White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1816: ambush

Chu Li told the story again. ΔΔ 『E 小』 Ω said WWW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Xiao Qi nodded thoughtfully, not condemning.

Su Ru said, "Chu Li, are you going to help Zhou Yitou?"

Chu Lidao said: "You can't watch the disciples of Xianshan being aggrieved, you have to reason with your Majesty."

"What is the theory?" Su Ruheng said, "People make sense, you don't make sense."

"It's natural to **** pedestrians when they smash into pedestrians, and deserve to be killed." Chu Li smiled. "General Manager Su didn't think he should kill."

"He **** it." Su Ru nodded: "But since it has been killed, and Leng Shouren has not killed Zhou Jie, it will be evened out, and no one owes it."

Xiao Qi said: "Reasonable."

Chu Li smiled: "It seems that my wife did not agree with me."

"Reasonable and reasonable, you still have to go," Xiao Qi said.

This matter is not just about right and wrong, but the key is Chu Li's attitude. If you do n’t make a start because of your losses, people will use this to attack Yin Xian and make Chu Li tired.

She understood that Su Ru didn't want Chu to leave because of Zhou Jie.

This guy Zhou Jie is very unpopular, and he is very unpopular on the Yinxian Mountain, and Su Ru knows that Zhou Jie was in a difficult situation.

But this matter is not only Zhou Jie, but also the introduction of Xianshan and Dong Jianxin, then it is necessary to take the initiative, even if it is Zhou outstanding leader.

Chu Li Road said: "Then listen to your wife and see your Majesty."

Su Rubai glanced at him, feeling too aggrieved.

At this point, he still cares for others everywhere, and he is well thought out. There is no need for it. The strong in the world is the respect. Chu Li has become the strongest and can act freely.

Chu Li looked at Pang Shi and said, "Let's do this, let's learn two ways."

"Yes!" Pang Shi and Yue Yue tried, he also wanted to see his depth.

I feel that after learning this technique, my understanding of swordsmanship has improved by leaps and bounds, which is not the same as before, but to what extent is the gap with Master still want to know.

Chu Li beckoned.

Pang Shi and Shen yelled, "Watch the sword!"

The sword has already stabbed to Chu Li.

Chu moved one step away from his side, and his fingers were stabbed in the void as if he was stabbing lightly.

Pang Shihe had to take a step back. Chu Li seemed to be empty-handed, but he was like a sword. His fingers had been stabbed in the flaws, forcing him to change.

The Pong Shi and the sword technique were fragmented, making the boring anomalous, anxious to drop the sword, but gritted his teeth and continued the sword, sinking his heart in search of Chu Li's flaws.

Chu Li did not use internal force, only pure physical strength and swordsmanship to deal with him, even so, still Pang Shi and breathless.

"Almost," Xiao Qi said.

Chu Li smiled and said, "It's rare to be able to insist on so many moves, so practice your sword."

Pong Shi and his sword skills have not yet been known, and it takes a period of accumulation, but toughness is superior. This is a difficult advantage. Sword practice does not have good perception, and no good toughness, it is definitely not good.

His perception is not so strong, but his toughness is enough. With the guidance of himself or Xiao Qi, he can make up for it. Maybe he can achieve success in swordsmanship.

Pong Shi and An Song breathed a sigh of relief.

He attaches great importance to Chu Li's judgment. If he really insists that he do not practice swordsmanship, he may be very difficult to continue. If he can only abandon the swordsmanship, it is equivalent to giving up the opportunity to become the world's first master.

Chu Li saw his mind at first glance, and said, "The best master in the world is not swordsmanship. If you don't practice enough, the swordsmanship is useless. This road is not easy to go. You must be prepared."

"Yes." Pong Shi nodded strongly.


Chu Li suddenly appeared in An Wang Mansion.

King An's house is very quiet, Xiao Qi and Xiao Shi are not here. Only Master Xiao Qi is here to guard, and no one dares to mess around, and even Leng Shouren dares not break in.

He left the next moment and appeared in the back garden of the Forbidden Palace.

In the back garden, Leng Shouren was drinking and drinking in a small pavilion with a relaxed expression.

The strange flowers and grasses surround it, and the fragrance is overflowing.

Chu Li stepped closer to him and sat across from him.

Leng Shouren reached out and motioned for him to sit down.

Chu Li sat down: "Your Majesty is so happy."

"I have become a **** of heaven, and the world is free, why isn't he happy?" Leng Shouren chuckled, put down his glass, and poured a glass for Chu Li: "Come, let's have a drink together."

Chu Li glanced at the wine glass.

Leng Shouren said: "Does the director Chu still suspect that he will be poisoned?"

Chu Li nodded: "Your Majesty really made it out by this means, and my Majesty's wine is unfortunate."

Leng Shouren frowned.

Chu Li smiled: "Forget it, let's talk about Zhou Jie. He killed an emperor?"

He felt something strange.

Leng Shouren was too calm. He had not seen his tension and excitement before, and he was very calm. It seemed that he was not the first master in the world, but just an ordinary master.

Leng Shouren has a bad relationship with him. Theoretically speaking, as soon as he appears, Leng Shouren should be nervous and worried that he should be vigilant for Zhou Yishu.

But he was calm and calm, unusual.

This situation is usually a matter of sorrow or nothing.

In either case, it is not good for him.

He then condensed Da Yuan Jing's wisdom, and observed it to the heart of Leng Shouren.

Leng Shouren was shocked. It seemed that invisible eyes were peeping at himself, so he looked at Chu Li in doubt, and Chu Li looked at him calmly.

He didn't find the cause, but the feeling had disappeared.

He drank another glass of wine with a relaxed look.

Chu centrifuged and smiled: "It seems that your Majesty is a little bit worried, does Leng's family descend to Heaven?"

"That's right." Leng Shouren chuckled softly: "The ancestors of Leng's don't let go of my descendants, and they don't have to worry too much."

Chu Lidao said, "Willn't it be like Meng Xiaoqi?"

"This time you did not kill the heavens, it is the heavens who are going to kill you." Leng Shouren shook his head and sighed, "Master Chu, you are also a genius, and you can achieve your present achievements as a guard, but unfortunately, so far, You ’re going to heaven today, have n’t you thought about it? Do you think you should live long live and live a long time, instead of going to heaven halfway? ”

Chu Li smiled: "Your Majesty is really sure to kill me?"

"What do you think?" Leng Shouren drank another glass of wine and sighed, "If you are not sure, how dare you shoot?"

Chu Li had already seen from his mind that indeed, a very powerful heavenly man came to the world, and was hiding in the dark to prepare to ambush himself, but for the sake of security, he still had to use his plan to kill himself ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chu Frown away.

He didn't feel the existence of this heavenly man, which was a big problem.

Could it be that the high-grade heavenly man came to earth so easily?

To be able to conceal yourself, you need at least Song Sizu's level. Longevity education has Song Wuji, so you can drop high-grade heaven and human, but what about Leng?

He frowned slightly, did Leng's family make a big man in Tiantiantian, so he could drop a high-grade heavenly man?

If that's the case, it's a little troublesome.

Leng Shouren looked at him silently and laughed: "General Manager Chu, is Xuan an alright?"

"Naturally everything is fine." Chu Li nodded.

Leng Shouren laughed: "Mr. Chu still has the mind to let him succeed?"

Chu Li frowned: "Isn't King Kong Temple so easy to deal with?"

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