White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 588 Home of the Gods, Tomb of Kunlun God

"I have been thinking before that this avalanche in Kunlun Mountain will really lead to the Palace of the Queen Mother of the West or the Yuanshi Tianzun Dojo..."

"But after seeing the blood and soil and this bloody corpse, the old slave felt that this avalanche in Kunlun Mountain may not be a good thing. Maybe what came out of the avalanche this time was not something righteous..."

Qi Bo looked at the bloody corpse,

He said with a slight frown.

To be honest, not only Qi Bo feels this way, but also Jin An starts to feel this way.

Then he expressed his conjecture: "According to what Uncle Dorjetso said, I have never seen any blood, soil or blood corpses before. These have only appeared recently. Could it be that as time goes by, things begin to come from Kunlun?" Did he escape from the depths of the mountains?"

The three of them looked at each other and saw that each other's eyes were a little solemn. If this is true, this is definitely not a good sign!

I'm afraid there's going to be a big change in Kunlun Mountain!

"Actually, we don't have to make a decision so early. Maybe this is just man-made. Someone is killing someone to seize the treasure or enemies are fighting. It doesn't necessarily mean they ran away from Kunlun Mountain." Seeing that the atmosphere in the team had become a bit dull, Jin An pretended to Said in a relaxed tone.

After saying that, he burned the blood corpse to prevent the blood corpse as a source of pollution from continuing to expand the pollution.

"This place is still too close to the rising river and is not suitable for camping. Let's find a place with rocks or cliffs that can be used to shelter from the wind and rain. Let's camp and have a good night's rest." Jin An noticed that the cows and horses in the team were a little listless. , even the strong and strong Uncle Dorje Cuo looked a little tired. He decided not to delay anymore and decided to go as soon as possible to find a place to rest as soon as possible.

Everyone has no problem with this.

After running all the way and racing against the rising rain, some people were indeed exhausted and exhausted.

Jin An: "Uncle Dorje Cuo, you are the guide in our team. This time we have to rely on you to help us find a place to stay and avoid the rain."

Dorjetso nodded and said: "Not far from here... there happens to be a depression created by melting snow that can be sheltered from the wind... which can barely allow us to stay for one night."

In the next three days, Jin An and the others walked along the permafrost at the foot of the snow-capped mountains towards the snow-capped mountains. Along the way, they passed through permafrost canyons, climbed over several brown permafrost slopes, and crossed the mountains from the snow-capped mountains. The melted icy snow water replenished the team with fresh water...

The terrain got higher and higher along the way, and from the fourth day onwards, there was no longer only desolate frozen soil on the road, but white snow began to be seen.

After more than ten days of trekking, they finally entered the Kunlun Snow Mountains.

Jin An, who was riding on horseback, looked back at the way he came. The frozen soil behind him was like tidal waves, with magnificent waves. Those were the seabeds that were lifted up by the movement of the earth's crust. Because of the high altitude and cold weather, , turned into a layer of permafrost.

As we officially enter the plateau snow-capped mountains, the terrain begins to rise suddenly, and the weather in the snow-capped mountains becomes increasingly erratic.

It's either raining, hailing or strong winds. Extreme weather comes one after another, making people dizzy. The thick gray clouds that have accumulated in the sky all year round will occasionally disperse for a while, revealing the clear sun. The dazzling sun, as big as a millstone, shines on the white snow, making people's eyes so white that they can't see anything. They experienced the four seasons of the year in half a day, and experienced the ups and downs of a hundred years of life in half a day. It was really exhausting.

This is thanks to the fact that there are no ordinary people in the team. The dangers and physical exertion of climbing the snow-capped mountains on the plateau are definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

This is why very few people have been able to conquer snow-capped mountains since ancient times, while the vast majority of people have become corpses in the snow.

On this day, they finally reached the ridge of the snow-capped mountains, which happened to be the center of a strong wind. The wind and snow were so strong that their cheeks were numb from the cold, and there was frost on their eyebrows and noses.

Dorje Tso, with his hands wearing thick gloves made of several layers of sheepskin tanning, grabbed a handful of white snow, took a bite to quench his thirst, and then rubbed it on his face vigorously. After the facial muscles warmed up and he felt better, Dorje Tso opened his mouth He breathed heavily and said with difficulty: "Climb over the snow mountain in front... and you can see the glacier forest..."

Dorjetso had difficulty speaking. This was due to the lack of oxygen on the plateau. He had to gasp for air several times to speak a few words.

In fact, the thin air on the plateau is not the most dangerous thing. Because there is not enough air, the brain will feel dizzy and it is easy to get tired and sleepy. At this time, people will have hallucinations and drowsiness. This is the most deadly place in the snow-capped mountains.

Dorjetso rubbed his face vigorously with snow from time to time, not just to keep warm, but also to use the coldness of the ice and snow to keep himself awake at all times and prevent himself from falling.

Climbing a snowy mountain has never been easy.

Climbing the Kunlun Mountains is even more difficult.

The altitude in the Kunlun Mountains is higher than the altitude of the Daxue Mountains where Jin'an and his friends entered Zhangxiong from the Western Regions. This is the home of all gods where many ancient myths lie dormant, including Jin'an, Yiyun Gongzi, and Qibodeng Snow Mountain. I also started to feel a little tired.

The three of them stood on the ridge and followed the direction of Dorjetso's fingers. They saw a world of glaciers sandwiched between the rolling and rugged snow-capped mountains. Those glaciers were like white snow forests and white dragon scales, rising one after another, rising and falling in the sun. The crystal shines down and the scene is magnificent.

In Feng Shui Kanyu, if you want to see a terrain clearly, you have to climb up and look out. The farther and more comprehensive you can see the general trend of the world, the clearer you can see whether this place is a Feng Shui treasure. At this time, Jin'an stood on the ridge and could not bear to He couldn't help but use his crude Feng Shui skills to carefully observe the glacier forest, and then made a sound of surprise.

Everyone else turned around and asked Jin An what happened?

Jin An clamped his fingers on the glacier between the towering snow-capped mountains, and said in wonder: "The Kunlun Mountains are the ancestor of all dragons, the ancestral dragon, and the origin of dragon veins. There is a saying in the Feng Shui world, 'To find the dragon's acupoint, first find it. Dragon, cut off vitality, acupoint measuring field, Dingji acupoint'. So how to find the dragon's acupoint? This requires the four steps of looking, hearing, asking, and cutting. For example, the first look, I just looked at the glacier forest and found that There seems to be a treasured dragon's cave where 'qi moves through the earth, its movement is determined by the force of the earth, and its accumulation is stopped by the force'..."

As a result, everyone looked at Jin An as if he were listening to a book from heaven.

When Jin An saw everyone's confused looks, he couldn't help but pause for a moment... Why did he feel like he was becoming more and more talkative like an old Taoist priest? It was as if he saw in others the scene when he had been with the old Taoist priest.

In the past, when I listened to the old Taoist priests explaining these Feng Shui terms, I just looked confused, like listening to a book from heaven.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing, and then patiently explained: "'Qi moves through the earth, its movement is also based on the force of the earth, and its gathering is also controlled by the force.' A simple translation of this sentence means we are here In a place with dragon veins, how can you tell which place is the dragon's lair? That is to find places where the veins stop, such as depressions, flat areas, and other places where wind and water can be hidden."

"'Dragon coming from the mountains in the clouds', you see the terrain here is hidden in the clouds, the dragon veins can be described as the Kunlun Mountains, and they are also the ancestral dragons flying in the wind above the nine heavens; 'The method of Feng Shui is Water is the top priority, followed by the hidden wind. There is a real dragon in the clouds here, and there is a sand ring terrain guarded by mountains. It is also a cave that hides the wind. What is a sand ring? In Feng Shui terminology, the sand ring is called As the first place to hide the wind, look at the glacier forest surrounded by mountains, isn't it a good cave for gathering Feng Shui?"

"The old saying goes well, 'If there are mountains but no water, don't look for land.' 'The method of Feng Shui is to obtain water first, and to hide the wind second.' To find the dragon's acupoint, you must meet four conditions to find the dragon's acupoint. Long Zhen , cave, sand ring, water embrace, a simple understanding is to find the dragon vein, and then look for the cave where the veins stop, and then see if the dragon cave is surrounded by mountains, whether there is underground running water hidden under the dragon cave or whether there is any underground water around the mountains. Rivers and living water flow through it...Only when these four conditions are met, it is a true dragon's cave, suitable for building a mausoleum and a large burial."

"If you want to find this kind of true dragon vein, you have to travel all over the mountains and rivers to find it. There is not one in ten thousand, even if it is a small branch of the dragon vein. If the ancestors are buried here, the descendants will be emperors and generals. And here is the Kunlun Mountains, the ancestor of all dragons. Can you imagine what it would be like to bury a person in this place? It is said that the Kunlun Mountains is the home of all gods. The Palace of the Queen Mother of the West is built here, and the Nine Heavens Mysterious God lives there. Woman... There is no ordinary person who can be buried in the land of the ancestral dragon. Even the emperor Longwei, who carries the destiny of a country, may not be able to withstand the pressure of the ancestral dragon. Could it be that the gods or the Queen Mother of the West are really buried here? The Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl God’s tomb?” When he said this, Jin An couldn’t help but marvel again.

If an old Taoist priest were here and found out that there was such a divine tomb in the world, he would definitely not think about food and drink. He would never be able to move without coming in to take a look.

He now somewhat believes that if the old Taoist priest really appears near the Kunlun Mountains, it is really possible that he will enter the depths of the Kunlun Mountains.

"However, my knowledge is still shallow and I can't tell whether there is a water vein hidden under the glacier forest, so I dare not conclude that the glacier forest is the dragon's lair. Unless I am allowed to enter the glacier forest to look for water. Only by checking the pulse can I judge whether a divine tomb has been built in the glacier forest." Jin An finally said cautiously, without making any judgment lightly.

It would be great if the old Taoist priest were here. With his Feng Shui skills, he could tell whether there were any water veins hidden in the glacier forest without going down the mountain. He only needed to stand on the ridge and look far away. Jin An sighed in his heart.

At this moment, Master Yiyun and Qi Bo looked at Jin An with strange expressions.

"What?" Jin An subconsciously reached out and touched his cheek, thinking that there were snowflakes falling on his eyebrows or nose.

Qi Bo chuckled and said: "Taoist Master Jin An, you are becoming more and more like a person..."

Jin An: "Who?"

Qi Bo: "Daozhang Chen."


There was only Dorje Cuo on the side. Because the cultures of the two places were different, he acted as if he were listening to a book from heaven. He could not understand what Jin An said: "Dragon comes from the mountains in the clouds", "Dragon is true, cave." , sand ring, water hug"...

But he finally understood one sentence: Gods are buried in Kunlun Mountain! There is a divine tomb!

Just when a few people were about to continue on the road and rush to the glacier forest as soon as possible to see what was going on, suddenly, a few people noticed that there was a team advancing through the snow at their feet.

However, because the wind and snow on the ridge were too heavy, the wind and snow fascinated people's eyes, and they could not see clearly the situation of the team.

If it weren't for the fact that people are so conspicuous in the white world, they might not be able to spot the team approaching the foot of the mountain.

Although they couldn't see clearly, Jin'an and the others thought for a moment and guessed that the team was probably the Tianzhu people led by the kidnapper Gesang.

Unexpectedly, these people were so fast. They had just climbed onto the ridge, and the other party was almost at the bottom of the mountain.

Jin An frowned and muttered in his heart: "These Tianzhu people are in such a hurry that they really don't even care about their lives."

When traveling through snowy mountains, the most important thing is to conserve energy. When the human body is exhausted, it will lead to body temperature imbalance, which is what people often say will feel that the body is very hot, and then they will take off their clothes and roll naked in the snow, and they will still have a weird smile on their faces when walking. .

Jin An naturally knew this very well, so when he arrived at the glacier forest, it was already the second day, and he had to deal with it with cattle and horses in the snowy mountains for a night.

And along the way, he was not stingy, melting the blood-enhancing medicine into the water several times for the cattle, horses, humans and animals in the team to replenish their blood and strengthen their strength.

Humans and animals are treated equally.

"Huh?" At the glacier forest entrance, Jin An noticed that there was a temple at the entrance of the glacier.

Unexpectedly, someone built a temple so deep in the Kunlun Mountains...

The temple is not big, and has long been dilapidated and abandoned. Thick ice is hanging on the outer walls, and most of the roof has been crushed by the thick snow...

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