White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 66 Little brother is so exciting

The old Taoist saw that Jin An was not in danger.

So he asked: "Little brother, did you catch the scheming one who escaped?"

"Yeah, caught."

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

"It's in this cabinet."

Old Taoist priest: "?"

"My soul is gone."

Old Taoist priest: "!"

The old Taoist priest gave Jin An a thumbs up: "Little brother, from now on Mrs. Niu, whose zodiac sign is Ox, won't dare to move when she sees you."

"That's awesome!"

Jin An's face turned dark.

Jin'an thought about the sudden wealth of Yin De Shu and felt that it was unusual, so he explained the process to the old Taoist priest in detail, and finally asked the old Taoist priest if he had any clues.

After hearing this, the old Taoist priest frowned and thought: "According to what the little brother said, Yang Chengan was burned alive in this cabinet by the fire while struggling in pain. Because he died miserably before death, the greater the resentment after death, the more success he will have." An evil spirit with deep resentment, this is a bit like the underworld weapon that I once heard someone mention in the antique market."

"If it is really a ghost weapon, I think Yang Chengan's death may not be as simple as it remembers. Because the method of refining the ghost weapon is extremely cruel and inhumane!" The old Taoist priest was angry.

"Refining the underworld weapon is a sinful act that damages the moral integrity of a son without giving birth to a son!" the old Taoist priest yelled.

"Underworld weapon?" Jin An was surprised.

The old Taoist priest explained: "Underworld artifacts refer to things in the underworld after death."

"Long before the ancient dynasties, when humans were still consuming hair and drinking blood, there was already the custom of having artifacts and burial objects."

"The more extraordinary a person is, the more he is afraid of death during his lifetime, and even more afraid of 'death' after death. He is afraid that the bones after death will be destroyed by tomb robbers, so he always does something with the funerary objects, such as asking someone to practice Make one or two pieces of underworld weapons to use as suppressive weapons."

"If little brother still can't understand the underworld weapon, you can simply understand it as an evil magic weapon."

"These evil magic weapons can be subdivided into evil, strange, dark, cursed, mysterious, terrifying, depraved, etc. according to their different abilities."

The old Taoist priest continued: "According to the little brother's description, the color of the cabinet door of this cabinet is different. It is not the original cabinet door, but a new one later. This explains a doubt in my mind. "

"My guess is that this underworld weapon was destroyed by an expert and was already incomplete. Then for some unknown reason, it wandered among the people again. Maybe it was a natural disaster, maybe it was man-made. Finally, it drifted down the river to the Shen family. The result was a disaster for the whole village, and everyone in the village died, but it was reported by the outside world as a plague outbreak."

"Little brother, we should be glad that what we encountered this time was only a broken artifact, not a complete artifact from its heyday. If it were really a complete artifact, I'm afraid, little brother, you and I will be buried together in the same coffin today."

Jin An looked at the old Taoist priest who was talking in great surprise.

I didn’t expect the old Taoist priest to know so much.

The old Taoist priest's experience of traveling all over the world in recent years is very confusing.

At the same time, he also suddenly realized that it was no wonder that this Huiyin virtue meeting was so rich.

It turns out that he has surpassed the level this time.

As the saying goes, wealth is found in danger. If you give it a try, black soil will turn into gold.

The more powerful the evil spirits are, the greater the disaster will be, and the evil will be rich.

Yin De is also the same as the wet market.


"Isn't it disgusting for you, Old Master, to be buried together in the same coffin? You treat them as husband and wife sharing the same coffin."

Jin An even felt sick to his stomach.

No, after he returns to Chang County this time, he must go to places like the legendary Goulan to listen to music, and let Baimei Ying Ying Ying Tu exorcise evil spirits for him and restore his righteousness.

The old Taoist priest said shamelessly: "Two big men can still squeeze together. It's freezing in the north. In winter, it's common for more than a dozen big men in a room to sleep on a hot kang."

Jin An had a dark face and immediately laughed: "When there is an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent."

The old Taoist priest smacked his mouth, thinking over and over what the little brother meant by his words. When the old Taoist priest came to his senses, the old Taoist priest with his Taoist robe tied around his waist looked at Jin An in shock.

It turns out that little brother is so exciting!

Like the bloody drought road trip!

The old Taoist priest looked at Jin An who was walking out of the house. He hesitated, not sure whether he should follow him.

At this time, Jin An saw that the old Taoist priest was still staying in the room and hesitated to come out. Jin An stopped and turned his head to look at the old Taoist priest with a struggling expression in the room, as if silently saying, "Follow me!"

"Old Taoist, what are you doing standing there? Speaking of coffins, let's quickly go to Zhuangzi's yard and take a look at the black coffin holding the escort."

Jin An remembered that there was a black coffin outside.

When an old man and a young man came to the yard, the black coffin containing the bodyguard was still there, but the body inside was gone.

The dart is lost.

"It seems that the people who visited the Yin Escort Bureau this time were indeed lost in this dark forest. They were unlucky enough to come across the ghost weapons left among the people."

"Then the question is, where did the corpse of the old man with a rat face in the black coffin go?"

"Could it be possible that I could still grow legs on my own and disappear?"

Jin An looked at the old Taoist priest speechlessly and corrected him: "People already have legs."

"Besides, flying doesn't rely on legs, but on wings."

The old Taoist breathed out: "But fortunately, we were not besieged by the two men this time. The old Taoist feels that the dart was thrown appropriately. It is a blessing in misfortune."

"Little brother, tell me, could the discarded dart and the corpse of an old man with a rat-like face be lured away by Capt. Feng or Monk Pu Zhi who were one step ahead of us?"

Just when Jin An and the old Taoist priest were studying where to find the body of the old rat spirit and the separated Feng Baotou and the others, suddenly, a gust of night wind blew past their faces.

With the moisture of soil mixed with dew...

There is also the rustling sound of swaying tree shadows...

Jin An was surprised to see that the vision in front of him gradually became clearer. He and the old Taoist priest were actually standing in a black forest.

The surrounding Yin Qi energy field dissipates.

The world reappears.

Even if you hold the copper coins unearthed in the ground in your mouth, they are useless.

The old Taoist priest, like Jin An, looked at the changes in front of him with surprise at first, but soon, as if he thought of something, he slapped his thigh and shouted excitedly in the dark forest: "I Understood!"

"Little brother, I finally understand what the ability of this cabinet weapon that has burned people to death is!"

Jin An looked over: "What is it?"

The old Taoist priest replied: "According to my little brother's description and the old Taoist's calculation, the ability of the cabinet ghost weapon that burned people to death should belong to the 'ghost-covering eyes', which can blind people's five senses and prevent them from seeing clearly the hidden essence! "

"This can also explain the bizarre experience of the little brother being trapped in the cabinet!"

"Although we didn't enter the dark forest at the beginning, it seems now that the influence of the underworld weapon is very wide. In fact, we have been blinded by the ghost as early as the beginning!"

The old Taoist priest explained solemnly.

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