White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 584 Learn the latest clues from the old Taoist priest! Get ready to head into the depths of

Dolma replied: "Everyone is waiting for the snow deep in the mountains to melt."

"Kunlun Snow Mountain begins to melt in April and May, but the mountain where the avalanche occurred is deeper. Before the temperature rises, the glacier will become brittle, and people outside will not be able to dig deeper into the glacier."

"So everyone is waiting."

Jin An's head moved. He was a local and must know a lot.

"Zhuoma, you don't have to be so polite. You can just call me Jin An. She is Mr. Yiyun, and that is Qi Bo."

Then, Jin An continued: "I heard that the Kunlun Mountain avalanche happened in February or March last year?"

"And I also heard some rumors that at that time, there were sages from several big temples, riding on snow-capped mythical beasts, summoning auspicious Buddhas and rushing on their way. They were the first people to enter the depths of the Kunlun Mountains. Later, these sages Did you bring any news?"

After hearing Jin An's words, Zhuoma's expression changed slightly.

Jin An knew there must be something going on here, and it seemed that he was living in the right place this time.

At this time, the sky outside the tent had darkened. Before Dolma could answer, a conversation between a middle-aged man and Dolma's grandfather came from outside the tent. Dolma heard the middle-aged man's voice and ran out in surprise: "It's me. Added back."

Hearing Zhuolma's shout, there was laughter from the middle-aged man outside the tent, and the voice of a middle-aged woman, all speaking a local language that Jin An could not understand.

After waiting for a long time, the tent curtain was lifted from the outside, and a sturdy middle-aged man walked in, with a stone knife hanging from his waist, a large curved bow on his back, and an animal skin jacket tied behind his waist.

The temperature difference between morning and evening on the plateau is extreme. The lake is still frozen in the morning. By noon, the solar energy as big as a millstone overhead makes people dizzy. So I put on thick clothes when I go out in the morning, and take off my heavy coat at noon to prevent heat stroke.

Tying the jacket around your waist makes it easy to wear at any time.

Walking with the middle-aged man was a woman who looked like a married woman.

The woman has an ordinary appearance. She is exposed to the plateau sun all year round, and her skin is not as delicate and white as that of a woman from the Central Plains. There are heavy traces of time on her face.

Women who live on the snowy plateau are not as delicate as women in the Central Plains, who have no worries about food and clothing, and feel sorry for themselves all day long. Women who live on the snowy plateau are strong and strong, and are proud of being able to ride horses and hunt wolves. He is physically stronger than a man from the Central Plains, can bend a bow to hunt wolves, and pick up a knife to protect the tribe. So they never look in the mirror and lament that time destroys people.

If you have that time to feel sorry for yourself, you might as well cut more winter grass and think about how to get through the winter.

For example, this Tibetan woman carried a huge calf of tens of kilograms on her shoulders, walked into the tent easily, and faced Jin An, Mr. Yiyun, and Qi Bo from afar with two piles of plateau red face. The guests showed a simple smile.

"Tashi Delek."

The woman greeted the three of them one by one.

Then she sat aside and used her knife skills to scrape the bones and remove the meat. The whole leg of beef, which weighed dozens of kilograms, was quickly removed from the bones and tendons in her hands, just like a butcher removing the beef, with skillful movements. Dolma was also holding a few Tuba was there to help.

Tashi represents good luck and Dele represents good. When combined together, it means welcoming guests and wishing them good luck. This is a friendly greeting from the locals.

The middle-aged man took off his coat, first hung the coat, stone knife, and large curved bow on the tent, and then greeted the three people in Jin'an one by one.

"Welcome...Han people..."

"You can just call me... Dorjetso..."

This middle-aged man did not speak Tubo, but Chinese. He did not speak fluently. It seemed that he had learned Chinese but lacked communication with Han people.

Looking at the warm picture of this family, this is a simple and kind-hearted Tibetan family. Although Dolma is an adopted Han Chinese and not their biological daughter, two generations of the family regard Dolma as their own. The middle-aged man’s Hanhua must have been learned from Dolma. The look in Dolma's eyes was full of pampering and fatherly love.

Dorje means Vajra in the local area, and Cuo means lake. This man is as brave as the Buddhist Vajra, and as broad-minded as the lake at the foot of the holy mountain.

"It's a coincidence that you are here today... On our way back... we happened to encounter a yak that fell from the cliff and died. This is the God of Praise who lives in the snowy mountains, welcoming you..."

After Dorjetso said a warm greeting, he went outside to replace his father. He took care of the cattle, horses and sheep, and fed fodder, while he let his elderly father go back to the tent to warm himself by the fire and rest.

Soon after, a sumptuous meal of Cordyceps braised pork, lamb blood sausage, ginseng cold beef, air-dried beef, air-dried horse meat, and mushroom fried meat was spread out on the mat.

Cordyceps sinensis and ginseng, which are valuable in Kangding country, are the least valuable in the snowy plateau areas. Even ordinary people cannot always afford beef and mutton. Everyone here is tired of eating it. They even have to exchange gold, cordyceps, and fine furs for tea from the Han people. They often make tea and drink it to scratch their stomachs. of oil and water.

Zhuoma's family is very attentive. They are worried that the Han people in Jin'an will not be used to the local dried meat. Zhuoma's mother and Zhuoma's grandmother specially cooked two more pots of hot dishes and paired them with steaming butter tea. This meal was delicious. Very rich.

This family was very hospitable and treated Jin An and the others as distinguished guests. Jin An felt that if they had a few more meals, they would be able to recoup their accommodation expenses.

This also shows from the side that cordyceps and livestock meat are indeed worthless in the local area. Not to mention that it is as cheap as grass on the streets, but it is not much different from eating cabbage and radish.

Even the silly sheep followed suit and gathered around the stove, warming themselves up and munching on fresh grass. Occasionally they ate some cordyceps and mushrooms to improve their food.

It was the one who kept a vigilant eye on the sheep blood sausage to prevent Jin An from eating it on his back.

Jin An was very depressed.

Along the way, he smelled the smell of grilled mutton kebabs every day. Even if there was no oily smell, he couldn't eat them just by looking at them. This was the most torturous thing for his spirit and will.

Being tempted by desire all the time, he felt that his mental state had improved a little.

Girls have small appetites, so the sensible Dolma finished his meal in a hurry and ran out of the tent to bring Dorje Tso back for dinner.

"This child is filial and sensible at such a young age." Qi Bo praised.

"This also shows that Uncle Dorjetso's family sincerely treats the girl as his own daughter. Dolma meets a good family. This is called a good person meeting a good person, great kindness." Jin An sandwiched two pieces of mushroom fried meat , the taste buds on the tip of the tongue have endless aftertaste.

Although this season is not yet the peak season for eating mushrooms, you can gradually eat some mushrooms in June.

After listening to Mr. Yiyun's translation, several members of Dolma's family members showed clean and honest smiles and said that they could meet Dolma, the child given to them by the gods. They wrote their best wishes on the name of Dolma in Cidan. inside.

Second day means eternal life.

Dolma means the incarnation of Bodhisattva.

When the meal was almost done, while Dorjetso's wife was collecting cow bones, horse bones and mutton bones, Jin'an once again showed everyone the portrait of the old Taoist priest and inquired about the old Taoist priest's whereabouts.

Dolma's grandfather, Dolma's grandmother, and Dorje Tso's wife all said they had never seen him. When it was Dorje Tso's turn, Dorje Tso shook his head at first and said he had never seen him.

Faced with this result, Jin An was already prepared in his heart. His eyes were lost and he was about to put away the scroll again. At this time, Dorje Cuo suddenly said with some hesitation: "Taoist Jin'an... that... scroll just now... can be given away again." May I take a closer look...?"

Although Dorje Cuo could speak Chinese and his speech was stumbling, it was like the sound of nature to Jin An's ears. He said excitedly: "Uncle Dorje Cuo, did you think of something?"

He hurriedly handed the scroll with the portrait of the old Taoist priest to Dorje Tso and said, Uncle Dorje Tso, I am not in a hurry. Please take your time and look at it as carefully as possible. This person is very important to me.

Dorjetso: "I just thought about it... I always felt that this person looked a bit familiar... Like, I've seen him somewhere..."

Next, Dorjetso took the portrait of the old Taoist priest and looked at it repeatedly. He always felt that it looked familiar. He was very sure that he had seen it somewhere, but he just couldn't remember where.

Jin An thought for a while and said, "Could it be that we only had a one-time relationship, so the impression is not deep? Moreover, this one-time relationship was seen recently, so there is still some impression."

"No one has seen the old Taoist priest, and only Uncle Dorje Tso has seen the old Taoist priest. This means that only Uncle Dorje Tso has been to this place in a short period of time, and no one has been..."

"Uncle Dorje Tso, if you think about it carefully, which place you have been to recently, no one else can go, only you can go, and the time will not exceed half a month to a month."

"Please, Uncle Dorje Tso, this person is really important to me!" Jin An looked at Dorje Tso sincerely.

"Dorje Tso, if we can help others, let's do our best." Although she couldn't understand the Han people's words, Dorje Tso's mother, Grandma Dolma, could still understand some of the meaning through her expression and eyes.

Sitting cross-legged on the mat, Dorje Tso nodded: "I will definitely try to remember."

Next, Dorje Tso retraced all the places he had visited these days. About the time it took for a cup of butter tea to cool down, Dorje Tso finally gave an answer: "If I say the most special place I have been to recently... others None of them can go... I am the only one who can go... That is, not long ago I served as a guide... leading a team into the snow-capped mountains and glaciers..."

"If I have seen the person in the painting...most likely I have seen him there..."

After receiving the answer, Jin An was startled.

Did the old Taoist priest run into Kunlun Mountain?

In the Gobi desert at night, strong winds gradually blew.

The old, weak, women and children in the tent gradually fell asleep. At night, Dorje Tso was on duty watching the cattle, horses and sheep outside the tent.

The cold wind is biting. If you pour a puddle of water on the Gobi sand at this time, it won't take long for frost to form. Even the hot breath exhaled from people's mouths will turn to frost in the cold night.

The plateau climate is like this, with extreme temperature differences between day and night.

At this time, huddled together with cows and horses is actually the most comfortable thing.

Jin'an glanced at the brightly lit small Tucheng in the distance. He took a sip of the highland barley wine handed to him by Dorje Cuo and then returned it to Dorje Cuo: "Uncle Dorje Cuo, can you tell us what's going on inside the Kunlun Mountains?" What happened?

Mr. Yiyun and Qibo on the side also looked at Dorje Cuo curiously.

Dorjetso is used to the cold of the plateau. He is as strong as a brown bear on the plateau. The cold wind at night cannot knock him down.

"You are good people...Listen to my advice...Zan Shen lives deep in the snowy mountains...Zan Shen is a good god, but I am afraid of encountering Zan Demon. Zan Demon will get angry and eat people..."

In Tubo, there are two kinds of gods believed in.

One is the lama in the monastery and the Dharma Protector Buddha enshrined in the monastery.

Lamas and Dharma Protector Buddhas are the most supreme in the minds of local people.

Esoteric Buddhism is different from Mahayana Buddhism. In Kangding Kingdom, although people are respectful when they see monks, they only regard them as senior monks who have practiced Buddhism, and they do not worship monks as gods.

In Tubo, the Lama is the supreme god, just like the Buddha.

Divine authority is superior to secular royal authority.

In addition to believing in Lamas and Dharma Protector Buddhas, locals also believe in the God of Praise.

The God of Praise does not refer to just one kind of god, but to the worldly protector god who lives in the wilderness of the snow-capped mountains and canyons.

This god is not a Buddha.

The god of praise has three heads and six arms, and has an angry face.

People who don't have a deep understanding of it often regard the God of Praise as the Vajra Protector of the Tantra.

Praising gods and praising demons is easy to understand. Gods, like humans, have good and evil sides. Praising gods are righteous gods who can bring blessings and have fat cows and horses. Praising demons are evil gods who are irritable, capricious and like to eat people.

Jin An's eyes were firm: "If the old Taoist priest really enters Kunlun Mountain, no matter if it is a dragon pool or a tiger's den, I will try to break in."

Looking at Jin An, who valued love and righteousness, Dorje Cuo's eyes showed a little more respect. He stopped trying to persuade and started talking about the Kunlun Mountains: "You know that during the avalanche last year, several sages rode white bulls into the snow-capped mountains. What happened after deep down?

Because I am not fluent in Chinese, this time Dorje Tso said in Tubo: "You will never come back! You will never know whether you will live or die!"

Dorjetso said that Mr. Yiyun translated, and Jin'an gradually understood the ins and outs of the matter.

No wonder he didn't see a few lamas in Xiaotucheng today. It turned out that all the monks from nearby monasteries who could come were participating in the rescue in the mountains, hoping to find the venerable one.

Those missing sages can be said to be all the top masters in Tubo, and they are also the spiritual beliefs of the Tantric practice world. The top masters of the pyramid disappeared deep in the Kunlun Mountains, and their life and death are not known. This is a huge blow to the Tubo practice community. of.

No matter whether he is alive or dead, he still wants to see the person in life and the body in death. But now the person has not been found and the body has not been seen.

Digging along the ancient ruins created by the avalanche and landslides, we have not been able to find the missing venerables since last year.

Moreover, the area that was finally cleared was covered by heavy snow again after October. During the snow season, some people ventured into the depths of the snow-capped mountains and glaciers, and almost died there, but still could not find the missing venerables.

Before the snow melted this year, several temples began to organize a large number of manpower to enter the snow-capped mountains and glaciers in advance, just to find people before the next heavy snow closed the mountains.

In fact, outsiders are not optimistic about the situation of the missing sages.

A year has passed. If a person really wants to live, he should have come out long ago. A living person can't stay in a snow-capped mountain glacier without food for a year without coming out, right?

And for a year, no one has come out. Even if they were alive at the beginning, they have already starved to death inside. The possibility of survival is very low.

Even several venerables fell into the depths of the Kunlun Mountains and never came out. What incredible monuments were discovered by the avalanche in the Kunlun Mountains?

Could it really be the Palace of the Queen Mother of the West?

Yuanshi Tianzun Dojo?

However, the more this happens, the more mysterious Kunlun Mountain becomes, and the outside world is more eager to learn about the secrets deep in Kunlun Mountain. Therefore, as soon as the temperature warms up this year, various forces can’t wait to gather here, and no one wants to fall behind.

It was under such a situation that Dorje Tso made more money to fulfill his mother's wish. He went to a temple to meet the Buddha once in his life, acted as a guide for others, and took a risk to lead a team into the depths of the snow-capped mountains.

Jin'an and Master Yiyun looked at each other. It seemed that Uncle Dorjetso would have to work as a guide for them tomorrow.

Ever since I got close to the Kunlun Mountains, the Luogeng Jade Plate in my hand stopped working and kept spinning in circles. I don’t know if it’s due to the influence of a huge magnetic field in the mountain, or if it means that the old Taoist priest is in the Kunlun Mountains...

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