White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2384: Levi

A small sword in the void of the mind did not dissipate, was blocked by the lotus everywhere, and dissipated little by little, but it took a process.

And each small sword created a shock, so that the void in his mind could not be calm, and he was also affected, with a headache, and he wished he was unconscious.

But he also knew that if he did not hold back, all three would not survive, and could only block them stiffly, and at the same time increase the power of the God of Thunder and Sword.

Song Wuji originally thought that he could easily dominate the trivial lives of the three people, and he wanted what he wanted, but he did not expect to cause a trouble.

If you can't solve the trouble of Chu Li first, if you really need to consume too much mental power, your own trouble is the big trouble.

Thinking of this, he glanced over Fu Caiwei, shook his head and appeared behind Chu Li, and then he had to solve Chu Li first, and the remaining two women could do whatever they wanted.

Sui Miaozhu has been waiting for the opportunity to move, so she must cast down the gods.

Although she is the King of God, she does not have the ability of Chu Li Dayuan Mirror to observe the truth and can only feel the battle faintly by the power of the King of God.

"Bang!" Chu Li flew straight into the distance.

He had no time to reach behind, intersect with Song Wuji's palm, and was immediately hit by a huge force, and flew out involuntarily.

He kept hitting several palms in the air, turning Song Wuji's palms down, and again he was fortunate that he had practiced the tibetan runner to this level, otherwise these palms alone would be enough to kill himself several times.

When he resolved his power, the blue light flashed in his eyes, and a thunderous **** thunder sword shot continuously. Vientiane Guizong faintly felt Song Wuji's weakness.

Song Wuji seems to have a scruples on the use of spiritual power, so he desperately used his strength to force Song Wuji to use it.

Chu Li disappeared in the air, and suddenly appeared beside Fu Caiwei. She patted her shoulder and said, "It's not time!"

Fu Caiwei felt that a strange force had penetrated, freezing the madly burning power, and the emptiness of the whole body was filled up.

Even at this time, Chu Li's eyes were still blue and flickering, and he continued to shoot the God of Thunder God sword, trying to suppress Song Wuji.

Fu Caiwei looked at Song Wuji hesitantly, and Sui Miaozhu also felt strange. Even though they couldn't understand what the two were doing, they could see that Chu Li was at a disadvantage but not without resistance or even stalemate.

"If you want to die, just die!" Song Wuji sneered, and suddenly a half-slap-sized blue stone appeared on his hand, exquisitely clear like crystal, but blue crystal.

"Boom!" A loud noise came from the sky, and a huge force condensed. Dark clouds quickly appeared in the sky, and they gathered in an unusually fast manner.

Sui Miaozhu is about to perform the advent of the **** of heaven. She feels that Song Wuji is going to perform the advent of the **** of heaven, and only the **** of heaven wants to resist the advent of the **** of heaven.

Chu Li shouted, "Lei Yin!"

"Haha ..." Song Wuji held up the clear blue stone and laughed twice: "Let you see the power of Lei Chi!"

"Boom!" Tian Lei rolled in a loud noise.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the sky was overcast with clouds, and the whole world was darkened, and the towering giant peaks around it seemed to become dark and horrible, becoming monsters.

Chu Li frowned. At this time Song Wuji was surrounded by violent and mighty powers, and the God of Thunder and Thunder Sword couldn't get in.

Song Wuji glared away, and said coldly: "I still want to save you a life, but it's a pity you go with me, but now it seems that I can't keep it, die!"

Chu Li flashed and disappeared in place.

"Click!" A loud bang, a silver sword slashed from the sky to where he was before, and a deep hole suddenly appeared.

"Boom!" At this time, a louder sound sounded, deafening, and the world seemed to be shaking violently, as if to collapse.

Chu could not see, the electric light was flowing inside the pit, the ground became black, the grass around the ground disappeared, and the stones turned into fly ash.

If Chu Li hides one step later, he will be split into black coals and disappear in the heavens and the earth.

The two women's faces were ugly, but the Thunder was so amazing.

"Click! Bang!"

"Click! Bang!"

"Click! Bang!"

The giant sword formed by the thunder was chopped again and again, each time accurately chopping towards Chu Li, as if he had his own soul and knew who to attack.

However, the two women knew that they were driven by the blue stone flashing blue light, which was the famous Thunder Seal, and Song Wuji could drive Thunder to kill Chu Li with the Thunder Seal.

This is the thunder of the thunder, really can not be blocked, otherwise it will inevitably be broken.

Chu is constantly changing position, extremely fast.

"Crack! Bang!" Thunder descended faster and faster, and later even formed a continuous silver sword forest, trapping him in it.

Chu Li sighed and shook his head helplessly. At this step, it is not possible to use the sky magic to control the air, and his identity must be revealed.

But now there is no other choice, either to use sky magic to control the air, or to be hit by the thunder, for fear that it may not have a chance to be reborn.

He hesitated, and a thunder struck.

"Haha!" Song Wuji laughed.

The silver sword thundered into Chu Li, he froze instantly, his silver light flowing, as if to be melted into a pool of water.

Chu Li desperately urged the thunder ball, and the Supreme Master Sutra was struck by fate, desperately absorbing thunder and lightning, and condensed into the beads.

But this thunder is too violent. Although Lei Zhu can absorb it, it takes time. It cannot be absorbed in an instant to avoid physical damage.

With two blinks of an eye, the damage caused by the Thunder was enough to seriously hurt him.

He did not hesitate to procure the Sky Magic Book.

Suddenly, the magic ball of the sky turned, the body and temperament did not change. Unlike the previous tightness or expansion or contraction of the body, his magical scripture went one step further, and there were no changes in these external appearances.

As soon as the Soul Devourer moved, the thunder of the whole body was absorbed into the Sacred Bead, and the Sacred Bead produced a strange change, which faintly turned blue.

However, the sky magic ball is in a strange state, and the reality is unpredictable. After absorbing this thunder, it seems to become more empty and hidden in the void.

He took a deep breath and felt fortunate that he did not expect that the Demon Spirit Eater was far superior to the previous power, and it really absorbed the Thunder.

The Sky Devouring Spell immediately followed.

The Thunder, which had hit him, suddenly felt a little off.

"Click! Bang!"

Thunder blasted a deep hole beside him ~ www.readwn.com ~ but he was a long way away.

Song Wuji frowned, feeling a strange change.

He snorted and clenched Leiyin.

The thunder came down again, Chu Li stood still, and thunder exploded a deep pit outside him. The lightning flashed inside the pit and the sound was amazing.

The two women seemed to encounter natural enemies, and did not dare to move under the thunder, and could only watch.

"Good! Good!" Song Wuji sneered.

The two thunders descended at the same time and struck beside Chu Li, two deep pits side by side.

"Click! Bang!"

The three thunders formed a character and surrounded Chu Li, which was still one foot away.

The two women Chang Shu breathed a sigh of relief, Chu Li apparently found a way to restrain the Thunder and would not be hit again.

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