Iron Fist of Black Buddha collided with the Iron Fist of Black Buddha, and a white explosive air wave exploded in the air. A ghost figure was punched and appeared. It was Master Tashi who was holding the inverted Buddhist cloth and rubbing the Buddha.


Jin An groaned in his throat. Not only did he bear the monk's blow, but he was also injured by his own reversed attack. The monk stood still, but he was knocked back six or seven steps, and waves of counter-shock force came from his phalanges and wrists. of pain.

The monk disappeared again like a ghost. When he reappeared, he appeared behind Jin An. However, Jin An, who was worried, was a little slower this time. He was also a monk from the Black Pagoda. His claws were as skinny as chicken claws and his nails were extremely black. The poison, with a cold aura, clawed hard at the back of Jin An's neck like steel claws.

sulfuric acid!

There was a sonorous explosion, and the Black Buddha's steel claws seemed to be grasping on a solid steel ingot. Red sparks splashed on Jin An's neck, and there were five more wounds that were almost visible to the bone, and blood flowed out.

But with his Zang Qi carrying the life essence, the wound on the back of his neck quickly stopped bleeding.

The monk succeeded in his attack and disappeared again. The next moment, his body appeared in front of Jin An again like a ghost. With the poisonous black pagoda claws, he wanted to scratch Jin An's throat and bring Jin An to his death. A one-hit kill.

But Jin An had already taken precautions.

With the Five Thunder Evil-Destroying Talisman on his body, he can keenly catch any evil gaze.

He raised his palm in front of his throat in time, and the poisonous claws did not sneak up on his throat, but only scratched the back of his hand, and the back of his hand splashed with yellow flames cut by two pieces of steel.

This time, there were five scratches on the back of Jin An's hand that were deep enough to show the bones.

It can break the defense of Jin'an's Black Pagoda. If this thing is caught on an ordinary person, it can definitely tear the person into pieces with one claw.

Seeing that Jin An was injured one after another, several people wanted to come over to help, but were stopped by Jin An: "You don't have to come over to help. This reverse Buddha is very weird. More people will bring bad things... Hey, I have already learned about this thing. The weakness is a bit obvious!"

Faced with continuous injuries, Jin An not only did not have a gloomy look on his face, but his eyes were as cold as cold electricity, and he still remained calm and thinking in dangerous situations.


The majestic energy and blood in Jin An's body shrank and swelled, and a violent explosion blew out the monk who had hidden himself again. He grinned, showing his white teeth, and his eyes were cold: "Sure enough, this ghost thing is not reversed. All damage can only reverse physical damage."

He had noticed this detail before. When he attacked the monk, he only reversed the force of his fists, but not the burns caused by the fire poison and internal energy.

At the moment when the monk was exploded by his energy and blood, Jin An flashed towards the monk, causing the ground to collapse under the soles of his feet, and he appeared in front of the monk in an instant.

"Twelve-pole Xingyiquan"!

The second pole!

Tiger collapse fist!

He clenched his fist with five fingers and struck fiercely like a tiger. Because the punch was so fast, the air even made a loud roar.

Seeing that Jin An didn't care about life and death and was planning to confront him with reckless force, the monk's dark eyes were emotionless and he also punched Jin An.


First pole!

Crane Yunshou!

In a moment of movement and silence, Jin An has completed the change of moves. He Yun's hand is a joint grappling skill. He has become proficient in it over and over again, making Jin An's shooting speed as fast as a shadow. Outsiders have not seen clearly how Jin An grapples the joints. Yes, Jin An had already grabbed the monk's hands and legs at close range, and instantly twisted them into a ball.

"The heretics are also doing their own thing in front of me!"

Jin An sneered disdainfully: "This Reversal Buddha looks powerful, but in fact it has too many weaknesses, making it useless! It can only re-carve its 'form' by reversing it, but it cannot re-carve my blood, martial arts, martial arts, and internal organs." Qi…there are too many things that cannot be reversed and recreated.”

"The side sect is just a side sect after all. It will never come to the forefront. I can kill you with just the Five Thunder Evil Slaying Talisman!"

Jin An's eyes widened in anger, and his gestures showed a blazing momentum.

The monk whose limbs and joints were captured was still trying to struggle in Jin An's hands. A huge amount of Yin Qi erupted from his body. In an instant, the whole room seemed to have turned into a morgue filled with cold Yin Qi. The temperature in the air dropped sharply. The air was frosty.

Those cold frosts are not ordinary frosts. There seem to be distorted human faces in the frosts with their mouths roaring. These are frosts formed by the cold Yin Qi that has been combined with countless resentments, so they all carry extremely deep resentment.

The monk tried to freeze Jin'an with Yin energy to escape from the trap.

But Jin'an's vitality is amazing, and because he has been practicing Hengfu, his vitality is far beyond that of ordinary people. His energy is boiling, like an oven suppressing a monk. The oven is burning all the time, exorcising evil spirits and warding off changes.

Jin An twisted the joints of the monk's hands and feet, and the scorching yang fire violently collided with the yin energy of the underworld, suppressing the yin energy with the yang fire.

Even though his current cultivation level is in the middle of the second realm, he dared to cross realms to fight against the strong men in the late second realm when he was in the graveyard of the dojo. Unless he encountered the third realm, everything would be defeated by his majestic power. The blood suppressed the killing.

People with strong bodies have strong blood,

Then the ghosts and gods will not come near,

On the other hand, the ghosts and gods will be afraid of you!

Jin'an didn't even use the yellow talisman, the Kunwu sword, or the robe. The monk was burned alive by his bloody energy and turned into ashes, but he didn't gain Yin De.


Everything on the monk's body can be reversed to ward off disasters and ward off evil. The cloth-rubbing Buddha fell to the ground. When Jin'an also refined the cloth-rubbed Buddha with blazing sun fire, he finally felt the familiar feeling of the great avenue again this time!

Avenue induction!

Nine thousand virtues!

The Nine Thousand Yin De shows that the strength of this Bucha Buddha is in the later stage of the second realm.

When he saw that there were nine thousand yin virtues, Jin An instantly beamed and even forgot about the pain and injuries on his body.

Anyway, it's not life-threatening. If he has so much virtue every time he gets injured, he would be happy to get injured a dozen more times.

The three people on the side, Ai Maimaiti, looked at Jin An in a daze without reacting. In their eyes, Bucha Buddha was so powerful that it could not only reverse damage, but also reverse the ability to re-engrave. It was as simple as that. Was he exorcised by Taoist priest Jin An?


Is Taoist Jin An too strong?

Or is Buchafo too weak?

In addition to being a bit dangerous at the beginning, it is also too easy to kill later!

After the battle, it was time to search for the loot. Jin An happily ran to the cabinet like a little money man. He touched the Tsa Tsa Buddha and the Gabala human bone vessel, but he quickly pulled it down. Face, after checking all the Tsacha Buddhas and Gabalas, I found that these things are empty vessels. The things with the spirits inside have long been dead or gone, or they have been broken long ago. Only the reversed one The Buddha's cloth was filled with evil spirits, and his happiness was in vain.

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