White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 589 Fotou Temple deep in the Kunlun Mountains

Because of the long journey in the snow-capped mountains of the plateau,

Dorje Tso, whose cheeks were red from the cold,

Seeing that Jin An’s eyes had been fixed on that dilapidated temple,

Said: "This temple has never had a name... No one knew that there was such a temple deep in the Kunlun Mountains before... The Kunlun avalanche was only discovered this time... Everyone calls it Fotou Temple... just because of the guardians in the temple The Buddha statue was crushed by the heavy snow and the roof, leaving only a Buddha head falling to the ground..."

The three people in Jin'an were surprised. They didn't expect that this temple had such a strange name.

Dorjetso continued: "Next to Fotou Temple... there should be a pile of sutra stones... I have only heard others mention this... I have never seen that pile of sutra stones... It was already gone when I came here... It should be They have all been evacuated..."

Jin An walked into Fotou Temple out of curiosity.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a Buddha's head falling on the ground. The Buddha's head was full of pits and pits, as if it had been damaged by tools such as picks and awls, and the marks were still very new. Jin'an's eyes flashed and he thought, this Buddha's head should have been attached. The gold foil is a Buddha with a golden body and yellow clothes.

This Kunlun avalanche attracted many jackals, and these jackals were like geese plucking their feathers, digging out all the gold foil on the surface of the Buddha's head.

However, even the gold foil paper is not spared. The education level and vision of these people are not high at all. The reason why I say this is because it is very difficult to use gold foil paper to extract gold.

For example, gold foil paper that can cover half of a door can actually extract only one-tenth of the gold.

Even if the Buddha's body was covered with gold foil, it would not cost a penny of gold.

This is simply a thankless task.

That's why he said that these people who even care about the gold foil of Buddha statues are not very educated and have a high level of vision.

The space inside Fotou Temple is very small. It didn't take long to take in the overall view. Then everyone retreated. At this time, Jin'an and the others also began to say goodbye to Dorje Tso.

Jin'an clasped his fists and said, "Uncle Dorjetso, take all these cows and horses back. We have this silly sheep to act as a coolie. It will be enough to carry heavy supplies. We will go over to find you after we get out of the mountain."

Dorjetso did not leave immediately, and his eyes were a little hesitant. He felt that Jin'an and the others were seeing snow-capped mountains and glaciers for the first time. They might be unfamiliar with glaciers and did not know the dangers of glaciers.

Jin An smiled and said: "The closer you are to the avalanche, the more dangerous it is. Uncle Dorje Cuo is very grateful for taking us here. You still have your wife and daughter at home waiting for you to return to reunite, and your parents are sitting at the door of your house, looking forward to it day and night. If you can go home safely, the road ahead is not long and we can finish it on our own. Uncle Dorje Tso should go back first."

"When Uncle Dorje Tso leaves the snow-capped mountains, beware of the river that has swollen with rain. Remember to wait until the rain has completely receded before passing through... After so many days, I guess the water level there has receded. If it hasn't receded yet, Uncle Dorje Tso You can wait a few more days before crossing the river. There are still a lot of supplies on the cattle and horses, so you can stay a few more days and wait until it is completely safe before crossing the river."

From the very beginning, Jin An had no intention of dragging Uncle Dorjetso into the muddy waters of the Kunlun Mountains. Naturally, he knew very well that this avalanche in the Kunlun Mountains was no small matter.

The Kunlun Mountains are home to masters and masters from all over the world. Any sneezing from these masters can affect Chiyu.

After the joint persuasion of Jin'an, Master Yiyun, and Qibo, Dorjetso left in silence.

When Dorje Tso was sent away, the three men and one sheep did not delay any longer, and immediately entered the glacier forest, hoping to find the large army that had already entered the depths of the Kunlun Mountains before dark.

Following a massive avalanche in the Kunlun Mountains, the sky and the earth changed color, and dark ice cracks, cracks, and holes were opened in the glacier forest.

Under every ice crevice, ice crack, and ice cave is a bottomless abyss. No one knows where these plateau ice crevices will eventually lead, but there has been a rumor since ancient times that the Kunlun Mountains are the center of the world. In the Kunlun Mountains There is a gate to hell that leads directly to hell.

People are born from the gate of hell and will return to the gate of hell after death.

The truth of the world is hidden in the gates of hell.

These ice cracks may be large or small. Small ice cracks should have just cracked. As time goes by and geological activities on the plateau are frequent, these small ice cracks will eventually expand to large ice cracks, while large ice cracks are like huge chasms. Along the way, one glacier peak after another collapsed. If you lower your head and look carefully, you can vaguely see some animal and plant remains frozen in the ice wall.

Some animal and plant remains may have existed longer than our ancient ancestors.

This plateau snow mountain is a divine realm that can seal time. Time seems to be frozen here. Once it falls asleep here, it will be forever.

As we passed through the outer periphery of these glacial forests and gradually penetrated deeper into the interior, we found that time here no longer seemed to be permanently frozen in the plateau snow, and voices began to appear.

Continuing to walk along a large straight cracking iceberg, the number of people became more and more loud, and we came to an iceberg and snow peak that was as clear and as white as jade, emitting gleaming light, and creating a brilliant aurora above our heads. At this time, In the heat of the day, a large number of Tibetan serfs, thinly dressed and all red, swollen and purple from being frozen in the ice and snow, were digging the snow manually with picks and shovels.

Under the whips of the serf owners' followers, these serfs relied on the most primitive human methods to dig out the snow-covered icebergs.

This thick snow includes both ice and snow from snow avalanches, as well as ice and snow that fell from several heavy snowfalls in the past year. The area is very large, and the progress of digging it by manpower alone is very slow.

No wonder various forces have been entering the Kunlun Mountains for so long, but still haven't made much progress.

Moreover, as the ice and snow settles and compacts, it becomes even more difficult to dig. The only way to dig is when the weather gets warmer.

While the serfs were slowly digging out the snow shovel by shovel by manpower, many red-robed Tantric monks holding prayer wheels sat around them, chanting sutras and praying for blessings.

There are also some tantric monks holding prayer wheels and turning around the mountain to pray for blessings.

The total number of these tantric monks alone was over a hundred, and there was no telling how many temple monks came.

These tantric monks were chanting sutras and praying for the venerables from several major monasteries who had been missing since entering the snow-capped mountains. They prayed that the venerables were still alive and not dead, and that they would be able to reunite with them when they dug through the thick snow.

Around the rugged icebergs and snow peaks, there are tents and igloos made of ice bricks. There are people living in these tents and igloos, and people often come in and out to take a look. The progress of the serfs digging snow.

The people living in those igloos are basically Tibetan people.

The people living in the tents are mainly outsiders from outside Tubo, such as Han people, people from the Western Regions, people from Tianzhu... These people add up to more than a thousand people.

But in some huge tents with wind and horse flags flying, all the people coming in and out are Tibetan people with fine skin and tender flesh. These people wear gold and silver, and wear high-quality silks and satins that are very expensive even in Kangding Kingdom and only the wealthy families in the capital can afford them. The clothes are made of fine materials, the skin is fine and white, and the person is pampered. He comes from the influence of several royal families and nobles in Tubo.

These royal nobles had the largest number of people, and those serfs were brought by serf owners who were attached to the royal nobles.

In the depths of the snow-covered Kunlun Mountains, there were so many people gathered, and just the cost of food and clothing was a huge expense. No wonder a small earthen city was built outside to centrally supply supplies deep into the mountains.

On one side are the Tubo royal family and nobles who have a large number of people, on the other side are the tantric monks who have gathered in temples from various places, and on the other side are the scattered forces of outsiders. At this time, the Tubo royal family and the tantric monks have the power to unite, and they are secretly driving away the outsiders. , pushing outsiders to the margins.

The atmosphere in the glacier and snowy land is a bit subtle. Under the seemingly calm surface, there are actually undercurrents surging. Everyone is waiting for the moment when the glacier snow peak is dug out...


Suddenly, there was a rumble and vibration, and snow dust rose in the sky. A place in the thick snow was dug into a landslide, and more than a dozen serfs were buried under the snow.

The nearby serfs were in chaos. They threw away their picks and shovels and hurriedly dug the snow with their hands to rescue people buried in the snow.

The cold wind is biting.

The wind and horse flags rustled in the wind and snow.

As soon as the Tibetan nobles in several huge tents came out to see what was going on, they heard a series of exclamations. The serfs who were participating in the rescue dispersed as if they had dug something terrifying out from under the snow. , everyone looked panicked.

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