White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2383: defect

"It's a bit interesting!" Song Wuji was originally going to chase the two women and knock them off.

He now sees everyone as a plate of food, the two women's breath is pure, never contaminated by men, is the best target to devour.

Devouring them can obtain the innate pure yin qi and integrate into themselves, which helps to make the body more round and flawless. This congenital pure yin qi is not common to all women, and ordinary women simply do not have it.

The two women are both heterogeneous. The innate pure yin air really made him stunned, anxious to swallow it now, and think of it with both eyes.

Chu Li frowned at Song Wuji. Song Wuji's internal strength was pure and deep beyond imagination. He never thought that he would meet such an overbearing person.

If it hadn't been for the deepest depths of other Tibetan wheels, and the body had been trained with natural treasures and various magical powers, it wouldn't be able to bear one palm.

After reading this palm, I knew that the three of them didn't have any chance at all.

Chu Lichang always brags about the strength of the soul, and has strong spiritual strength, but he has no advantage in front of Song Wuji. This Song Wuji ’s spirit swallowing tactics can absolutely swallow the soul, otherwise he would not be so strong.

Both the internal force and the power of the soul were crushed by him, and Chu Li couldn't think of how to beat him.

When he thought so, Song Wuji was staring at him.

"It's a bit interesting, but it can catch my palm, it's amazing!" Song Wuji shook his head with a smile, and nodded with a smile: "It's indeed Chu Li, who follows me the way!"

Chu Li's face was calm, and he said lightly, "Song Chi is really serious."

"I'm naturally powerful, and you're not weak, maybe you can reach my level for another thousand years," Song Wuji said with a smile.

Chu Li smiled.

Song Wuji said: "Chu Li, you know now, I can let you go and leave now."

Chu Li still smiled, wondering if it was time to cast the Tian Mo Jing.

Even if you use the magic sword technique, you may not win.

Song Wuji said, "Just think about it. I admire you for taking the road to the gods and give you a little encouragement."

He said that the flash disappeared in place, and the next moment appeared behind Fu Caiwei, the palm of her hand had been pressed on her vest, and she had to perform the magic trick.

Fu Caiwei was too late to dodge. He was too fast, but when he pressed his palm, he was empty, and a white flower slowly bloomed in front of his eyes.

"This trick is okay for others, is it for me ..." Song Wuji shook his head and smirked, pressing his palm into the void.

The void seemed to wave, like a lake ripple.

Fu Caiwei suddenly appeared pale, staring at Song Wuji's palms and pressing his soaring chest, with a scary smile on his face.

"Bang!" Chu Li's right palm suddenly appeared, almost rubbing her chest in front of Song Wuji's palm, making a muffled sound.

Chu Li left her and pushed her: "Go!"

The body stepped back a few steps, one by one, the amazing palm power was removed from the footprints.

Song Wuji's palm strength is not only pure and overbearing, but also with the strange power of engulfing, he wants to devour all the internal forces of his body.

Chu Li needs the Tibetan Scroll to work with him constantly. If he can't suppress it, he can only take it intelligently, and make him leave his body through clever changes.

Each step back is a confrontation. In the end, the battle is won, and the body is expelled. It is like a war, so the gap with Song Wuji is too big.

Chu Li took a deep breath, and the blue light flashed in his eyes, and the thunder **** sword threw out.

Song Wuji was about to shoot the Sui Miaozhu, and suddenly felt strange, his eyes flickered a dazzling brilliance.

Chu Li Dayuan Jing Zhizhi observes, both the real and the false can see clearly, see Song Wuji brow shot a sword light, collided with the God of Thunder sword.

"Bang!" Song Wuji stepped back and looked at Chu Li in surprise.

Chu Li flew straight out.

His eyebrows were sore and painful, and the void in his head oscillated endlessly. A sharp little sword had penetrated into the void in his head, piercing the large round mirror hanging in the void.

"Ommi ..." The sound of chanting and cursing suddenly sounded in the void, and a radiant lotus was blocked on Xueliang's little sword and was broken up by Xueliang's little sword.

But the lotus rays have different colors and different strengths. One piece is broken and the other is endless. The speed of the small sword suddenly slows down.

The void is full of lotuses, stuffed and blocked, as if to squeeze the sword.

The small sword is indeed crowded. These glowing lotus flowers seem to be illusory, but they are no different from the real, and more powerful than the real.

The radiance of the small sword gradually dimmed, the speed became slower and slower, and it kept shrinking, from the size of a palm to the size of a finger, to the size of an embroidery needle, and eventually disappeared.

Thinking like electricity, these changes are all in the void of the mind, seemingly long, but in fact just a blink of an eye.

When Song Wuji watched Chu Li be hit and fly, he felt that no one could match his spiritual strength. If he used it too much, he would stay in trouble and solve it directly.

There is indeed a flaw in devouring spirits, and all the devouring methods have this defect, which is the endless trouble of devouring spirit.

The essence and internal power that can be swallowed can be refined with the method of refining monsters, but the spirit is difficult. He has the method of inverse refining, which can turn the spirit into a soul and strengthen his soul.

But this is an extremely difficult road, and a little accidental death directly causes it to be rarely used.

What's more terrible is that after engulfing the spirit of the other party, the spirit is often more difficult to refine than the internal force, and even stronger.

Even more terrible is ~ www.readwn.com ~ These untamed forces seem to be sage-like, actively come together, and become a monster.

The more mental power he devours, the stronger this monster is, as if he can grab food from his mouth and strengthen himself.

Therefore, he cannot use his spiritual power easily, otherwise he will be taken in. This is also the defect of swallowing the spirit. It is inevitable to create a new mind. It is impossible to create a perfect mind as soon as he comes up. Can't do it.

Seeing Chu Li fly out, Song Wuji snorted and appeared in front of Fu Caiwei.

Fu Caiwei sneered, and the whole body became brighter and brighter. Instead of avoiding Song Wuji's palm, he took the initiative to greet him.

Song Wuji frowned, seeing that Fu Caiwei used the method of burning jade and stone, his eyes suddenly flashed.

Fu Caiwei snorted, and spewed blood out of her mouth.

Although her method of burning jade and stones is wonderful and powerful, she cannot approach Song Wuji.

After Song Wuji saw through, he directly attacked with spirits, and stabbed Xiao Caibai to Fu Caiwei.

Fu Caiwei can only show a dream of a 昙花, turned into a beautiful and amazing 昙 flower, turned into a weakened Song Wuji mental attack.

But Song Wuji saw her desperately trying to pull herself up, and angrily wanted to destroy her first. Besides, there was also congenital pure yin.

"Bang bang bang ..." A muffled sound came in front of Fu Caiwei, as if from the void, but there was no power to intersect.

This is the spirit sword of Chu Li and Song Wuji confronting each other. Chu Li endured the violent shock of the void in his mind, mobilized the power of the runner tower, and condensed into a branch of the thunder sword.

But the vacillation in his mind was getting stronger and stronger, and he gradually couldn't hold it. Standing not far from Fu Caiwei, blood was flowing in his mouth and nose, which looked extremely scary.

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