White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1731: Retreat

Chu Li thoughtfully: "What are they going to do when they come down these days?"

Fa Yuan looked up at the sky and whispered, "As far as the little monk knows, it is to train his disciples. As long as he becomes a master of Tianwaitian, he can step on Tianwaitian and become a strong helper. ???? Ranwen Novel ???? ? `"

"What help does Tianwaitian need?" Chu Li frowned. "I know that Tianwaitian has changed a lot, but I don't know what has changed."

"The little monk doesn't know." Fa Yuan shook his head gently. "But the little monk knows that Tianwaitian now needs manpower very much, so he will let the Tianren come down and collect the manpower, and train the Tianwaitian master as soon as possible."

Chu Lidao said: "Tianwaitian masters can't be fast-tracked, they need to understand and they need to win."

It is a fluke that he can break through and become a master of heaven and earth, but the others need to win, and the victory of the world is very limited. Each is a unique resource of famous masters. It will never be borrowed. It is dense and dense. The core disciples knew that some sects only knew one or two.

Fa Yuan sighed, "So the world is bound to be chaotic."

Chu Li said: "You God is not a small task."

"Exactly." Fa Yuan showed Shen Ning's look, and sighed, "The little monk has a long way to go, and he will still need help from his brother."

Chu Li waved and smiled, "I can't hydrolyze the near thirst, I can't take care of it here, I can't count on it, and I still rely on you to come."

"The peace in the big season needs the guardianship of a little monk and her Majesty." Fa Yuan said calmly: "Brother Chu, you are also a big season man, you should not stand by and watch."

Chu Li sighed: "If you can help, just help, you just said, don't let me kill more people."

Fa Yuan smiled and said: "Brother Chu can't do it, but the little monk can. Brother Chu can only help each other, and he doesn't have to kill the killer himself."

Chu Li raised an eyebrow: "If you succeed in God, can you kill God?"

Fa Yuan slowly said: "Heavens have no sin in killing them. On the contrary, they have sinned in killing them!"

Chu Li frowned, thinking about the relationship.

From this point of view, the **** of heaven has a higher status than that of heaven and man, but the martial arts of the gods are often inferior to those of the heavenly people.

Chu Lidao said: "This time heaven and man will come to trouble, what measures are there in your temple?"

"Hmm ..." Fa Yuan sighed and shook his head: "It is really a sin. In fact, the heavens really want to make a shot. There are no more people who are useless. But all the brothers and seniors have to make a shot."

Chu Li frowned and said, "In my opinion, let them all take it down to avoid score points."

"The little monk will convey the opinion of Brother Chu." Fa Yuan nodded gently.

Chu Lidao said: "But it is also strange. The news that Master Ming is about to ascend to the sky should be very secretive, and will not be passed on."

Fa Yuan pointed at the sky.

Chu Li suddenly realized that he didn't say much.

Obviously, it was the news from Tianwaitian. It is hard to know what can be kept secret if this secret information can be passed down.

The tallest stupa in Daleiyin Temple looks like a sword sticking into the sky.

The moonlight was wafting in the sky, the moonlight was like water, and the three people on the top floor of the stupa were covered with veil.

All three sat cross-legged in the middle, forming a triangle.

The monk was wearing a purple gold beard and his white beard was neatly and smoothly combed. There was no clutter. His eyes were stern and his eyes were solemn. He bathed in the moonlight motionlessly. It seemed that the time was passing.

Fa Yuan also struck the Zijin Temple. Since then, he has been the strongest person in this Daleiyin Temple and the pillar of Daleiyin Temple.

This was too heavy a burden for Fayuan. Master Ming was ninety-three years old ascended to heaven. At that time, he was already experienced, intelligent and experienced enough to cope with any situation.

While Fa Yuan is only 26 years old, although he has been practicing in Hongchen, he has lost decades of experience and experience.

Chu Li sat beside them, calm as the water, with the Tiger Sword placed horizontally on his lap.

Standing around the stupa are monks in gray clothing, each standing upright as loose, with his hands motionless, standing like a Buddha statue, forming a solemn atmosphere.

"Boom!" A thunder suddenly sounded in the sky. The sky was clear and cloudless, and the moon was uncovered. This thunder appeared strangely, shook the entire sky, and the Daleiyin Temple seemed to be shaking.

Chu Li looked up at the sky.

The clear monk also looked up at the sky, and after a long while concentrating, he sighed, "It's time, Fa Yuan, Da Lei Yin Temple will be delivered to you in the future."

"The ancestor is at ease."

A clear monk rushes to Chu Lishu: "There is a laborer and a donor."

Chu Lihe even said: "Why a master is welcome."

"That being the case, the old monk is about to ascend to heaven." The Ming monk stood up, slowly floated to the void, looked at the monks on the ground, combined with a ritual, and proclaimed a Buddha's name: "Amitabha!"

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The monks announced the Buddha's name in unison, magnificent and solemn, which made people respectfully.

Chu Li looked up at the monk Ming.

He began to release all over the body, and soon became a bright moon.

The light was soft and gradually intense.

Suddenly, the sky descended a beam of light, as bright as a scorching sun, shining directly on the monk's body, and at the same time, the circle of light sitting on the stupa.

Fa Yuan Zijin's hunting and hunting agitated, gradually floating, gradually lifted up by invisible forces, and reached the same height as the monk Ming Ming. You can see almost within a few miles of it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chu Li stood underneath, and also felt the physical aura of heaven and heaven, and this aura is very strange. Unlike the ordinary aura, he stood Below I feel that Xiuwei is rapidly improving.

He looked down at the monks under the tower, and saw them receding away from the scorpion, giving way to the light.

Chu Li is astonished that not everyone in this heavenly aura can bear it. Fa Yuan is able to suffer because he is the **** selected by Heavenly Heaven. He can suffer because of the Supreme Master Sutra and the Sutra. Do not die.

"Stop!" Suddenly a sudden drink rang.

Immediately after, the nine shadows passed over the monks, and the whole body was shining with light, and shot over the stupa.

Chu Li snorted, and as expected, the monk was really disturbed.

His flash appeared in front of Fa Yuan, his sword was slowly pulled out, and the power of the three styles of Lu Tian was fully exhibited.

The power of the sword shrouded the Quartet. Nine heavenly men felt the sense of sensation, as if a sword stabbed at themselves. Everyone felt like this.

Chu Li stood in the void and looked down at the nine people, sneer: "If you want to die, let it go!"

"Who are you?" A glowing figure yelled.

His voice resembled a bronze bell, ringing through the night sky, audible within a few miles.

Chu Li coldly said: "Chu Li!"

The faces of nine heavenly men changed slightly.

Chu Lidao said, "If you dare to make trouble, don't blame me for being a spoiler, not a few of you!"

"Chu Li, you know the consequences of killing heavenly people!" One yelled.

Chu Lidan said indifferently: "Kill and kill, whatever the consequences, now roll away!"

"Okay! Okay!" The man yelled, "I'll see how crazy you are!"

Nine people said that they fled away.

(To be continued ...)

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