White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2703: Merit

Chu Li followed Jing Xiaojie through the questioning path, then bypassed the main hall, turned to the right, and entered another valley, his eyes suddenly opened up.

This valley is nearly ten times larger than the previous valley. It is open and open. There are endless small courtyards. A few trees cover these small courtyards, which are indescribably quiet and elegant.

"This is our place to live." Jing Xiaojie pointed to the surrounding courtyards built around the mountains, and said with a smile: "Going further in, it is our Nantianmen. Previously, it was just asking the heart temple."

Chu Li exclaimed: "What a spectacular place."

It's cold outside, and the heart is completely formed by ice blocks, as if the cold is always being distributed, and the valley is as warm as spring, and the air is humid, which is really suitable for living and living.

Chu Li fell in love with it at the first sight, showing a look of joy and admiring: "It is really a good place."

"Are you satisfied?" Jing Xiaojie smiled and waved proudly: "Then pick a yard here, as long as it is empty, just pick it."

Chu Lidao said, "How do you know where it is empty?"

"All the locked doors are empty." Jing Xiaojie said: "The courtyard where people live is not locked."

Chu Li nodded, reaching out and pointing his finger at the easternmost point: "That one!"

The small courtyard was close to the woods. Because it was too close, it was blocked from the morning sunlight. The sun needed to rise to reach the courtyard, so no one chose it.

"Where is it ..." Jing Xiaojie glanced over, stepped in front of the courtyard, and pointed: "This one?"

Chu Li nodded: "I think this is good!"

Where the aura converges, others cannot see it.

"Okay, that's this one." Jing Xiaojie said with a smile.

She patted her jade hands three times.

A beautiful girl fluttered next to her, wearing a dress of Yuebai Sujie, and saluted: "Sister Jing."

"This courtyard is enshrined by Li Qili today." Jing Xiaojie pointed at Chu Li and laughed: "Open the courtyard door and he will be yours afterwards."

"I've seen the offering of Li." The beautiful girl said to Chu Lizhen, clearly, "Little girl Zhao Xiaoqian."

Chu Li hugged his fists, and smiled, "There is a girl Zhao Lao."

"Li Fengfang must not be so polite." Zhao Xiaoqian smiled sweetly: "The little girl said goodbye."

She walked away as if slowly, but did not blink, and quickly took a key to unlock the courtyard door and pushed it open.

The ground was paved with blue bricks, the flower garden was full of flowers, and the fragrance was fragrant.

Chu Li nodded with satisfaction. Obviously, he has always taken care of it, there is no desolation, and the breath is pure.

"Then it is here." Jing Xiaojie laughed. "Follow me to worship the concubine."

Chu Li followed her out of the courtyard and walked inside.

There is a valley in the valley, which looks like a gourd-like shape, and enters another valley, a more empty valley, like a gourd belly.

The martial arts ground was very lively. He saw Mo Yufang's figure, and he was practicing sword in the corner, and the sword was bright, and a layer of white light wrapped around her, as if silver practiced armor. It was beautiful.

Jing Xiaojie introduced: "This is the martial arts field. You can come here to practice, even more lively. Of course, you can also practice in your own hospital if you are noisy. Brother Li, you are enshrined now. They don't need to avoid you.

Chu Lidao said: "I can also practice the martial arts in Nantianmen?"

"Yes." Jing Xiaojie nodded: "But the level of martial arts that can be practiced is relatively low, and contributions are needed to see higher levels of martial arts."

Chu Li nodded thoughtfully.

Jing Xiaojie groaned: "What we pay attention to is Zongmen for me. I'm Zongmen. No disciple eats leisure meals. If he wants to practice advanced martial arts, he must make enough contributions."

Chu Lidao said: "All disciples are the same?"

Jing Xiaojie nodded: "It's the same, no matter whether it's offering or discipling disciples, all have the same rules. If you want to practice advanced martial arts, you have to rely on your own ability and incompetence. You can only blame yourself for being incompetent, and you can't blame others and the sect.

Chu Li thoughtfully.

Jing Xiaojie said: "There are ancestral missions in the Hall of Merit, and each mission has its own merit value. If you accumulate enough merit values, you can exchange martial arts. You can choose whether you are strong or weak."

Chu Li smiled and said, "Then you can find someone to help?"

Jing Xiaojie said: "Just complete the task, can I ask someone to help and nobody cares about it ... I have great martial arts and can do other things. Brother Fan also owes Brother Li for your kindness and help."

Chu Li nodded and smiled: "It seems that I can practice the advanced martial arts in Nantianmen."

"It's not that easy." Jing Xiaojie said: "But you may not be difficult if you are intriguing."

She thought of Chu Li's deduction ability. Everyone can welcome him, and then help each other. It is not difficult to accumulate enough merit to exchange for advanced martial arts.

She seemed to see Chu Li flying soaring into the sky.

"How about going to the Palace of Merit?" Chu Li Road said.

Jing Xiaojie nodded: "Then go to the Palace of Merit and wait for me, and I'll go get Lulu."

She said, pointing to a hall on the left.

Chu Li nodded.

He walked obliquely, bypassed the martial arts field, and came to the palace of meritorious service. The three characters of the palace of meritorious service hang on the door plaque. The antique hall is like a giant beast lying on it, showing its mighty power.

Chu Li stepped on the nineteenth step ~ www.readwn.com ~ Opened the curtain and entered the hall.

The hall was empty, only one huge screen was erected, and thirty-six screens were put together to form a maze.

The screen was full of small letters, and three young men were walking slowly along the screen, eyes glanced at the words on the screen, and murmured in his mouth, his face tangled.

Chu Li glanced at it, and printed all the words on the screen into his mind, then quickly looked.

What are written on the screen are tasks.

"Kill the flower picker Bai Changling, 320 feats"

"Slaying Jiang Long Xu Fan, 250 Meritorious Merits"

"Kill the Elder Zhou Yong, Five Hundred Merit"


Chu Li looked at the tasks and knew the merits of the rare.

Whenever there are hundreds of meritorious powers, it is the top masters. It is almost impossible to kill these by the level of Nantianmen's disciples. Only Fan Yi, a rising star and top masters in the sect, are qualified to take on such meritorious tasks.

He smiled inexplicably.

This one can be regarded as crooked, killing two birds with one stone.

Doing tasks here, killing those evil thieves, both merit and merit, and increase.

However, the disadvantage is that it is not appropriate to ask Da Ci'en Temple for help, it will inevitably be exposed, but instead, it will ask Nantianmen experts to help.

After a while, Jing Xiaojie and Mo Yufang came in and glanced at the hall. Only Chu Li was left in the hall, and the other three had left.

"This is Lulu!" Jing Xiaojie handed him a bag.

Chu Lichong Mo Yufang smiled.

Mo Yufang smiled sweetly: "Congratulations to Brother Li, we finally got to fulfill our wishes and became our offering, and we have been a family ever since."

Chu Li said with emotion: "Yeah, I'm lucky."

He said opening the bag, which contained three small porcelain bottles, a jade pen and a thin booklet.

PS: The update is complete.

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