White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2574: Pulp washing

"Yes, look for it." Ding Kong nodded busyly: "Look at the martial arts exercises, choose the same, the greater the power, the better, depending on the qualifications of Master Chu, you will be able to achieve something!"

Chu Li smiled.

Dingzhen Xiaosha smiled and said, "Maybe Master Chu can break the fence and surpass disciples in the house with his homely disciples!"

Ding Kong smiled and nodded: "Yes, you should have this ambition!"

He was completely joking. If the ordinary disciples can really beat the disciples in the inner room, what kind of Dharma is to be practiced, it will be harder and harder than practicing martial arts. It is impossible for the ordinary disciples to outdo the disciples in the interior.

"Wait a minute, I'll check it immediately to see which martial art is the strongest." Dingzhen Xiaosha was an acute child, turned and strode away with a blink of an eye.

The martial arts field in the distance is still in full swing. Twenty-four monks are practicing exquisite learning. Chu Li is eager to see. The internal force has turned into various colors and appears in front of him. The degree of purity has reached such a level. When can he reach it? ?

Ding Kong laughed: "Master Dingzhen is an enthusiastic and friendly person. There is no harm in being good with him."

"Thank you Brother Dingkong," Chu Lihe said.

He waved his hand calmly, saying in a big way: "However, I can't take care of you when I bring you into the door, but you will become a master in the future and you can help me!"

Chu Li smiled: "This is nature!"

Ding Kong said: "Actually, Brother Chu, you are too stupid to be a disciple. It ’s so good to be a disciple in your own room. Uncle Huiguang is not easy to accept disciples, and Uncle Huiguang is very good at teaching disciples. Disciple is a pity! It is a pity! "

He shook his head endlessly, full of regret and unwillingness.

Chu Li smiled, "I have a wife, how can I become a monk?"

"Mrs.?" Ding Kong stared at Chu Li with wide eyes, but did not expect that Chu Li had become a pro at a young age.

Chu Lidao said: "Neizi worships at the gate of Wulei Peak now."

"Wu Leifeng? That's awesome!" Ding Kong said in surprise: "Wu Leifeng is a super big par with our Da Ci'en Temple. It seems that your wife's qualifications are also superb."

Chu Li nodded slowly.

"Then you should be a disciple in the inner room, just a disciple of a common family, who will be left by your wife in the future. You can't raise your head in front of the woman." Dingkong shook his head in disapproval.

Chu Li laughed and said, "If I am out of the house, how can I tell my wife?"

"Well ..." Ding Kong laughed and said, "You don't have to pay back, you can break the ring."

Chu Lidao said: "There is no lightness in the temple."

The larger the Buddhist temple, the stricter the rules, the disciples must be strict. Although not as strict as the commandments of Wushang Temple, it is already extremely severe for ordinary people. Once the ring is broken, they will be punished. Those who die, may be punished in the middle to abolish martial arts.

Ding Kong said: "This kind of irrelevant quitting offense has at most devalued you as a disciple."

Chu Li raised a brow.

He understood Ding Kong's idea at a glance.

Become a disciple in the first room and practice martial arts. In the future, when you are really with Xiao Qi, you will break the precepts. Da Ci'en Temple at most degrades him to a disciple of the common family.

He thought about it and shook his head and sighed: "It's fine."

"But disciples are also good." Ding Kong sighed: "Inner room disciples need to practice Buddhism for many years to practice advanced martial arts. The Dharma has only reached a certain level. Although the disciples ca n’t practice the highest martial arts, they do n’t need to work so hard Dharma. "

Chu Li nodded silently.

It is a pity that he is not afraid that the Dharma is not enough. If he really enters the inner temple, he may soon practice advanced martial arts. Unfortunately, ...

He busily shook his head to suppress all kinds of ideas, or to be his own apprentice.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and he hurried over and laughed: "I found that there are too many martial arts for ordinary students to practice. I found the top ones. The trick to capture the dragon is amazing. Brother Chu is better to practice this. "

Chu Li smiled: "Thank you Brother Dingzhen."

Dingzhen Xiaosha said cheerfully, "You're welcome, but what you have to practice, you still have to listen to Master Huiguang. He is best at teaching his disciples. Brother Dingjian and Brother Dingshi are the strongest two in our generation. One, listen to Master Huiguang's right. "

Chu Li nodded gently.

He saw Zhen Xiaosha as being sincere and deep in cultivation, but his knowledge would not be too shallow. Since he said that the best way to capture dragons in the void is the strongest, he must be right.

Chu Li followed Dingkong Dingzhen for a while to practice the martial arts field, and then arrived at Dingzhen Zen Temple, but it is an old Zen temple half the size of Tianxin Temple, but the victory lies in the quiet, permeating the vicissitudes, and the traces of time are clearly visible.

It's not as spacious as Tianxinyuan, but living here seems to be isolated from the time and the world, and it can be completely peaceful.

Chu Li was amazed.

This breath is not a matrix, but a strange power. He stood in the temple inside Da Ci'en Temple, but was still unable to perform the observation of Dayuan Jingzhi. The invisible power suppressed Dayuan Jingzhi.

It seems that the whole body is bound by invisible power, and Dayuan Jingzhi cannot break through.

He couldn't figure out what this strange power was, but he was extremely frightened and extremely dangerous, making him afraid to make any changes.

After watching the Zen Temple, Chu Li and Ding Kong left the inner temple. Chu Li felt that the trip was a huge gain. He was in awe of Da Ci'en Temple virtually. He also looked at the martial arts of Ci'en Temple more and expected greater.


In the early morning of the next day, Chu Li was standing still in the courtyard, and the Beyer Leaf had been flowing in his mind ~ www.readwn.com ~ turning into a blossoming lotus, not only brightening the minds of the Buddhas and demons, but also blossoming and transparent Lotus also came to mind, purifying the internal force.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and the monk Huiguang walked slowly into the courtyard, with a gray monk robe fluttering, simple and glorious.

Chu Lihe is a gift.

The monk Huiguang waved his hands and said, "After today, you can also do morning and evening classes with the outer temple."

Chu Li nodded.

Buddhist monk Huiguang said: "The Dharma is the foundation of the martial arts of Da Ci'en Temple. There is no Dharma and everything is a meditation. Even if you are a disciple, you also need to know the Dharma, but you do n’t need to hold the precepts."

Chu from the jaw.

The monk Huiguang looked away and said, "You already have the foundation you have learned. Starting today, you must first wash away your own practice, and then start practicing Nether Dragon Capture."

Chu Li raised his eyebrows, but did not expect to really practice this void capture dragon trick.

Huiguang monk said: "Preach your marrow washing tips first."

He spoke, and reached out to Chu Li.

Chu Li didn't have time to react, he was already hitting his forehead.

There was a muffled sound of "Boom", a thunder came from my mind, a flash of golden light suddenly appeared, slowly spread out, and turned into a huge painting axis slowly unfolding in the void in my mind.

Chu Li immediately saw the book on this painting, it was a mental formula, it seemed very simple.

"The practice of purifying the marrow requires clear mind and calmness, not fear. Once fear arises, it can easily hurt or even destroy the body." Buddhist monk Huiguang said: "This requires sufficient qualifications and understanding."

Chu Li nodded slowly: "Thank you, Master!"

"The marrow washing method will remove your internal strength, strengthen your body, and then practice the Void Dragon Capture Method with less effort."

"Yes." Chu Li nodded.

He knew that the monk Huiguang was afraid of his eagerness to be quick.

PS: The update is complete.

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