White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 60 The cat hangs on the tree and the dog follows the current

Mountain darkly, vista.

The sun sets.

The scarlet red sunset hung on the horizon, giving people a dazzling and uncomfortable feeling.

It's getting dark.

Under the blood clouds of the setting sun, large paddy fields were planted with green crops, stretching far toward a village in front of them.

I took a breath of air through my mouth and nose, and the rich earthy fragrance swirled around my lungs, which was refreshing.

The world in front of me is too real.

Jin An and the old Taoist priest appeared in a paddy field.

The old Taoist priest screamed, pulled out his muddy feet, and hurriedly stepped ashore from the muddy paddy field.

After reaching the field ridge, the old Taoist priest took off his cloth shoes, grabbed a handful of shiny and tender weeds from the field ridge, wiped off the soft mud on his shoes, and wiped off the muddy water on his feet.

After going back and forth like this, the old Taoist priest's robe and trousers were already wet and stained with mud and water. The old Taoist priest had no choice but to roll up his trousers, roll up his robe and tie it around his waist, which looked nondescript.

"Little brother, could this be the disappeared Shen Family Fort?" The old Taoist priest looked at the other world in front of him in wonder.

Because there was a copper coin pressed under his tongue, the old Taoist priest had a strange accent when he spoke, and every time he spoke he always had a tongue-wagging sound unconsciously.

The voice sounded weird.

At this time, Jin An also walked out of the paddy field and walked onto the ridge of the field.

However, Jin An did not immediately walk towards Shenjiabao, which was not far away. Instead, he turned around and walked back along the field ridge.

As a result, he couldn't even leave even after a tea break.

Always wandering in the paddy fields outside the village.

One never reaches the end.

"A ghost beating a wall?"


Jin An tried to walk to the left and right again, but still couldn't get out.

It seems that we can only go forward and start at Shenjiabao.

"Have you noticed, old bastard, that it's not completely dark yet and the green crops in the paddy fields are growing beautifully? There should be people working hard on weeding, but you haven't seen anyone yet?"

The two of them walked along the muddy and slippery field ridges, with mud on their feet and mud on their feet. The muddy road was full of difficulty and they walked towards Shenjiabao.

Along the way, no trace of Feng Captou or Pu Zhi was found.

Not even the footprints of the two walking past were found.


There is the sound of water flowing.

Jin An and the old Taoist priest walked over and found a clear river flowing around the village.


Suddenly there was the sound of water splashing.

"Little brother, listen! There's something going on!"

The old Taoist priest was excited and just about to rush towards the source of the sound. However, before the old Taoist priest could chase him, something had floated down the river from the upper reaches of the river.

The thing in the river quickly floated closer, and it turned out to be the body of a dead black dog.

The black dog's body had swollen and rotted, and there were a large number of fat white maggots burrowing from its belly, densely packed.


Jin An let out a slight sigh.

When dogs in this world die, they are also superstitious and throw their bodies into the river. Can't they bury them in the ground?

"This is wrong, little brother, we just heard the sound of falling into the water, but why does this black dog body look like it has been soaked in water for a long time?"

The old Taoist priest's doubtful voice interrupted Jin An's thinking.

After that, Jin An and the old Taoist priest chased towards the place where the sound of falling water was heard, which was the river embankment in the back village of Shenjiabao.

When they arrived, of course they found nothing.

And after chasing him all the way, I didn't see any other floating objects in the river.

"It's really weird. Could it be that the sound of falling into the water just now was really the sound of a black dog's body being thrown away?"

"But who lost it?"

The old Taoist priest was puzzled.

"This place is full of weirdness. Let's go. It seems that only by entering Shenjiabao, a ghost village that should have disappeared, can we know what is going on and find the other missing people."

Jin An took the old Taoist priest and prepared to enter Shenjia Fort.

Who knows.

Before the two of them entered the village, they just arrived at the entrance of the village. They saw a tattered cloth bag hanging on an old tree at the entrance of the village.

Perhaps due to being exposed to the wind and sun for a long time, the bag had a hole in it, revealing a disgusting black mass that resembled animal hair inside.

"The cat hung dead on the tree, and the dog followed the current. We haven't entered Shenjiabao yet. Along the way, we saw the black dog corpse in the river and the cat corpse hanging on the tree. Little brother, old Taoist Why do I feel like this is a bad omen?"

"We haven't even entered the village yet. I already feel like someone is lying on my back, blowing cool air on the back of my neck. There is a cold air hitting my forehead... After entering the village, Don’t you want to see something more terrifying?”

The old Taoist priest made a sad face.

This mood is a bit pessimistic, and even Jin An is affected.

Jin An looked at the old Taoist priest speechlessly: "Old magician, looking at your bitter face, do you know what I am thinking of now?"


"When night comes, I feel sad. I think you may need a Taoist priest."

The old magic stick got angry: "Little brother, you are obviously scolding the old man, I can't think of it!"

After Jin An's interruption, the old Taoist priest's pessimism was wiped away. After that, Chang Wei and Laifu walked into the village cursing all the way.

Shenjiabao is a village surrounded by high earth walls.

These high walls are used not only to prevent wild animals from entering the village at night, but also to prevent bandits from descending from the mountain to rob the village.

The further away from the yamen in the remote areas, the more common Zhuangzi is surrounded by high earth walls. It is even common for people in Zhuangzi to be soldiers of both sexes, old and young. Similar to the enlarged Wubao Village.

There are two gates in the village. The gate at the entrance of the village is blocked and cannot be entered. Jin'an and the old Taoist priest entered through the Baozi gate of the back village.

The door was not closed tightly, leaving just enough space for a person to walk through.

After entering the fort, I saw that the villagers' houses were all mottled and somewhat dilapidated.

It looked like it hadn't been occupied for a long time.

It seemed very deserted and quiet.

This is an empty village with ten rooms and ten empty rooms.

Along the road, apart from the dead silence and dust, I didn't see a single villager, let alone finding the missing Feng Captou and Pu Zhi.

And after such a delay, the sky above our heads was almost completely dark.

This Shenjiabao is too quiet, too peaceful.

"Little brother, isn't this too quiet?"

"Have Feng Captou and the others ever entered the fort? Could it be that they have not entered the Shen Family Fort?"

"If you really come in, even if you encounter something dirty in such a short period of time, you won't be killed immediately. There will always be some commotion, right?"

The old Taoist priest muttered.

Because Shenjiabao was empty and deserted, it was too quiet and the space was still, so even if the old Taoist priest whispered something, there was actually a little echo in the surroundings.

Just when the old Taoist priest's voice echoed, before Jin An could answer, suddenly!

A little boy's voice sounded in the peaceful sky of this village where no one died.

"I'm leaving, Ah Qing."

"I'll play hide-and-seek with you tomorrow."

Then there was the echo of footsteps, ringing loudly in this empty dead village, and the little boy jumped and walked home.

Facing this sudden sound, it was rare to finally meet someone. Jin An and the old Taoist priest looked at each other, and the two immediately chased after him.

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