White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 65 So confused

at this time.

The thick smoke became more and more choking and suffocating.

The air he breathed into his lungs became even hotter.

The fire outside the closet was raging and crackling, and the temperature inside the closet was so hot that it was difficult to breathe.

Jin An immediately held his breath.

Then rely on the endless circulation of the internal organs in the temple of the five internal organs to turn external breathing into internal breathing.

Fortunately, these Taoist internal breathing techniques are not high-level secret techniques. They are just minor techniques and are recorded in the "Secret Transmission of the Five Internal Organs".

There is a method of turtle breathing in martial arts circles.

Taoism has the inner breath method.

This in itself is not a unique Taoist discipline.

After switching to internal breathing, the suffocating feeling and the burning sensation like fried lung slices became much better.

This fire.

Jin An didn't know how long it had been burning.


He felt the shaking of the wardrobe being moved, and then the wardrobe was righted upright.

Then, he heard a couple talking outside.

"Dad, where did you buy this wardrobe?"

"I don't know which rich family threw such a good wardrobe into the river. I saw this wardrobe floating down the river. I thought it was very beautiful. It would be a pity to throw it away, so I ran back to Shenjiabao to find it. Several people came on board, and it took some effort to salvage it ashore. Don't tell me, I don't know what kind of wood this wardrobe is made of, it's quite heavy."

"Dad, why do I feel like the color of this wardrobe door is wrong? It doesn't seem to be the same as the original one?"

"When I salvaged this wardrobe from the river, it was incomplete and incomplete. The wardrobe door was missing. So I left it with the carpenter for two days and refitted it with two doors before I found an ox cart to bring it back. Home."

Woman: "This wardrobe is really exquisite and beautiful. Dad, can I open it and see what's inside?"

Husband: “Of course you can.”

As soon as the words fell, the air outside the cabinet door suddenly became quiet, carrying an oppressive and unknown silence.

A few breaths later, a woman's eyeball covered with horrible bloodshot eyes lay outside the closet, looking inside through the dark gap.

This bloodshot woman's eyes were numb, cold, empty and unfocused.

His bloodshot eyes blinked twice.

Turn left.

Turn right.

It seemed like he was trying to see what was inside through the crack in the closet door.

"Then I'm going to start opening it~"

"Are you ready~"

The voice of the woman who was originally having a normal conversation suddenly turned calm, numb, and hollow.

A cold breath.

Follow the crack in the closet door.

Sneaking into the closet.

The surrounding temperature began to be strange, weird, depraved, dark, rotten, terrifying...

It seems that the bloodshot eyes of a woman lying outside the closet and peering at her are a terrifying thing.

Then, there was movement from the closet door. The woman lying outside the closet had bloodshot eyes, click, click, and was about to open the closet door.


In the dark, narrow, claustrophobic closet space, on Jin An's back, a charred, shrunken child's hand, with five fingers curled and twisted by the fire, began to creep up from Jin An's back and onto Jin An's shoulders. .


"Pretend to be a ghost!"



Jin An growled. He had recovered a long time ago, and he didn't even wait for the red bloodshot woman's eyeballs outside to open the cabinet door, and the sword light suddenly lit up in the dark night.

Like a hurricane hitting!

With red!

Kill everything!


The cabinet door was severely smashed by the hurricane storm, and the eyes that were originally chaotic and dark regained vision and clarity again.

Jin An unexpectedly found that he was still standing in the room of Shenjiabao Dazhuangzi, motionless, with the intact wardrobe in front of him.

Jin An was surprised.

He pondered for a moment, then showed an expression of surprise.

People have three fires.

If the three fires are strong, all evil will not invade.

If the three fires are weak, you will be plagued by all kinds of diseases.

If three fires are extinguished, people will die like a lamp extinguished.

In normal adulthood, with strong Qi and blood, some evil spirits will use various illusions to frighten people. Because the three Yang fires are weak, the mind will be in a trance, Qi and blood will be depleted, and the Yang fire will be weak, so it will give evil spirits an opportunity to harm people.

When evil spirits harm people, they first frighten them! Extinguish the human Yang Fire!

Therefore, everything just now was an illusion, that is, ghosts covering their eyes.

But who knew that Jin An didn't play according to the routine at all!

He was not frightened by ghosts to extinguish the Yang Fire!

Instead, he became more frightened and reckless. Faced with extreme pressure and despair, he slashed through Guizhao's eyes with a knife and recovered from Gui Zhayan's eyes first.

"I want to see how many times you cover your eyes!"

"It's you who hides your eyesight!"

"The knife in my hand is faster!"

Red blood power!

Explode for me! burst! burst! burst! burst!

Jin An's blood was boiling. He held the long handle of the machete with both hands and struck like a meteorite. The force was fierce and huge. Boom, boom, boom. The red blood force struck the cabinet door again and again with explosive power.

I want to catch the evil spirit hiding inside.

The dense sword light was like a hurricane strangling, like a meteorite striking, slashing wildly, bringing up a howling wind in the house, blowing away the debris around him.

The strong air flow caused by the dense knife shadow rolled up the unlocked paper window, banging and banging back and forth.

This wardrobe has been exposed to yin and evil spirits, and has been warmed day and night. The material of this wardrobe has already changed, and it is as hard as gold and iron.

The sword light slashed, and a large number of dense sparks burst out.

Every time the sword struck, Jin An's jaw went numb.

If it weren't for the Immortal Temple of the Five Internal Organs, with its endless cycle of vitality, Jin'an wouldn't have dared to do so crazily! Hundreds of slashes!


No matter how hard the wardrobe is, with its Yin Qi on the surface, no matter how the evil Qi protects the wardrobe, it still can't bear the fierceness and explosive power of Chi Xue Jin.

Click! Click!

Cracks appear on the surface of the wardrobe.

The cracks are getting wider and wider.

more and more.


No more overwhelmed! Boom!

The closet door burst into pieces and exploded, revealing a black shadow of scorched corpses. Just as he was about to take advantage of the dust from the explosion to escape, a red sword light hit him like a huge meteorite.


The black figure of the charred corpse was hit by the heavy force of the knife. He screamed in mid-air and was hit hard again and flew back into the closet.


With a huge castration, the charred corpse and the closet hit the wall behind the closet hard, and there was a huge shock, and the whole room seemed to shake wildly.

The black shadow of the charred corpse still wanted to escape.

A large amount of hot red blood was poured into the knife. Jin An faced him, and the light of the knife was like a brute and violent door axe, hitting the skull of the black figure of the charred corpse.


The Yin Qi on the body of the black shadow of the scorched corpse could no longer withstand the red blood energy and the fiery power on the blade from the explosion of Jin An'an's power. He slashed vertically from the middle and exploded into pieces.

Total extinction.

The long-lost feeling of the avenue became familiar to me again.


The feeling of the avenue this time is a little different.

Jin An couldn't tell what was wrong.

So, after a big battle, Jin An was severely exhausted physically. He was panting heavily and almost drained all the blood in his body. He took advantage of the rare breathing space to breathe for himself.

Yin De——

One thousand two hundred and five hundred and eighty!

A full one thousand yin virtues have been added!

Jin'an was hit by a sudden fortune and was completely stunned.

"Little brother! Little brother, are you okay! What happened just now! Why are you making so much noise here!" At this time, the old Taoist priest who heard the big noise and was worried about Jin An's safety came over cautiously.

"Old Taoist, I just got rich!" Jin An was very serious.

The old Taoist priest was happy after hearing this: "Little brother, please stop talking nonsense. How can you make money here? Apart from dead people, there are still dead people here. Can you still make money from dead people?"

Jin An: "..."

Take a look.

Let’s be honest these days.

But no one believes it.

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