White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 61 Bad omen

It was getting darker and darker.

Darkness enveloped Shenjiabao after nightfall.

Yang Chengan opened the door and returned home.

Then close the door and bolt it.

After he locked the door, he turned around and looked at the dark Dazhuangzi without even a light. Yang Chengan, who was obviously only about ten and a half years old, sighed with maturity.

"Dad and mom went to bed early today. Did you forget to light the lamp oil because you were too tired?"

Yang Chengan patted the dust on his hands, and slowly moved towards the dark room with the last dim light before dark.

In the empty yard, the footsteps sounded crisp and empty.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Yang Chengan shouted.

But no one in the dark room responded to him.

"Mom and dad, have you eaten?"

"I'm hungry."

"What are you eating at home today?"

In the empty and dark village, no one answered.

Yang Chengan seemed to be used to such a deserted scene. He dragged his lonely figure to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Yang Chengan walked into the dimly lit kitchen. He groped in the dark and brought a small bench. He stood on tiptoe on the small bench, carefully leaned on the stove with only a vague dark outline, and opened the lid of the pot.

Yang Chengan smiled happily.

Sure enough, there was dinner in the pot that his parents had specially saved for him before going to bed.

Yang Chengan stood on the small bench, trying to stand up on tiptoes, with most of his body lying on the stove, and then he could reach the bowl of rice in the pot.

However, dinner was cold.

The originally hot dinner had gone cold.

Yang Chengan sighed. It had been a long time since he had a hot meal with his parents. Every time he had a cold meal, he felt a little conflicted and aggrieved.

He held the bowl and squatted at the door of the kitchen, looking at the last faint light before the night, trying to finish today's dinner before it was completely dark and invisible.


Just as dinner was in his mouth, Yang Chengan frowned.

"Today's food is a bit rancid..."

But Yang Chengan still ate it with relish.

The last faint ray of light before complete darkness revealed a bowl of cold, hard rice covered with colorful mold spots. The rice was covered with a few pieces of fat meat...

"Little brother, it's strange to say that the little boy's voice was still around the corner, but when we chased him here, he was gone."

"I don't know if this is a person or something?"

Shenjiabao, at a corner intersection, an old Taoist priest with a pair of cloth shoes, rolled up his trouser legs, curly hair on one leg, and his robe still tied around his waist, stood at the intersection looking nondescript, and said to Jin An in confusion.

"Little brother, it's already dark here. Searching blindly is not an option. According to Yi Laodao, why don't we find a place to hibernate quietly and calm down?"

"If Feng Captou and the others are really trapped in this fort, there will definitely be some news."

"It's better than looking around like a headless fly like now."

Jin An thought for a while and felt that what the old Taoist said made sense, so he decided to find a random family to live in near the intersection.

"Little brother, why don't we choose that big village that looks more upscale?"

"I have traveled around the five lakes and traveled north and south. I usually use local temples and wild temples as my quilt. I have never lived in Dazhuangzi in my life."

"Although this is the underworld of the dead and the houses here are all hell houses, the meat of ant legs is also meat, and Dazhuangzi, the underworld house, is also a house of hell."

The old Taoist priest pointed to another dark and quiet Dazhuangzi near the intersection. The Dazhuangzi was quiet and didn't hear any unusual movements. It should be safe.

"Dazhuangzi is too complicated to be conducive to vigil."

"In case of an unexpected accident, there is no way to save people in time or rush out in time."

Jin An glanced at the Dazhuangzi pointed by the old Taoist priest, then turned back and stopped looking any further.

"Old magician, if you like to live alone in the shady house, don't worry, I will never stop you."

When the old Taoist priest heard what Jin An said, he smiled and shamelessly continued to follow Jin An.

Jin An went from house to house trying to open the door. After trying six or seven houses, he finally found a villager's house that had the door unlocked.

That night.


Jin An and the old Taoist priest checked the house and found that there was no hidden danger, so they settled in.

However, in order to avoid being too eye-catching and causing any danger, the two did not light a bonfire or candle for lighting in the house.

But groping in the dark.

Fortunately, after Jin An practiced martial arts, his internal organs had been adjusted and warmed, and his vision had become stronger than ordinary people. Even in the dark environment, he could still barely see the outlines of things around him.

The night is getting darker.

The two of them were sleeping quietly in the house.


In the darkness, there was a sound like something rubbing.

"Old bastard, what are you doing?"

"Hiding in the dark and feeling around, what are you feeling for?"

Jin An, who originally put the horizontal knife on his lap and stood guard behind the window, meditating and practicing while keeping watch at night, was disturbed by the old Taoist priest and was unable to meditate quietly. He glared at the old Taoist priest who was acting dishonestly in the dark.

In the darkness, the old Taoist priest murmured: "Little brother, I always feel a little uneasy, so I want to take out the pen and cinnabar from the Tai Chi Bagua bag, and write some "Xingqi Golden Light" on the doors and windows of this house to ward off evil spirits. Seal ", beware of being attacked by evil spirits at night..."

"But in the end, I discovered that my eyes were dark, just like a blind man crossing a river, with nowhere to write, so I was putting the pen and cinnabar back into the bag."

Then, the room fell silent again.

But the old Taoist priest hasn't been quiet for long, click, click, click...

In the quiet room at night, there was a strange movement. It sounded sharp and harsh, like sharp nails scratching a hard object.

"Old bastard, what are you doing this time?"

In the darkness, Jin An opened his eyes again.

Unexpectedly, the old Taoist priest had a face full of grievance and suppressed his voice and shouted: "Little brother, it is really not me, the old Taoist, who made the noise this time. This sound... came from under the bed board under my buttocks, the old Taoist."

At this time, the expression on the old Taoist priest's face was as wonderful as it could be.

He was sitting on pins and needles, not even daring to move even half of his buttocks. He looked pitifully in the direction of Jin An for help, and almost said directly, "Little brother, there is someone under my bed!"



The sound of fingernails scratching continued.

Jin An listened carefully this time.

The sound of fingernails scratching was indeed coming from under the bed where the old stickman was sitting on his butt.


"Old magician, get out of the way!"

sulfuric acid!

Jin An pulled out a long knife, grabbed the edge of the bed with his left hand, and lifted up the wooden bed weighing several dozen kilograms with one arm. The muscles of the arm holding the knife in his right hand were tense, ready to use the knife at any time to chop down anything that rushed out from under the bed. …

But the moment Jin An opened the bed, the strange sound of nails scratching under the bed disappeared. There was nothing under the bed, nothing.


Jin An saw a large number of yellow talismans to ward off evil, densely packed under the bed board.

The number is by no means less than twenty or thirty, almost covering the entire bed board!

"The Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty is here!"

"This is a bad omen!"

The old Taoist priest gasped.

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