White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2704: No shadow

[Title: white robe Explorer first chapter shadowless 2704 (a more) Author: Xiao Shu]

Welcome to the latest chapter of White Robe Explorer! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete Pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The plane robbers, the Five Elements, the Gate of the Heavenly Realm, the choice of the heavens, the king of the night, the king of the inverse scale, the lord of the sacred market, the snow eagle lord, and the eternal dragon. .

Jing Xiaojie laughed and said, "This is the martial arts of Tiandao Zong. I think Brother Li is very interested in flying knives, and it is good to practice this."

Chu Li smiled, "Thank you Jing girl!"

What he lacks now is not martial arts, but merit. As long as he has enough merits, after stepping into the twelve layers of Prajna-Long Elephant Gong, the limit will be broken, and he will be able to make rapid progress without being restrained.

Now even if he has deep martial arts, he wo n’t increase his practice, and the martial arts he ’s cultivated are enough to deal with it. If Fu Moyin can reach the realm of deepness and reach the realm of existence, the power even surpasses that of Xiuwei. limit.

He can train Fu Mo Yin to the realm of nowhere, even if he is not strong, it is enough to beat the top masters.

"Don't call me Girl Jing, just call me Shimei." Jing Xiaojie said with a smile.

Chu Li nodded.

He glanced down at the secret magpie, writing the three characters "Shadow Blade", gold hook and silver stroke, imposing momentum.

Chu Li frowned.

He originally had no hope for this secret magpie, not a secret maggie in exchange for meritorious service, the level must be not high, and may be inconspicuous, but Jing Xiaojie couldn't live up to his heart and could only look at it.

But looking at these three characters, he felt the power contained in them. Suddenly he became interested and looked up at Jing Xiaojie.

Jing Xiaojie laughed: "Brother Li, you must think this secret is very common, right?"

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

Jing Xiaojie said: "This book is a gift to the enshrinement, it is an introductory gift, the level is very high, although it is not comparable to the sky knife, it is also one of the top swords in the sky knife."

Chu Li Road said: "Then we can have a knife?"

Jing Xiaojie shook her head and laughed: "How could it be the secret biography of the Sword Master Sect, how could it be spread out? It is the luck of this secret prince. If you exchange merits, you need 10,000 merits!"

Chu Lihua tongue.

He saw the difficulty of obtaining the meritorious service, the extremely dangerous task of killing the florist, but the meritorious service was only three hundred and twenty, and it took about thirty times to obtain this secret of the shadowless sword.

Jing Xiaojie said with a smile: "Do you think we are generous?"

Chu Li admired: "It was unexpected!"

"As an offering, it is almost the same as our disciples, except that the offering is much better than the disciples." Jing Xiaojie said: "Save the painstaking training of the ancestors, and naturally draw in."

Chu Li smiled: "Sister Jing, are you okay with such truth?"

"Everyone understands, especially the devotees are all talents." Jing Xiaojie pouted and laughed.

Mo Yufang nodded gently: "The disciples are actually the same. If Zongmen is not good enough to his disciples, how can he be loyal? There is no loyalty for no reason in the world, is it?"

Chu Li nodded and said: "Bright."

"Three bottles of elixir, one is Xuening San, one is Huaxue Dan, one is Bailing Dan, trauma and internal injuries can be enhanced." Jing Xiaojie pointed at the bag and laughed: "All are rare Elixir, don't underestimate. "

Chu Li closed it and sighed, "It really is a big deal."

"Brother Li, do you have to do the task, or do you rest in the door first?" Jing Xiaojie asked.

Chu Lidao said: "It's best to do the task."

"That's easy." Jing Xiaojie said: "But it's better to practice the sword first, it can also be used."

Chu Li nodded, knowing she was kind.

Jing Xiaojie took out a thin flying knife from his arms and handed it to him: "This is the flying knife of the sky knife sect, which is most suitable for the martial arts of the sky knife sect."

Chu Li was touched by her carefulness and thoughtfulness. Jing Xiaojie looked careless at first, but was so meticulous.

At sunset, Chu Li paced in his own courtyard.

The courtyard is located west of the woods. The setting sun illuminates the courtyard.

Wuying Sword Secret has been read and understood, and I can't help but admire the mystery of the flying knife's mind, which is very different from the mind he has previously cultivated, but is actually very suitable for him.

Because the most important thing for the Shadowless Sword is the spiritual power. No matter how fast the flying knife is, if you want to make it happen, it will be almost impossible. The only solution is the use of spiritual power.

The Shadowless Knife has extremely high mental power, and gathers and triggers in a special way. With the flying knife, it really does everything.

After practicing the Shadowless Sword, even if you meet a master who is not as good as you, you will have the opportunity to die directly. The Shadowless Sword is mysterious, not only in the application of spiritual power, but also the sword strength and the Shadowless Sword. The flying knife is indestructible and nothing can stop it.

He came to Nantianmen as a coincidence, and unknowingly came to this step without any utilitarian intention. At first, he was only to prevent Qi Tianmen's revenge. So he approached Qi Tianmen and accidentally bumped into Fan Yi and had contact with Nan Tianmen. The instinct disguised as Li Qi, eventually turned out to be the offering of Nan Tianmen.

I wanted to get in touch with the martial arts of Nantianmen and went back to disappear directly. I can see the Palace of Meritorious Services. I think it is also good in Nantianmen. It is a shortcut to accumulate merit with both sides of Daci'en Temple.

Footsteps sounded and Jing Xiaojie hurriedly pushed in the door: "Brother Li, the guy from Tiandaozong escaped!"

Chu Li turned her head to look at her ~ www.readwn.com ~ A green emerald shirt, brittle, slender, and tightly pressed Daimei humming: "This Song Zongzhu is really incompetent!"

"It should be a move for Yongqi this week." Chu Li said: "This is all right, you can let Brother Fan take revenge in person."

"That's true, too." Jing Xiaojielu worried about his expression: "But I can escape from the Song Zongzhu, because Brother Fan can't handle it!"

Chu Lidao said, "Will the meritorious service be set down?"

Jing Xiaojie said: "Four Hundred Merits!"

"Merits on all sides!" Chu Li sighed, "How can the Meritorious Palace be determined?"

He was very curious. According to reason, it was impossible for Gongxun Hall to see Zhou Yong. Zhou Yong's martial arts were all used up, and there was almost no flaw. If he were not in the sky, he could not see the depth of Zhou Yong.

Did Xu Zheng see the details of Zhou Yong?

Jing Xiaojie said: "Gongxun Hall has a dedicated source of information, and it seems that there is another enshrine who is also proficient in deduction. Although it is not as good as you, Brother Li, the deduction is very accurate."

Chu Li nodded slowly.

It seems that Nantianmen has more talents than he thought.

Knocking again, Fan Yi stood outside the courtyard.

The courtyard door was open, but he didn't come in, standing outside and smiling, "Master Li!"

Chu Li hugs his fists.

Fan Yi is in a blue shirt, full of vitality, high spirits, full of vitality, and laughing loudly: "Brother Li, congratulations on your offering, I am here for help!"

Jing Xiaojie laughed and said, "Brother Fan, is that about Zhou Yong, the enemy?"

Fan Yi nodded vigorously: "Brother Li, let's deal with Zhou Yong together, I won't take anything for granted!"

Chu Li looked at Fan Yi and shook his head gently: "The two of us are not opponents."

Fan Yi's face changed slightly, Jianmei Yixuan said: "How strong is he?"

Chu Li nodded slowly. 2k novel reading network

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