White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1732: Mikuni

Chu Li looked at them as they dragged a long light and disappeared into the sky, a little stunned. ?? Huo Ranwen ????????? `

He never expected to retreat these nine heavenly men so easily. The nine heavenly men were very powerful. Fa Yuan could not cope with the clear monk, but he was shocked by his own words. He was a little afraid Believe.

He turned around and looked around, still a little hesitant. Could it be that they were doing any conspiracy?

Then he shook his head, and under the observation of Dayuan Jingzhi, even the celestial beings would have the induction. Indeed, without the others, the nine celestial beings were scared by themselves. It seemed that the name of the celestial killer had broken out.

"Boom!" Suddenly a thunder sounded from the sky.

A huge beam of light fell again, covering the monk alone, and Fa Yuan was bounced off and fluttered to Chu Li.

The clear monk bowed his head and glanced at the monks, and then ashes together, then straight up the sky along the beam of light.

A huge light gate appeared slowly, as if it were there, but it was hiding itself, and at this time it was restored to its original appearance.

The light gate is bright and unusual, reflecting half of the sky and hiding the brightness of the bright moon. Half of the world will see this huge and magnificent light gate.

The clear monk stepped into the light gate, turned around and looked back again when he entered the gate, and once again received a ritual.

The monks around the stupa conjoined, recited the scriptures aloud, and sent Ming monks to heaven.

Through the light door, people can faintly see the buildings, pavilions, and white lotus fluttering inside the door, which is a fascinating style.

The giant light gate slowly closed, and the sky gradually returned to dim, only the bright moon was bright, and Qinghui was everywhere in the sky, and it was peaceful and peaceful.

Chu Li twisted to the French circle.

The purple circle of the French body fluttered and still did not fully digest the power of the gods.

After feeling Chu Li's gaze at this moment, he opened his eyes and suddenly the electric light punctured, almost blinding people's eyes.

Chu Li smiled, "Fa Yuan, congratulations, so smooth!"

Fa Yuan combined with a ritual and sighed: "Little monk never expected it would be so smooth."

He also understood that if Chu had not left, he would have repelled the nine heavenly men in a single sentence, and it would be very difficult for him to survive this tonight. Raw.

Although Tianwaitian gave strength to seal himself as a **** of heaven, he could not help himself to retreat from the enemy. These heavenly men killed themselves, maybe there are already masters of heaven and earth waiting there, and immediately seal god.

It doesn't matter if you die, you have already surpassed the limit of birth and death, but Da Leiyin Temple has since fallen, and you have become a sinner.

"Since then, you are the **** of heaven." Chu Li shook his head and sighed: "It is enviable!"

Fa Yuan smiled: "Why would Brother Chu lie to me? Brother Chu, a **** like me, is disdainful."

Chu Li shook his head and didn't say: "My road is long-term, I don't know if I can go to the end, or don't say it is good, first talk about those heavenly people, lawless, since you can kill them as a god, Just control it. "

Fa Yuan frowned and said, "It ’s not easy to mess up with heaven and earth, if you can't mess around, don't mess around, otherwise the disciples in the temple are afraid ..."

Chu Liheng said, "Fa Yuan, this is not like God said!"

Fa Yuan smiled, "What should God say?"

"There should be no fear, I have the sole right in heaven and earth!" Chu Li said: "These heavenly people are in a state of lack of cleanup, look at the previous appearance, bully and fear, you only need to be tough, and they dare not mess up."

"Well, the little monk is doing his best." Fa Yuan nodded softly, "I will still need help from Brother Chu."

"This is nature!" Chu Li nodded his head vigorously and laughed: "There are these guys who are making troubles, I don't know what will happen in the season, and how many innocent people will die, so it is better to kill them all."

Fa Yuan laughed lightly and shook his head: "Chu Xiong wouldn't be so killing, it's not good for the body."

After this incident, he did not have a good opinion of Heaven, and he could not wait to get rid of it. However, as a monk, with compassion, he could not yell and kill with such boldness.

Chu Lidao said, "Fa Yuan, you are already a **** now, so you don't have to be as cautious as before, just act freely."

"Also." Fa Yuan chuckled: "Brother Chu, you follow me."

Chu Li looked at him.

Fa Yuan came to the side of the tower and gave a ritual to the monks below: "Masters and ancestors, uncles, brothers and sisters, let's return to their own places."

"Amitabha!" The monks solemnly combined a ritual with smiles on their faces.

Tenjin belongs to Daleiyin Temple again. This is more important than anything. Although Master Ming went to the sky, Daleiyin Temple lacks a god, and now it has the position of Tenjin on the dome of law, Daleiyin Temple. Still the first season.

Chu Li came down to the stupa with Fa Yuan and came to a strange Zen temple.

The atmosphere in the Zen courtyard is different from the Fa Yuan.

It is antique, the trees in the courtyard are all old trees, strong and awkward, rich in spirit, the green brick floor has been polished, and the vicissitudes of time are everywhere, making people feel calm and peaceful.

"This is ...?" Chu Li looked at the Zen Academy with a smile: "It's really a good place to gather the spirit of Baili here. It was a top master of array formation when it was built."

"Yes, this was built by the ancestor at the beginning, and it is the residence of every god." Fa Yuan nodded gently.

He looked at this ancient courtyard with a complex look. This was the place he had dreamed of. Now he has finally achieved his goal, achieved the **** of heaven, and lived up to the expectations of the ancestors.

Chu Li smiled: "The identity of the gods is not buried here ~ www.readwn.com ~ You brought me here ...?"

Fa Yuan smiled, stepped into the main house, came out soon, and handed Chu Li an old jade box.

This jade box seems to be made of low-quality broken jade, or it may have been too long, and the good jade has been eroded into this by the years.

Chu Li took it with a smile, opened the jade box and took a look. An antique book was lying in the box, with three large characters on the cover: "Yuquejue".

"Huh?" Chu Li's eyes widened and he turned to look at Fa Yuan.

Fa Yuan smiled, "This is a secret book from the Dai Temple, but because it is not compatible with our Dharma, no one has been practicing, and it has been hidden in the Qijing Pavilion for a long time."

Chu Lihe laughed and said, "You don't have to say much. Those old monks must know this mentality, but don't give it to me."

Fa Yuan smiled awkwardly and did not deny it.

Chu Li shook his head: "Fa Yuan, the old monks here at your door don't have a good thing. It's really a thief. Is this time I don't get this help without this help?"

"... It shouldn't be so." Fa Yuan smiled embarrassedly: "Before, Brother Chu and this original Dharma fate had not yet arrived."

After he became a **** of heaven, he had absolute control over the Da Leiyin Temple. Knowing this secret book, he would not regret it, and would give Chu Li.

It was just that he didn't know it before, and his predecessors deliberately hid him.

Chu Li shook his head and smiled.

This is the true power of Suzaku.

He turned to comprehend it, and after reading it, he was able to conclude that this secret was the true Suzaku magic.

Since then, his four spiritual beast minds have been gathered. Although there are two incomplete ones, they have already seen the light. Only a small step can truly be completed, and then they can become gods!

After a lot of desperation and despair, I finally got it. This feeling is beyond words. (To be continued ...)

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