White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 590 Kunlun Mountain Troops

It wasn’t long after we parted ways with Uncle Dorje Tso.

Jin'an began to miss Uncle Dorje Cuo, an upright man.

Because he found that what Uncle Dorje Tso said was so true!

The weather in this snowy mountain changes as quickly as a woman's face. The wind and snow are howling before it gets dark. The snowflakes are all white in front of my eyes. I can't see the glacier road under my feet. I almost fell into the bottomless icy abyss several times. .

At this time, thanks to Shayang, the pioneer.

It can break the wind.

It can also travel through thunder.

Silly Sheep had a bad temper and neighed more than once, but in the end he was beaten down by Jin An and lost his temper.

"This time you have to follow the sacred mountain to join in the fun, but no one forced you to come! You have time to complain, why not think about how long it will take for us to meet the big army and find a place to shelter from the snow and sleep well Get some sleep!" Jin An hit the silly sheep, who continued to lead the way.

When three people and one sheep saw the wind horse flag flying high in the wind and snow, they happened to hear the exclamations of many people.

"There's a situation!"

"Could it be that the snow-capped mountains have finally been dug up? The troops are preparing to enter the snow-capped mountains!"

Jin An urged Shayang, and the group of people rushed over.

Then they saw many tents and igloos standing in the wind and snow, and many people gathering in the same place.

They also followed the flow of people and watched the excitement.

On the way, some people also spotted Jin An taking the "White Bull" into the Kunlun Snow Mountain. They all showed expressions of astonishment and surprise. But at this time, everyone's thoughts were all on the snow peak, and no one could care about the newcomers from outside for the time being. .

"what happened?"

"What are you shouting about? Why don't you dig out the snow quickly!"

A serf owner came over personally with a whip in hand to urge the serfs to speed up the progress of digging snow.

"Sir, sir, there is, there is, there is...a dragon! There is a dragon in here!" A serf replied with a trembling voice. He didn't know whether it was because of the fear in his heart or because he was standing in the wind and snow in thin clothes.


The people who gathered around him all gasped subconsciously.

Even the red-clothed monks who were sitting cross-legged, turning the prayer wheels devoutly, chanting Buddhist scriptures, and praying for the missing sages, regardless of the noise of the world, opened their eyes at this time, and their eyes were shining.

Among the onlookers, someone exclaimed and asked his companions: "When we were digging in the snow in May and June last year, did you hear anyone seeing a dragon? Or digging out a dragon?"

The companion thought about it seriously, then shook his head no.

"Could it be that in the winter when heavy snow closed the mountain again, another small avalanche occurred here due to the heavy snow crushing the snow or the aftershocks of the earth dragon, and the dragon shook out from deeper in the snow peak?" Someone boldly speculated.

As soon as he said this, the buzzing discussion around him got even louder. Even the wind and snow that got stronger in the evening could not cover up the discussion sound.

There was another voice in the crowd. Someone was excited and said excitedly: "It may not necessarily be another avalanche or earth dragon aftershock. Don't forget, we have made complete preparations this time and brought in snow diggers." The number of people on the glacier is several times that of the team that was hastily formed last year. There is another possibility. We have more people this time, and the digging progress is faster than last year, and we have already dug deeper than last year!"

The serf owner, who was wearing a thick fur coat and a plush fur hat, kept beating his serfs with a whip. When he heard that a dragon was dug up, he was so frightened that he stopped waving the whip in his hand and turned around to look. To his master.

Because this serf owner was well fed and clothed, his face was full of flesh, and he was strong. He was in sharp contrast to the serfs who were so hungry that they were skin and bones, and their faces were pale in the wind and snow, in the glacier and snow.

And these serf owners lived dependent on big temples and royal nobles.

Behind this serf owner was another master who ordered him to do things. Now that the development of the matter has exceeded his authority, he had to turn his head to look at his master. Do you still want to dig?

It was a young man in a white leather robe protected by three layers of guards. The pure white fur symbolized the snow-capped mountains and was sacred. The ordinary class had no right to wear it and had to provide it to the royal family and nobles for their enjoyment.

The young man was wearing a white leather robe to keep out the wind and snow, and inside he was wearing high-quality Han Chinese silk and satin that was worth the same as gold. Around his waist were hanging agate stones, gold and silver, and jade beads. If it weren't for the perennial plateau sun, his skin would have been slightly darker and would have looked darker. A little rough, but this young man is considered majestic and handsome even in Kangding Kingdom.

Facing the serf owner's gaze, the young man wearing a pure white leather robe from the snow-capped mountains didn't say anything. He just nodded and walked back into the warm tent.

Naturally, a servant outside the tent curtain took the initiative to lift the curtain for him, brushed off the snow and put it down again to prevent the biting cold wind outside from blowing into the tent.

And as the tent curtain was lowered to block the outside world's view, the sinister-faced serf owner once again waved the whip in his hand and yelled at the serfs to speed up digging. Even if a dragon came today, in front of that adult, You have to coil up like a snake!

Under constant whipping, the serfs had no choice but to suppress the fear on their faces and continue to dig into the biting ice and snow with their hands. Eventually, their fingers became numb from the cold and lost consciousness.

But they did not dare to resist the power of the serf owners and continued to plow the snow over and over with their hands.

The serf owners were worried that using tools to dig out the snow would damage things buried under the snow, so they kept yelling and yelling at them, forcing the serfs to use their hands to dig the snow, completely disregarding the lives of these serfs.

The last thing Tubo lacked was serfs.

The lives of Tibetan serfs are not human lives.

Serfs were born low, even worse than cattle and horses.

Even the cattle, horses and livestock living in cowsheds and stables were worth more than these serfs.

At this time, there was an old and frail man who couldn't dig anymore. His hands were red, swollen and numb from frostbite, and he completely lost consciousness. He couldn't even bend his fingers. As a result, he couldn't win the mercy of the serf owner, so he cut him with a sword!


Heads fell to the ground.

Human blood is sprinkled on the cold white snow.

Blood-stained glacier.

"Hurry up and dig while the blood turns to snow. When the blood is completely cold, you bastards will have another excuse to be lazy!" The serf owner scolded and chopped down several people, using the hot blood with human body temperature. Come to melt the snow, the serfs continued to dig the snow with their hands under his continuous scolding.

These are the darkest times.

No one would regard the life of a serf as their fate.

But the saddest thing is that even those serfs were numb and accepted the fate of being serfs for generations to come, without knowing how to resist.

As the serf owners used human blood to turn snow, and urged by all means, the serfs finally dug up the snow and revealed what was buried under the snow.

At this time, Jin An and the others also rushed through the crowd and happened to see the unearthed things.

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