White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 498 Jin'an Gray Immortal The Red Umbrella Girl Stabs People with Paper

There were so many things recorded in "Record of Corpse Collection" that Jin An couldn't help but be attracted by the contents, and he forgot about the passage of time while looking at it.

Although "Corpse Collection" describes many techniques of sewing corpses, these techniques have been accumulated by others for generations. No matter how good Jin An's understanding is, he cannot learn it overnight in a short period of time.

When Jin An stretched himself and finally came back to his senses from lowering his head to read a book because of his stiff neck, he found that most of the lamp oil on the table had been burned. The gray fairy, perhaps because he was too full, was sleeping with his round belly upturned. Warm yourself by lamp oil.

It seems that the Gray Immortal trusts Jin An very much.

After eating two meat buns, he exposed his belly to Jin An.

Looking at the sleeping Gray Immortal lying on his back, Jin An smiled, found a small piece of cloth as a blanket and gently covered the Gray Immortal's belly, being careful not to catch a cold.

Good guy!

When he lowered his head to cover the "blanket", Jin An noticed that this gray immortal actually had double breasts!

This Gray Immortal, who is lying on his back and sleeping with no image, is actually a female Immortal!

After Jin An covered Hui Daxian with a "blanket", he turned around and found a new wick to replace the one that was about to burn out in the lamp oil.

This wick is not difficult to find. Fushou store sells homemade everlasting lamps, and the raw materials of these everlasting lamps include lamp oil and wicks. Fushou store has ready-made raw materials.

After all, it is a one-stop service store that has everything, including two or three sets of shrouds, shoes, and quilts.

After Jin An changed the wick again, he got ready to move his body, which was a little numb from sitting. He first went to the back hall to see if there was anything abnormal here. When he passed by the small room with deep cold air and locked by a thick iron chain , he just glanced at it and walked around, then walked out of the back hall and went to the tiled house in the small yard to check on the girl in red with the umbrella.

As a result, when Jin An opened the lid of the coffin, the coffin was empty, and the red umbrella girl was not inside. Jin An searched the entire brick house but could not find the red umbrella girl. Instead, he heard the voice of the Great Gray Immortal coming from the front hall. Urgent cry.

Jin An'an was startled, thinking that someone had sneaked into Fu Shou's shop, and hurriedly ran to the front hall with the butcher's knife.


He just ran from the small courtyard into the back hall, and unexpectedly saw the red umbrella girl who had disappeared from the coffin pricking people with paper. He didn't know when he quietly squatted in the corner of the back hall with his knees in his arms, and the umbrella could pierce the copper skin. The red oil-paper umbrella of Tiegu Zhizhi lay calmly across her legs. She was quietly guarding the small locked room like a guardian.

When she saw Jin An, the red umbrella girl's eyes moved slightly and she glanced at Jin An.

Jin An's face was filled with joy: "Girl in red, you have finally recovered your Yin energy. It's great."

As he said that, he had already put away the butcher knife in his hand.

At this time, Jin An also noticed that Hui Daxian had woken up at some point and was lying on the beam, staring nervously at the red umbrella girl at his feet.

When he saw Jin An come into the back hall, the Gray Immortal seemed to have found a great support all of a sudden. He jumped from the rafters on Jin An's head, and bared his teeth at the red umbrella girl, pretending to be a fox, a tiger, and a rat. Show off your female power.

Jin An was also amused by this familiar gray immortal.

He grabbed Hui Daxian from the top of his head and put it on his shoulders: "Well, there is a sky above the man's head. How can a man with a majestic seven feet endure such humiliation to his crotch."


Hui Daxian glanced at Jin An in confusion, wondering if he understood what he was saying.

At this moment, the stomachs of both the man and the rat roared loudly. Although there was no day or night in this bloody world, Jin An estimated the time based on the burning speed of the lamp oil. He had not eaten for almost a day. , decided to go to the steamed stuffed buns across the street first to satisfy his stomach.

But then Jin An remembered that although he had found the "Record of Corpse Collecting", he had not yet learned the art of corpse burial. He was embarrassed to go to the boss empty-handed. What was the difference between that and begging?

How could he, Jin An, be the kind of shameless person who likes to eat food that comes from outside?

"Girl in red, can I ask you something?"

Hey, Jin An coughed dryly and decided to become a doctor. He took out the "Corpse Collection", pointed at the ancient book and said: "Girl in red, are you guarding something dangerous behind this door? Red. Girl, you must have been in Fushou shop for a while. I wonder if the girl in red knows this book "Corpse Collection"? To be honest, I came to Fushou shop this time because I was entrusted by someone to find a replacement for the incomplete body. The method of burying a person’s corpse for salvation…”

Jin An told Zhizha Ren, the lady in red umbrella who was squatting in front of him, about the proprietress of the bun shop across the street in detail.

Under Jin An's expectant gaze, the red umbrella girl Zhi Zharen actually responded and nodded towards Jin An.

Jin An had a surprised expression on his face.

"The girl in red is saying that you can help the poor proprietress of the bun shop?"

Perhaps it was because Zhizharen couldn't speak, so Zhizharen, the red umbrella girl, still made a slight nod this time.

Jin An laughed out loud. After cupping his fists and thanking the other party, he opened the door and ran to the bun shop opposite to convey the good news to the proprietress.

This is a late-night bun shop. It was originally a meat bun shop run by a couple. The meat was fragrant and the business was busy. But since the proprietress's husband died, the taste of the meat buns in this bun shop has also changed. Some people say that the meat buns have become salty and smell of blood. Some people say that the proprietress has been heartbroken all day long and shed tears when kneading the dough. If you fall in, some people think it's because the boss lady has changed her mind, so even the meat in the meat buns tastes stinky.

Only Jin An and Hui Daxian were not prejudiced against the proprietress. They all praised the proprietress's craftsmanship and thought it was the most delicious meat bun they had ever tasted.

at this time.

The bun shop opened for business late at night, but except for the proprietress who was busy silently, the shop was empty and deserted, without a single customer.

Looking at the deserted bun shop, Jin An frowned: "Mrs. Boss, your craftsmanship is so good, but you have no customers. It must be related to the soul-calling old man and the little ghost who are blocking the intersection at both ends of the street. They must have scared away the customers. Or eat it! Don’t worry, boss lady, after we resolve your husband’s matter, we will find a way to get rid of the two things blocking the intersection, so that the street will regain its popularity, and your store’s business will definitely be restored. Get better!"

"By the way, I have something to inform the boss lady. I finally found a way to help your husband. Where is your husband's body, boss lady? Without further ado, we will bury your husband's body immediately." Jin An remembered this time There are more important things to come to Baozi Shop, he said hurriedly.


The landlady knelt down directly to Jin An to repay the favor.

The landlady didn't say much. Jin An said she needed a butcher's butcher's knife, so she went straight to the butcher and grabbed a butcher's knife. Jin An just said she had found a way to help the couple, and the landlady knelt down to repay her kindness.

Jin An, who came from another world of higher education, did not have the habit of kneeling when others kowtow. He quickly reached out to help the boss lady: "Boss lady, you don't have to do this. You have already paid me in advance. You don't owe me anything."

"If the boss lady really wants to thank me, just let me and Hui Daxian have some more meat buns. Your craftsmanship is really good, boss lady. Look, I brought you a new customer, Hui Daxian, boss lady."

Great Gray Immortal: "Zhizhizhi."

Ha ha.

Jin An was amused by the funny way Gray Immortal touched his belly.

In fact, the proprietress had already specially left a cage of steaming meat buns for Jin An, because she was concerned about the burial of the corpse and did not want to make people wait longer with the paper of the red umbrella girl. One person and one mouse had no time to sit down and eat slowly. He grabbed a few meat buns to pad his stomach, and while eating, he followed the proprietress to the house in the backyard where the portraits were displayed.

Jin An, who had been unable to enter the mourning hall before, was accepted by the proprietress this time and followed her into the mourning hall smoothly.

He finally saw the body of the landlady’s husband...


Ps: Pfft, I saw a book friend’s post today, and I remembered that God predicted something before me. In May, I wrote that the protagonist arrived in the Tarim Basin and found a desert sea, and then at the end of July, a desert sea really appeared in the Tarim Basin. The most important thing is The geographical locations are exactly the same, they all appear in the Tarim Basin! This wave of God’s prophecies is so rough! I want to become a god!

I have refined the post of the big book lover in the comment area. If anyone in the future does not believe that there can be a sea in the desert and thinks I am talking nonsense, they will flip this post out and slap him in the face. The novel is not nonsense and it comes from predicting the future. snort.

I just hate that fortune-telling can count up to five hundred years and down to five hundred years, but it can't count windfalls. For example, why can't it be counted as a welfare lottery? QAQ. .

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