White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2724: Lessee

[Title: white-robed body of Chapter 2724 Explorer by people (two more) Author: Xiao Shu]

The latest chapter of "White Robe Explorer" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Elf Century: GO American Rancher God-level hex smuggling into the city of rebirth. The strongest system of cultivating immortals through the black coffin movie world robber Song Man-yin smiles: "How?"

Chu Li sighed, collected Tianji Shi, shook his head and said, "It is too dangerous to enter."

"You finally didn't get dizzy," Song Man-yin hummed. "There is no way to jump, there is a glimmer of hope that I can't jump into these nine valleys, anyway, I haven't heard anyone return."

Chu Li nodded.

"Let's go," Song Manin said.

She pulled away, the two disappeared into Jiuyou Mountain and returned to her back garden.

The breeze was soaring, and the two stood in a small pavilion on the lake.

He didn't expect that it would be so easy to find the path to the lower bound. Although Jiuyou Mountain is still to be determined whether it is the Tianmen, but there is at least a little spectrum, you can go to Da Ci'en Temple to confirm it.

"Sovereign, that's the next goodbye." Chu Li hugged.

Song Manyin said, "Be careful, Qi Tianmen. They are a group of lunatics. They cannot be taken for granted."

Chu Li frowned.

Song Manyin said: "Don't think that without evidence, they won't dare to move you. As long as they suspect it is you, they will retaliate madly. It is better to stay at Nantianmen or stay here."

Chu Li smiled and nodded: "I understand."

Song Man-yin waved her hand.

Chu Li hesitated and said, "Does the suzerain know the news of the death sword?"

"You are really greedy!" Song Manin looked at him in surprise: "Do you really want to get the Extinction Sword?"

Chu Li nodded.

Song Manyin shook her head and said, "The sword of passing light is an ominous sword, and the winner will die, so don't be greedy, beware of life!"

Chu Lidao said: "So, does the sovereign really have the news of the extinction sword?"

"No!" Song Manin hummed.

Chu Li smiled: "The extinction sword of extinction is infinitely powerful, it should not be in a certain case, it should be sealed somewhere."

"Yes," Song Manin said, "but no one knows where it is, it may have fallen into the sea."

Chu Li raised an eyebrow, and said in surprise: "The lord said, it fell into the hands of the sea ancestors?"

"I didn't say that!" Song Manyin gave him a white look.

Chu Li looked thoughtful.

Song Manyin hummed: "Let's go, don't want to talk to you again!"

Chu Li smiled and hugged his fists, disappearing in a flash.

He has already hinted from Song Manyin's words that it seems that the Sword of Divine Light really landed in the sea, it may be on an island, or it may be obtained by a certain case at sea.

He shook his head and shake off his thoughts before deciding to fuse the Celestial Stone with the mystic mirror and Fei Xing Jue first, which can help Tianyantong's entry.

He flashed back to Nantianmen, returned to his own yard and closed.

The mysterious celestial stone, the mysterious mirror and the flying star formula are indeed not the way to go, but the mutual reference, but it is beneficial to understand the deeper essence. Tianyantong also rose with the water.

In the early morning, three men appeared outside Nantianmen.

At the head is a middle-aged man with a thin body, handsome features, and a friendly view with a smile. Behind him are two burly old men, full of flesh, as if wicked and horrifying.

When they came to Wenxinlu, they yelled, "Qi Tianmen Xu Xiangshan meets Xu Menzhu!"

His voice was rising slowly, and it passed into the ears of everyone in the heart of Wenxin.

The real Nantian Gate next to him was protected by the formation method. The voice could not pass in, but Chu Li had already seen them, and frowned and opened his eyes.

He was sitting on the couch inside the room, quietly comprehending Fei Xing Jue and the mysterious mirror.

"Elder Xu comes here, please come and meet!" Xu Yan's voice sounded.

Xu Zheng happened to be asking Xin Dian to speak with Sima Fu, the owner of the Dian.

He stepped out of the Temple of Asking Hearts, and Sima Xing followed, frowning, "Why is he here?"

Xu Yan shook his head.

Sima punished, "This guy is very difficult to entangle, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"That may not be so," Xu Xu said. "Maybe it's a good thing."

Sima Xun shook his head endlessly.

The three men from Xu Xiangshan slowly stepped on the questioning road, stepping up step by step, and finally came to the questioning hall.

Xu Zheng and Sima Xing stood on the steps, smiling with fists.

Xu Yan said, "Elder Xu is a rare customer. How can we come to our Nantianmen? Come in for a cup of tea!"

"Excuse me," Xu Xiangshan said with a smile.

He took the two elders up the stairs and entered the hall. He looked around at the heart hall and sighed, "Xu came here last time, a hundred years ago. It hasn't changed."

"It's been a hundred years," Sima said. "At that time, Elder Xu Xiuwei was not so high, and his reputation was not so great."

Xu Xiangshan is now one of Qi Tianmen's top masters. It has risen abruptly in the past century. It is soaring, and it is amazing. Obviously, what an adventure has been obtained. When I came here a hundred years ago, it was just a rising star. Now it is already famous. Elder.

"Hehe ..." Xu Xiangshan sighed, "What is wrong with others ... The doorkeeper is busy, and Xu is not hesitant. Open the door and see the mountains."

Xu Yan reached out and sat on the main seat, motioned to sit down and talk.

A young man in a green shirt came up to serve tea, and retreated gently.

When the youth left, Xu Xiangshan did not open the tea cup, but just placed it on the side of the coffee table, and sighed, "We want to come for help."

"Oh-?" Xu Yan said with a smile, "How do you say that?"

Xu Xiangshan said: "It's a shame to say that there is a traitor out there who is hunting down, but this guy is so cunning and concealed, we have chased it. It is ugly!"

"It is inevitable ~ www.readwn.com ~" Xu Yan shook his head and said, "It is not a scandal. "

"Our ancestors were originally enshrined, and we are good at inferring opportunities, but this time he was badly injured and couldn't take the shot. There was nothing he could do in anxiety .... No, I heard that Guimen has recently received an enshrine and is also adept at pushing Yan Xiangji smiled. "Xu Xiangshan smiled," Xu was ordered by the doorkeeper to borrow. Please ask your door to help and chase this traitor. Thank you! "

"This ..." Xu Yan groaned: "Li Feng worship is not in the sect, he is practicing elsewhere, so I will pass the news to him and discuss with him to see if he can make time."

Xu Xiangshan said: "This matter is urgently 100,000 and cannot be delayed. Xu is waiting for the news of the host here!"

"So anxious?" Xu Yan laughed. "But a traitor, it's killing."

Xu Xiangshan shook his head and said, "Night long dreams, he really wants to escape, I don't know how much trouble it will cause!"

"... That's true, too." Xu Xu's head and jaws: "Well, I'll ask Li for worship."

He clenched his fists, left, and appeared next to Chu Li Xiaoyuan the next moment.

"Master, please." Chu Li's voice sounded.

Xu Yan pushed in the door and entered, Chu Li had already left the house and came to the courtyard.

"Li obedience, Qi Tianmen came over to ask for help, and would like to ask you to help track a traitor, what do you think?" Xu Yan said: "Qi Tianmen is crazy, but also generous and can get a lot of benefits."

Chu Li shook his head: "Master, now I need to focus on cultivation, I'm afraid I can't be separated."

Xu Zheng hesitated.

Qi Tianmen is not so easy to refuse, even if it is Nan Tianmen, don't look at Xu Xiangshan with a smile, but it is a smiling tiger. If he really refuses, it is not to give Qi Tian a facade.

ps: After the update is completed, it will consume too much as soon as it breaks out and feel like you are getting old. 166 novel reading network

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