White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 499 People’s hearts are unpredictable, and sea water is difficult to measure.

In fact, if Jin An hadn't followed the proprietress to the portrait hanging on the wall, he wouldn't have noticed that there was an urn placed only with incense candles and tributes on the table under the portrait.

When the landlady opened the urn, a look of surprise appeared on Jin An's face. There were no ashes in the urn, only a bright red human heart.

But this heart is a little special. It doesn't look like the heart of a dead person. Instead, it looks like it's still alive with unwillingness. The color is bright red and fresh.

What was even more surprising was that there was still blood flowing out of his heart.

Sure enough, what the bun shop proprietress said next was exactly what Jin An had guessed: "I... only found... A Ping's heart... His heart is bleeding in pain every day... Please... help me, help my A Ping... "

The landlady seemed like she hadn't spoken to anyone in a long time, and she spoke awkwardly. In addition, the landlady had a strong local accent. Every time Jin An wanted to understand what the landlady said, he had to make guesses before he could understand the meaning.

Although only a heart was left, luckily there was still a portrait painted during his lifetime hanging on the wall as a portrait. Jin An felt that the paper-pierced woman in red umbrella could still depict the look of the landlady's husband.

However, Jin An did not dare to make sure of it right away, but promised the landlady to try as much as possible, because even he did not expect that the body of the landlady's husband would be completely wiped out, leaving only a heart, so he did not dare to give 100% chance. A sure guarantee.

Then, he picked up the urn containing the heart and ran back to Fu Shou shop to find the red umbrella girl and stab someone with paper.

The girl in red umbrella is like a lonely and silent guardian, guarding the door of that small room full of dangerous atmosphere day after day, never leaving.

Afterwards, Jin An opened the urn, presented the bright red heart that was still bleeding inside to the red umbrella girl Zhizha Ren, and explained the purpose of his visit, saying that he wanted the other party to make a paper prick according to the appearance of the landlady's husband, and give this heart There is a whole corpse in the heart.

Under Jin An's expectant gaze, the red umbrella girl nodded calmly. Jin An looked happy, and then asked the other party if he needed anything prepared? For example, the yellow charms, incense candles, and soul-calling bells used to open the altar?

But it is obvious that the girl in red umbrella cannot speak. She just silently and skillfully found bamboo weaving, paper, paste, paint brushes, paints and other materials from different places in the Fu Shou store, and began to weave the paper to tie people.

Although the red umbrella girl is just a paper-shaped figure, she is obviously different from other paper-shaped figures in the store. For example, she has a well-proportioned figure, more delicate facial features, and is lifelike. Unlike other paper-shaped figures, who are pale There were two big red cheeks on his face, which looked gloomy.

Jin An happened to take this opportunity to learn the skills of burying corpses and paper-tying people. Perhaps the paper-tying lady in red umbrella also saw Jin An's thoughts. Her hand speed decreased and she took special care of Jin An.

As the woman in red umbrella pierced the person with paper, the human shape was gradually formed, and then the facial features were traced, and a man who looked exactly like the portrait gradually became clear.

Looking at the paper-cut man who looked like he was completely alone, Jin An couldn't help but marvel at his craftsmanship.

This craftsmanship is even better than those of old craftsmen.

I don’t know how many years the other party had to practice hard to develop such a skill.

At least Jin An knew very well that this kind of skill could not be mastered simply by practicing hard for ten or twenty years.

Another question came to his mind, how long had the girl in red umbrella stayed in the Fu Shou store? Judging from her skillful skills, she must have been doing it for a long time... Jin An found himself distracted, quickly shook his head to eliminate distracting thoughts, and continued to watch the other party's craftsmanship.

The process of tying the paper man went smoothly. The red umbrella girl’s paper tying skills were very exquisite. All the movements seemed so smooth and smooth, which was pleasing to the eye. When she made the paper man, Jin An exclaimed in surprise. The lifelike paper man in front of him There is a hole in the heart.

This is still an unintentional prick!

"Does the girl in red want to put the heart of the husband of the bun shop proprietress into the reserved heart position?" Jin An said thoughtfully.

Unexpectedly, the girl in red umbrella nodded first and then shook her head.

Then, she opened the urn and handed it to Jin An, indicating that Jin An would take out the heart with his own hands.

Jin An looked surprised: "Does the girl in red want me to pick up the heart myself and put it in the place where the paper pricks the person's heart?"

The girl in red umbrella nodded again.

Jin An was not too pretentious. He carefully picked up the bright red heart that was still bleeding. Unexpectedly, he almost failed to pick it up the first time. The heart was quite heavy. This time he finally picked it up with strength.

People always say that people's hearts are unpredictable.

Some people have heinous black hearts.

Some people have evil intentions.

Some people harbor evil intentions.

There are also people who have a pure heart to save the world and the people, are loyal to serve the country, are hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, have a kind heart, and are generous in kindness...

The human heart is hard to fathom and the sea water is hard to measure.

It is said that the human heart is separated from the belly, but is it really possible in this world to directly dig out the human heart and judge good and evil based on the color of the human heart? There are only two things in the world that cannot be looked directly at, one is the sun and the other is the human heart.

Jin An silently looked at the heavy heart in his hand. This was the nightmare world of the ghost mother. What did the ghost mother want to tell him?

But at least...

The heart he holds in his hand is not a black heart...

"Sorrow and the love of parents are the heaviest in people's hearts. I hope you can tell me next, what is the weight you are carrying, so that I can understand the truth behind this nightmare..." Jin Anchen took a breath and held the weight in his hands. The human heart is solemnly put into the heart of the person with the paper on the ground.



As the human heart was placed in the position where the heartless paper pricked the person's heart, the human heart actually came to life and began to beat slowly.

Although the beat is slow, it is sonorous and powerful.

At this time, Jin An's hand hadn't completely left his heart. At the moment when his heart was beating, he saw many pictures in his mind.

There is a loving couple in the steamed bun shop. They are both honest people. Because they use honest ingredients, they go to the butcher before dawn every day to buy freshly slaughtered pork and chop it into fillings. Therefore, the meat buns they make are special. The aroma is particularly chewy and is famous far and wide.

But all this was broken by the three little beggars they kindly rescued.

Although the bun shop run by the couple was not incapable of making a lot of money, because they were hardworking, they had no worries about food and clothing. There was a famine that year, and many refugees flooded into the local area. The couple did not want to see these refugees living on the streets, so Kindly take in three little beggars...


Just when Jin An saw the faces of the three little beggars, the heart in his hand suddenly beat heavily, and then, snap, a palm tightly grasped Jin An's wrist, pulling Jin An out of his memory. Wake up with a start.

It turned out that the paper-pricked man with a beating heart exposed came to life. He carefully pulled Jin An's hand away from his heart and shook his head at Jin An.

It can be seen that he has no ill intentions towards Jin An.

"You hate it?"

"Can't take a breath?"

"What did those three little beggars do to you and your wife? Just one look at their faces can make you filled with hatred and unwillingness?"

Jin An was very smart, and he immediately thought of the crux of the problem: "Are the three little beggars who harmed you and your wife still alive today, and do you want to take revenge on them?"

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