White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 583 Arriving at the Kunlun Mountains, the mysterious stone drum from the depths of the Snowy

In the end, Jin An did not enter Xiaotucheng with the caravan tea merchants.

Instead, we said goodbye on the slope.

Plan to separate into the city.

Zhao Jinchuan glanced at Jin An, whose eyes had darkened since just now, and whispered: "Is Taoist Jin An unhappy about what happened to the serf boy just now?"

Jin An smiled and patted Zhao Jinchuan: "Old Zhao, don't think too much. I'm really fine. Thank you for taking care of me along the way."

Along the way, he became familiar with these caravan tea merchants, and Jin An became more familiar with Zhao Jinchuan when he called them.

Zhao Jinchuan still looked at Jin An with some worry: "Actually..."

He originally wanted to persuade Jin An again, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jin An, who smiled gently and said, "I'm really fine."

"It's not like we can't meet again after we enter the city. We don't have to part ways like this. Maybe if we say goodbye today, we can meet again in the city tomorrow."

Jin An waved his hand and said goodbye to the caravan tea merchants in front of him who struggled with the sky and the earth and the harsh environment of the plateau all year round. After getting along for more than a month, it was still somewhat difficult to part ways.

But along the way, what he saw the most was clutches.

After saying goodbye, before Jin An turned to leave, he turned to look at the noble and Tibetan boy who used the serf as a dog to ride. At this time, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and there was no smile on his face.

The young Tibetan noble boy did not notice Jin An's gaze, because at this moment, a team entering the city attracted the attention of everyone outside the city.

It was a team composed entirely of serfs. Those serfs were as thin as firewood due to hunger and had no clothes on their bodies. They carried thick hemp ropes on their backs like trackers, pulling an ox cart made of crude logs from the Kunlun Mountains. Come out of the depths.

Jin An, like everyone else, also stopped curiously.

What was dragged on the ox cart was a large stone drum, about the size of a millstone and a half. It weighed about two thousand kilograms by visual inspection. There were many complex runes carved on the boulder.

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Jin An roughly understood the origin of these stone drums. These rune stone drums were excavated from the depths of the Snowy Mountains. Last year's big avalanche shook out a lot of things from the depths of the snowy mountains and glaciers.

For example, this rune stone drum is one of them.

However, no one has been able to understand the purpose of this rune stone drum so far. The runes engraved on it are complicated and obscure.

This serf team did not enter the city, but entered a small village outside the city.

It seems that this kind of scene is not uncommon here. It seems that it can be seen every once in a while. Everyone has become accustomed to it. After watching it for a while, they dispersed.

Jin An and the others watched for a while before continuing into the city.

In fact, when Jin An saw the subtle changes in the facial expressions of the Tibetan nobles when they were young, he did not hide it from Mr. Yiyun and Qi Bo. Qi Bo, who worked part-time as a cattle herder, laughed happily and said while driving yaks into the city: "Jin An said The chief just now was afraid of disturbing those ordinary tea merchants, so he wanted to deliberately keep them away outside the city so that no one would see that they were with us. Taoist priest Jin'an is really kind-hearted and kind-hearted."

Qi Bo looked at Jin An and became more and more pleased with him.

Be unconventional.

Not afraid of trouble.

Dare to break the rules of the world.

The most important thing is to hate evil and be generous along the way.

This kind of character looks familiar, but he has the same temperament and outlook as his own son!

Jin An: "?"

"Qi Bo, didn't you notice that there were a few female yaks in the tea merchant's team that harassed the silly sheep all the way?"

As if to verify Jin An's words, the silly sheep sitting under Jin An impatiently called out, as if urging Jin An to leave quickly.

Qi Bo: "?"

Mr. Yiyun: "?"

There was a moment of silence between the two.

"Old slave, I have only heard that horses and donkeys give birth to mules, but I have never heard of cows and sheep..." Qi Bo smacked his mouth, feeling that the world is so vast, and indeed there are all kinds of wonders. Taoist priest Jin'an asked him It was an eye-opener.

"Because sheep belong to the bovine family." Jin An said matter-of-factly.

While the three of them were walking around and chatting, they entered Tucheng. Following an avalanche in the Kunlun Mountains, all kinds of monsters and monsters were running towards this place. Han Chinese, Tibetan people, and dark-skinned Tianzhu people gathered in the small Tucheng. Even people from the Western Regions with three-dimensional facial features have seen many of them.

It is said to be an earthen city. In fact, it is an earthen wall built with earth and stones. It can only be used to block ordinary wild animals at night. There are very few earthen and stone buildings within the earthen wall. Most people live in tents with wind and horse flags. inside.

Jin'an, who was leading a "snowy mountain white yak", was particularly eye-catching. It was like a man taking a mythical beast into the city. Some local businessmen he met on the road knelt down piously to the "white yak", and some were impulsive. Local people even came around to beat Jin'an and the others.

Because in the eyes of the local people, the white bull is sacred and the mount of the gods. It is blasphemy for Jin'an to imprison the mythical beast because of personal selfishness. The gods who live in the snowy mountains will not bypass Jin'an. Jin'an enters the mountains. You will be punished by the gods.

The punishment here refers to an avalanche.

Jin An only encountered misunderstandings like this a few times before crossing the Snowy Mountains from the Western Regions to Zhangxiong. At that time, the reason why he put a rope on the goat was because he was worried that the team would be blown away by the wind and snow in the Snowy Mountains.

Since entering Shang Shung, the road was deserted and he didn't meet many people. He forgot to take off the noose around the goat's neck, which caused a misunderstanding. He quickly explained that this was a sheep that looked like a cow, and it was really not white. ox.

I don't know if this silly sheep is sincerely seeking revenge against Jin An, and he has trouble with Jin An. This time he didn't say a word for a long time, which made Jin An's teeth itch.

He is probably still sulking because Jin An just said it was a cow!

Finally, Jin An used his trump card and said that if you don't believe it is a sheep, he will shave the wool today to show everyone whether it is a cow or a sheep. The silly sheep reluctantly bleated.

"It's really a sheep!"

Jin'an left behind a group of Tibetan people who were collectively shocked and stunned, and quickly fled with everyone.

There are really all kinds of people from all walks of life gathered together in this small earth city, including those who sell whole steaks, those who sell cordyceps, those who sell tea, those who sell white salt, and those who rent tents for accommodation, and those who serve as guides for the Han people into the snow-capped mountains. Noisy.

At this time, a local girl whose skin was slightly tanned by the plateau sun and who was refreshing came over timidly: "Are these guests from Xizhou Prefecture looking for tents to stay in? It's June now. , the snow-capped mountains are melting, and there are a lot of people going into the mountains. There are a lot of people going into the snow-capped mountains this season, and it’s hard to rent tents. Our family just has the last two tents left.”

The girl may not have found any guests all day, so she hurriedly added: "Guests from Xizhou Prefecture, it will be difficult for you to find a place to stay with so many yaks. Our place is very big, and we can help take care of it for free." Yak, but you have to bring your own hay.”

Jin An looked at the Tibetan girl in front of him who spoke Chinese in surprise. He didn't think for too long, nodded and said, "Okay."

Today we finally found our first tent guest. The girl was very happy and enthusiastically came over to help carry the packages.

Jin An looked at the other person's thin figure and said no, let her lead the way.

On the way, I also learned the other person's name, which was Cidan Dolma. Mr. Yiyun explained that the name meant eternal life and expressed the good wishes of the elders to the younger ones.

When he came to the tent, Jin An finally understood what the other party meant when he said that the place was very big and that he could help take care of the yaks for free. The tent was not inside the city, but outside the city. There were not many tents, just three in a row. There is a big tent on the ground. This is a plateau desert Gobi. There are not even stone walls. It is estimated that a wild beast or something can get into the tent directly at night.

Dolma was worried that Jin'an and the others would regret it, so he hurriedly explained: "I, Ajia, will keep vigil every night. It is absolutely safe here and the yaks will not be lost."

"Ajia is my father." Zhuoma explained.

"I don't care. It's quite quiet here." Mr. Yiyun looked at the tent in front of him curiously. Smoke rose from the chimney that opened at the top of the tent. It seemed like someone was cooking in the tent.

"Old slave, I obey the master in everything." Qi Bo naturally followed his master, and he would go wherever the master went.

"That's good, this is it. It's nice and quiet here. There aren't so many noises of cows, horses, people and animals. The most important thing is that the air here is fresh and there isn't that much smell of dry toilets. To be honest, I wouldn't be happy if I lived in Tucheng. No." Jin An nodded and stayed here.

Mr. Yiyun: "..."

Qi Bo: "..."

Tsetan Dolma secretly glanced at Jin An, who was holding a white yak and talking strangely, a little different from normal people.

The person cooking in the tent seemed to hear voices outside, and a gray-haired old man came out, who was Dolma's grandfather and grandmother.

As soon as he heard that Dolma had brought guests, Dolma's grandfather hurriedly called Jin'an and others into the tent. He said that dinner happened to be ready, and hurriedly took Jin'an and others into the tent to rest.

This is a very strange family combination. The grandfather can only speak Tubo, but the granddaughter can speak Chinese. Fortunately, there is a talented and virtuous Mr. Yiyun in the team who is responsible for translating.

Jin An suppressed his curiosity and didn't ask too much about other people's affairs. He asked Mr. Yiyun to go into the tent first, and he and Qi Bo went to tie up the cows before returning.

Grandfather Dolma, like Dolma, was a simple and enthusiastic Tibetan man. He refused to let Jin An and the others do it themselves. He tied up the cattle and helped Jin An take care of the property and yaks. Ma and others have dinner.

This old man was very stubborn and insisted on helping Jin An and the others keep an eye on the yaks and their belongings no matter what. He asked Jin An and the others to go in to eat first, and then wait for Zhuo's parents to come back from grazing before taking his place.

This is an old man with a strong sense of responsibility. After receiving the money, he must take care of the guests' belongings. Otherwise, in the cold winter, the gods will rain heavy white snow and swallow up the cattle and horses.

Finally, under Zhuoma's persuasion, Jin An and the other three walked into the tent, and Shayang consciously regarded himself as a human being and followed Jin An towards the tent.

Perhaps he mistook the goat for a white yak, but Grandfather Dolma did not express any objection to a goat entering the tent to eat and live with people.

However, Zhuoma really brought more than one surprise to Jin An.

She did not lie. There were indeed only two tents left here, because there were only three tents in total. One of the tents was occupied by Dolma's family, and the other two tents were packed up and rented out to people who were preparing to enter the snow-capped mountains.

Now both tents are empty.

Jin An and the others are considered the first guests.

Looking at the tent, Jin An nodded with satisfaction. This place is very good and suitable for them to stay.

There is also an old man in the tent, Grandma Zhuoma, but one of her legs is frozen and disabled, making it difficult for her to walk. She is responsible for taking care of the family in the tent.

Seeing that the tent was clean, tidy and orderly, this old man kept his house very clean even though his legs and feet were handicapped. This was an old man who had worked hard all his life.

Seeing that Grandma Zhuoma was about to pour tea for themselves and others, Jin An and the others hurried over to take the teapot from the stove and poured themselves tea themselves, not daring to bother the old man.

Grandma Zhuoma is very talkative. Although her legs and feet are inconvenient, she is no different from ordinary people. She is like the snow-capped mountains on the plateau, which makes people awe-inspiring. Grandma Zhuoma took Jin An and they talked a lot, talking about the snow-capped mountains, the Manjiang River, and At the same time, I also inquired about the customs of Tubo and the customs of Kangding.

"Grandma Zhuoma, I see that you know the customs and customs of Xizhou Prefecture very well. Have you been to Xizhou Prefecture of Kangding Kingdom before?" Jin An said, and Mr. Yiyun translated.

When talking about this incident, Dolma looked strange at the side, but he quickly covered it up. A smile appeared on his face again and he held his grandmother's hand, not wanting her to see him sad.

This is a girl whose smile is as clean and clear as the blue sky on the plateau.

"Silly boy, just call me 'Mora' and this place will always be your home." Grandmother Dolma stroked Dolma's black hair kindly.

Through Zhuoma's grandmother, Jin'an and the others finally understood this strange family combination. In fact, Zhuoma was not a local, but a native of Xizhou Prefecture. Because her family was poor, her mother abandoned the family and ran away. The family was too poor to open the pot, and her father and They traveled to Tubo in groups to sell some simple commodities to make ends meet. However, because Dolma was still young and had no one to take care of her, her father and her daughter depended on each other all the way. However, this girl had a rough life. Later, she encountered bandits and everyone was killed. Only she was small and was hidden in the crevices of the rocks by her father. He escaped danger and was later taken in by kind-hearted locals who happened to be grazing nearby.

So Dolma can speak both Chinese and the local language.

This girl is very smart. Her childhood experience has given her a pair of eyes that distinguish between good and evil. The Jin An trio are the first tenants she actively seeks.

The Dolma family's ranch is not here. They mainly want to make more money and fulfill their parents' wish to go on a pilgrimage to a large temple to face the Buddha. I heard that many people gathered here, so I wanted to try my luck here.

Hearing this, Jin An's head moved: "Dolma, do you know much about the situation in the snowy mountains?"

"What's the situation in the snowy mountains now?"

"How do I see that everyone is gathered in Tucheng? There are many Han people, Tianzhu people, and local royal nobles staying in the city. It seems that they are not at all anxious about digging for treasures in the snowy mountains? But on my way here, I saw someone digging a stone drum out of the snow-capped mountains, and they seemed anxious to go into the snow-capped mountains to hunt for treasures?”

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