White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2575: Out of phase

The monk Huiguang groaned: "The marrow washing method is to remove your original cultivation, but this transformation is not a bad thing. Instead, it lays a firm foundation. You are the soul lotus, and you already have a solid foundation, but it is not leaky. After practicing this marrow-washing technique, it is possible to become a perfect body. "

Chu Li smiled.

Huiguang monk said: "Although your previous practice is not too shallow, it is too complicated. Once you practice on this basis, it will be indecent, and it will eventually be difficult to achieve perfection."

Chu Lidao said: "Yes."

The monk Huiguang sighed, "You have excellent qualifications and talents. Practice well."

Chu Lihe is a gift.

The monk Huiguang turned and walked away slowly.

Chu Li came to sit on the bed and began to practice the marrow washing method.

There was quietness around, no one bothered, he knew that Dingkong was doing morning classes at this time.

The marrow-washing formula is just a piece of formula, which means in short.

But it is a difficult task to achieve. It requires a sufficient state of mind.

This is difficult for people who lack the power of meditation or inadequate localization. The more they want to forget themselves, the more they are distracted by sentient beings.

His meditation is extremely deep, and the realm of the Dharma is very high, but it is easy to do so.

There is nothing in me, I do n’t know the time passing, I do n’t know the world ’s disturbance, everything is nothing.

After a long while, a strange force emerged from the soles of his feet, warm and numb, breaking his settlement.

Throughout my life, strength disappears.

Chu Li secretly admired the mystery of this marrow washing method, and responded so quickly. It can be described as simple and effective.

He was immersed in nothingness again, the strange power was born from the soles of the feet again, and then along the legs up, encountered the internal force in the acupoint along the way, all melted by this force.

The legs warmed as if disappeared, and my heart was peaceful and peaceful.

Go up the calf up to Dantian, and quickly transform the internal force in Dantian into a warm and mellow force.

This force is getting stronger and faster, from Dantian to the chest to the neck, and finally to the center of the eyebrows, stop back, go back and go the same way again.

His body is immersed in this warm and mellow power, as if soaked in a hot spring, even more comfortable than a hot spring, lazy and warm, indescribably joyous and comfortable, unable to extricate himself.

However, this strength is gradually decreasing and getting weaker. Chu Li Dayuan Jingzhi observes and finds that they are drilling into the flesh, then through the flesh and into the bones, and even through the bones and into the bone marrow.

The bones under the Great Circle Mirror's wisdom observation are as dense as possible. After these strange forces have penetrated, they become silver and sparkle. When these forces completely melt and disappear, the color of the bone marrow returns from silver to thick white, but it is transparent and bright. Minute.

I don't know how long, he suddenly woke up.

There was a knock outside, and he stepped out to the door and opened the courtyard door.

He found that the internal force on his body had disappeared, as if he had never practiced martial arts, but his body was as light as feathers, and his whole body seemed to have lost weight, as if he had disappeared, freed from the physical restraint, only the soul remained, and his heart moved.

He stepped out one step, even from the house to the door.

Ding Kong stood outside the door and said with a smile: "Master Chu, I have received the news and will take you to the evening class."

Chu Li looked up at the sky, the afterglow of the sunset, and Yu Hui dyed Tianxinyuan into blood red.

Chu Lihe: "Brother Laodingkong."

Waving in the air, "Let's go."

Suddenly he looked away and stopped: "Well, your martial arts are gone?"

Chu Li nodded: "It's gone."

"It's time to start martial arts so soon," Ding Kong sighed. "But you still have to do morning and evening classes as a disciple. It's really not easy."

He showed sympathy.

He still feels that morning classes and evening classes are a torture, and the days are like years.

Chu Li smiled.

The two left Tianxinyuan and headed east, all the way to the main hall.

There are already more than 200 monks standing in front of the main hall, neatly standing in rows, all wearing yellow monk clothes, spotless, Chu Li's clothes are still the original white robes, which are particularly dazzling.

Chu Li didn't care, and the monks around him didn't pay much attention to each other either.

Dingkong monk took him to the end and stood still.

"Slap!" Xiangban sounded.

The first monk stepped slowly up the stairs to enter the hall, and then a row of rows of monks stepped up to enter the hall. Chu Li and Dingkong monks entered the last row. The hall was already filled with monks, all sitting on a yellow futon .

Chu Li also settled on a futon, and his heart was calm for a moment.

The atmosphere in the hall was solemn and solemn, and the northernmost sitting Buddha statue was glittering.

And it's not just the golden light on the outside, but also the golden light on the inside. The golden light from the inside of the large round mirror radiates from the inside, reflecting the hall.

Under the reflection of this golden light, Dayuan Jingzhi couldn't see the minds of the people around him, and was pressed by the golden light to look at the shape and not inside.

Chu Li didn't know what the power of this golden light was, but it was strange.

"Wuliangshoujing!" An old monk standing in front of the Buddha's statue had white eyebrows and a ruddy face like a baby. The white eyebrows seemed to be two long dusters, and he pulled down to his cheeks.

"Hmm ..." Muyu sounded ~ www.readwn.com ~ The monks began to recite.

The chanting sounds are neat and uniform, filling the whole hall everywhere.

Chu Li also whispered Wuliang Sutra.

He narrowed his eyes, but Dayuan Jingzhi did not disappear, still watching the monks and the old monk standing under the Buddha statue.

The old monk looked thin and sloppy, and was dying, and had no martial arts, but it made him feel utterly cold, and apparently possessed amazing power, but he kept it hidden.

He felt that the old monk didn't have martial arts. Looking at his standing position, he knew that he had never practiced a bit of martial arts, not even the superficial health martial arts of physical fitness.

But such an old monk was shocked by the power of the earth.

He suddenly looked up to see Chu Li.

With this calm and calm eye, Chu Li felt great pressure. Obviously, the old monk felt his own observation. This must have powerful spiritual power and subtle perception.

Chu Li stared suddenly, and opened his eyes to look at a young monk.

The young monk's body floated lightly, emitting a cyan brilliance, and his feet stood two inches above the ground in the void, and the cyan brilliance was around the body.

The young monk ’s disparity seemed to be an introduction, and then three monks appeared differently. One was lying horizontally in the air, the whole body was flashing yellow light, the other was an aperture above the head, and the other was a flash of glory.

These out of phase are not what he can see with Da Yuan Jing Zhiguan, but what he sees with the naked eye.

The old monk flashed around them, holding the incense plate in his hand and knocked hard.

"Pop! Pap! Pap! Pap!" They knocked on their heads.

Immediately they returned to their original state, the light dissipated, their bodies stood upright on the ground, and they continued to concentrate on chanting, as if there had never been an out of phase.

The old monk returned to the Buddha statue and continued to knock on the wooden fish.

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