White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2725: accident

[Title: white robe manifold body Chapter 2725 accident (a more) Author: Xiao Shu]

The latest chapter of "White Robe Explorer" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The rebirth of the city, the immortal American rancher, the god-level demon, passes through the black coffin spirit century: GO smuggling is the strongest system movie. The world robber Chu departs: "Master, can't Qi Tianmen refuse? "

"It's not impossible to refuse." Xu Yan shook his head: "But if they are not necessary, they are all careful, they will always be remembered when they are rejected, and they will always be found in the future."

Chu Lidao said, "How can I get it back?"

Xu Zheng shook his head and said, "They will return ten times and hundred times, not only to refuse, but to use tricks to deal with you quietly and have to guard against it."

Chu Lidao said: "Then I can't agree."

Xu Yan laughed: "But there is no need to worry, they are very generous to their friends, and they will report it ten times more."

"That's the best companion, the worst opponent?" Chu Li said, "Is Qi Tianmen still popular?"

"They are acting crazy and disregarding the consequences, but they are not angry, and there are still many allies who can't belittle them." Xu Yan nodded gently. "If everyone really hates it, they will be joined together to get rid of it."

Chu Li frowned: "Then I have to help?"

Xu Yan said: "A little help will be of great benefit. This is a terrible one ... I think Li Qi, you are afraid of aligning with Tianmen? That ’s not necessary, you are now the worship of Nantianmen. "

Chu Li showed a helpless look.

Only Song Man-yin knew about the killing of Bao Cheng, because it involved no sword, he could not talk to the people in Nantianmen, otherwise he was not a person inside or outside.

Qi Tianmen knows it hard to say.

But he would not underestimate Qi Tianmen's alertness, knowing it all, and directly transferred the tiger away from the mountain, borrowed him to go out, and then found an excuse to kill him, as an accident, God did not know it.

"Li Fengbong, is there something to hide from me?" Xu Yan laughed.

He saw that Chu Li was wrong, and helping Qi Tianmen would be of great benefit, but he was dodging as if he was hostile to Qi Tianmen. He could not help laughing and said, "Relax, Hou Xianji has passed, Qi Tianmen will not pursue it again. "

Chu Li shook his head and sighed, "Master, I didn't say one thing."

"What's the matter?" Xu Yan said.

Chu Lidao said, "I was killed by Qi Tianmen's Bao Cheng, who is very good at inferring secrets."

"Bao Cheng?" Xu Yan immediately remembered who Bao Cheng was, his face changed: "You really killed him?"

"He wants to kill me. There is no other way but to kill." Chu Li shook his head and sighed: "Although he is well versed in deduction, he regards me as a nail in the eye, and he wants to avenge Hou Xian, so he can only kill He,… master, am I involved in the gate? ”

"Haha!" Xu Yan laughed.

Chu Li froze, but he did not expect such a reaction.

Xu Yan laughed: "You really killed Bao Cheng?"

Chu Li nodded in doubt.

Xu Yan patted his shoulder hard, and the smile on his face couldn't hold back: "Okay! Good job!"

Chu Lidao said: "The host is not afraid to fight with Qi Tianmen?"

"Whether hit, whoever is afraid!" Xu Yan laughed twice, trying to hold back the smile and said, "But if you kill Bao Cheng, you can break their wings. This is a beautiful job! ... I will In the task of His Highness, I will reward you for more. What else do you want? "

Chu Li shook his head and smiled: "I thought the host would blame me, after all, it caused a big trouble, but they should not be able to conclude that I must have killed it. I have done layout to confuse the opportunity, but I doubt it."

"Thank you for being too late!" Xu Yanheng whispered, "I have always wanted to kill Bao Cheng, but unfortunately he is well versed in inferiority, avoiding evil and gaining good luck, and can't conceive at all, but it is like Qi Tianmen The wind, as long as you doubt it, doesn't care if it is true, rather you let it go!

Chu Lidao said, "How should I cope?"

Xu Yan hummed: "Don't go out in the door and see what they can do!"

Chu Li hugged his fist and said, "I'm afraid I'll be wicked with Qi Tianmen. I really want to fight, and my sin will be great!"

"Qi Tianmen really wants to fight, then fight, others are afraid of Qi Tianmen, we are not afraid!" Xu Yan said: "And even if you fight, you are just a reason, don't think too much!"

"Yes." Chu Li nodded slowly.

Xu Yan patted his shoulder: "Stay in the door, don't go out."

"Understand." Chu Li smiled.

Xu Yan turned and left.

He flashed back to the Temple of Questioning Hearts.

Xu Xiangshan looked at him with a smile, with a firm expression: "Xu Men, how?"

Xu Yan shook his head: "Unfortunately, he is also retreating, and his practice has gone into flames, and he is not hurt."

"So clever?" Xu Xiangshan smiled. "As soon as we come over, he gets hurt?"

"Well, there is such a coincidence." Xu Yan sighed. "He has been in retreat for a while, because he is offering, so he hasn't bothered, but he didn't expect that he had practiced a problem and he has been healing himself."

"Injury may be caused by fire, or it may be caused by hands, isn't it?" Xu Xiangshan laughed deeply.

Xu Yan frowned: "How do you say that?"

Xu Xiangshan still had a meaningful smile: "Is that Li Fengbong doing something with someone else?"

"How can it be the same as using a fire to get into the magic?" Xu Yan said in a deep voice: "This seat is not old and confused, I can't tell this!"

"Maybe I'll visit this Li oblation next?" Xu Xiangshan asked.

Xu Yan said: "He went into the devil and is healing and cannot be disturbed."

"Is this Li confession guilty?" Xu Xiangshan said indifferently ~ www.readwn.com ~ What is guilty? Xu Yan frowned. "Elder Xu, you have been talking yin and yang. What happened is that Li can't help because of the injury, is it necessary to help with injury?" You Qitianmen have such a big face! "

His face was gloomy, and he said coldly, "Elder Xu, you are not asking for help, but persecution is coming!"

"Master Xu Men is serious." Xu Xiangshan said with a smile: "We don't mean it, but we are curious whether this Li Fangfu was injured or a dodge."

"What about excuses!" Xu Yan sneered: "Li's offering is our offering to Nantianmen, not your Qitianmen's offering. Even if you Qitianmen, is the offering to be called immediately? Isn't it voluntary? ? "

"That's true, too." Xu Xiangshan sighed, shaking his head and grinning bitterly: "Xu was so anxious that the traitor would not get rid of it one day, and we couldn't be at ease one day."

"This seat naturally understands." Xu Yan's tone was also much softer, and said lightly: "But Li can't help, and there is nothing you can do, if you can't do it, you'll find Xingzong."

"Where would Lan Xingzong get involved in such things?" Xu Xiangshan shook his head.

Xu Yan said: "Wait for the offering of Bao from your case."

"Well ..." Xu Xiangshan smiled bitterly and hugged his fist: "Then Xu left!"

"I won't send it far." Xu Yan held his fist.

The three of Xu Xiangshan fluttered down the questioning road. After leaving for a while, a vicious old man behind him said in a deep voice: "Elder Xu, it seems that the murderer is that Li Qi!"

"Well." Xu Xiangshan smiled unchanged, said lightly: "He is so guilty, no doubt, trying to save him!"

"It's not easy to be afraid." Shen, another fierce old man, said, "Looking at Xu Xu's appearance, he will take good care of Li Qi, who is proficient in inferring the best of the world."

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