White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1815: entanglement

Zhou Jieyou woke up. E novel Ww "W. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

Opening his eyes to see Chu Li, his expression changed slightly, his face was a little awkward.

"Xiaojie, how is it?" Dong Jian was busy.

"Master ..." Zhou Jie suddenly looked aggrieved: "Master, this time I almost got killed!"

"Who did it?" Dong Jian said in a deep voice.

He looked angry, his eyes flashing like electricity.

He can tolerate his grievances. Whoever makes himself martial arts is not strong enough. Today, he is the strongest, even if he attracts the disciples of Xianshan, if the cultivation is not enough, it is inevitable to suffer some grievances and blindfold.

So be strong.

But he could not tolerate the grievances of his disciples, which was more uncomfortable than his grievances.

Zhou Jie said: "Leng Shouren!"

"Leng Shouren?" Dong Jianxin said suddenly: "The emperor in the season?"

He looked at Chu Li.

Chu Li nodded thoughtfully: "It seems to be his internal strength, ... I don't know why he wants to kill you. As a god, you can't just arbitrarily, otherwise the rules are difficult."

Dong Jian busy nodded.

He knew the rules, and the **** of the gods was more severe.

Dong Jian said, "Did you offend people? Or hurt the royal children?"

"This ..." Zhou Jie looked embarrassed and nodded.

Dong Jianxin frowned: "Speaking to listen, how hurt someone."

Zhou Jie glanced away.

Chu Li smiled and said, "Well, I'll go back first and not disturb your narrative?"

"Master, don't leave," Dong Jianxin hummed. "If your uncle had rescued you, your little life had already been accounted for, I can't save it!"

"Thank you ... Uncle." Zhou Jie gave a fist.

At this moment, he was well-balanced, his strength was gradually returning, and his injury was recovering quickly. He could obviously feel a strange power repairing his injury and his body was getting better and better.

When he was amazed at Chu Li's power, he felt more uncomfortable. He left the mountain to avoid Chu Li at first, and did not want to call his uncle, nor did he want to be looked at and watched by his eyes with a smile.

In the end, he was actually required to rescue him. It was really embarrassing, as if he had been fleeing hard, but he couldn't escape the palm of his hand.

Chu Li withdrew his hand and waved it: "You don't need to be polite with your family, let's hear it. Why did you conflict with the royal children in the season, killing or hurting people?"

"... Kill." Zhou Jie said helplessly.

Dong Jianxin frowned.

Fortunately, it hurts to say that killing is not easy, especially the royal children.

The royal children cannot kill. This is the consensus of all people, and it is also shared by the gods. Because each other is a god, once the children are killed, they cannot help but once they are shot, they will violate the rules of heaven. Little loss big.

Chu Lidao said: "Why kill?"

"He **** it!" Zhou Jie hummed. "While the streets were running wild, they hit several people on horseback and directly killed them. There were actually two children, really **** it!"

Chu Li frowned and said, "Dare you dare to be so mean?"

"No one dares to control it. I want to control it, and then kill the guy to do something special!" Zhou Jie groaned. "If not, no one in the world dare to control these lawless royal children!"

"The children of the royal family are really a big trouble." Dong Jianxin nodded.

The gods do not care about the children of the other gods, but the gods do not dare to control them. As a result, with the passage of time, these royal children have become increasingly arbitrary and arrogant, even to the point of impunity.

Chu Lidao said: "So you kill it reasonably."

"This is nature. How can I, as a disciple of Yinxian Mountain, indiscriminately kill innocent people!" Zhou Jie proudly said.

Chu Li nodded slowly, "As soon as you kill the royal child, Leng Shouren will appear?"

"Yes." Zhou Jie nodded vigorously. "It appears extremely fast, and I don't know if it is a trap."

Chu Li smiled: "It's really hard to say."

"Did you report the name?" Dong Jianxin hummed with a calm face.

Zhou Jie was busy: "Master, as soon as I saw the god, how dare you not sign up? I would die later, so I was busy reporting the name."

"It seems that your name is working, Master Shi." Dong Jianxin turned his head and smiled.

In the situation like Zhou Jie, the killer under the gods of God is right. Even if Zhou Jie was a disciple of Lianxian, Leng Shouren killed it for nothing, and it didn't make sense to cite Xianshan.

But now it's different. Yinxian Mountain has Chu Li, which forms a powerful deterrent, making Leng Shouren afraid to kill, and afraid that Chu Li will come to the door.

Chu Li smiled, "He may not be afraid of me, but may be afraid of Master. He really wants to kill Master Zhou's nephew, and Master may kill him with indignation."

"You're better known now than Master." Dong Jianxin laughed. "Xiaojie, thank you Uncle, otherwise your life is really gone!"

Zhou Jie smiled awkwardly and nodded.

Chu Li said: "I'll go to Leng Shouren."

"Forget it!" Dong Jianxin waved.

Chu Li looked surprised at Dong Jianxin.

This brother is an eager man who protects the calves. He can't tolerate the apprentice's bullying. He originally thought that he would take good care of Leng Shouren instead of forgiving.

Dong Jianxin sighed: "After all, Xiaojie killed someone."

Chu Li looked at Zhou Jie.

Zhou Jie nodded helplessly: "Master said it is reasonable, I have killed people, but he did not kill me, there is really no reason to go to him."

Chu Li smiled: "Brother, wouldn't you like to go in person?"

Dong Jianxin smiled and said, "I went to see him for humiliation, or forget it."

Chu Li nodded softly: "I will talk to him, we can't beat him up to attract disciples in Xianshan, and he doesn't make sense."

"Brother, the more you are in this position, the more you must be cautious and not arrogant." Dong Jianxin said calmly.

Chu Li nodded.

If you are strong, you will be proud, and if you are proud, you will die. He understands this.

He first returned to his own courtyard. When Xiao Qi was dressed in white as snow, Su Ru stood by and the two women were watching Pang Shi and practicing sword.

Chu Li suddenly appeared, the two women felt something, turned around and looked.

He waved his hand to not disturb Pong Shi and practice his sword.

Pong Shi and his expressions were extremely focused. The sword body was slow and calm. It seemed quite a bit of everyone's spirit. Chu Li nodded with satisfaction, then shook his head again.

Pong Shi's swordsmanship is good, but the understanding of swordsmanship is quite ordinary. Obviously, he does not master the essence, only flows to the situation, and does not realize the magic of swordsmanship.

Pong Shi slowly regained momentum, returned his sword to his sheath, saluted with his fist: "Master."

He is so impressed with Chu Li now that even at such a young age, he is a master willingly.

Chu Lijaw: "It seems that you have n’t been a master of swordsmanship. If you have n’t done so, practice your sword."

"Master ~ www.readwn.com ~ I still like swordsmanship." Pong Shi and a little angry.

He immediately heard Chu Li's contempt for himself, feeling unbearable.

Chu Li shook his head and said, "You don't have to be reluctant to practice. If you don't use the sword skill, you can do it.

Pong Shi said: "I want to practice swordsmanship."

Chu Li smiled: "Well, then you continue to cultivate, you will inevitably have to suffer more."

"I want to practice swordsmanship!" Pang Shi and Shen cried.

Chu Li smiled at Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi said lightly: "Then practice swords."

Chu Li smiled: "Since the master said, then practice sword."

Pong Shi and Baoquan: "Thank you, Master."

Xiao Qi waved his hand and looked at Chu Li: "What happened again?"

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