White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2800: 5 decay

Chu Li's eyes were staring at the time-shen sword, feeling its breath, wanting to understand its principle, why there is such a powerful power, and why he can swallow up his life.

Theoretically speaking, devouring Shou Yuan is often turned into strength, and this time-consuming sword swallows Shou Yuan into strength. It should be devouring the sword-setter. In fact, the opposite is true. It absorbs the opponent's Shou Yuan and turns into an attacking opponent's power .

This change is extremely mysterious, which means that Shi Jian's people can get powerful strength without paying a price, destroying the balance and rules of the world, making him extremely curious and feeling that he has opened the door to another heaven and earth, and seen another world.

It turns out that this can violate the principles of heaven and earth.

Isn't it true that you originally did it? Isn't it true heaven and earth? Isn't it necessary to pay for strength?

This seems a bit deceitful, and it's a mystery, and it's not beneficial to the world, but it is the key to such a master. It is related to the understanding of martial arts, it is really clear, and then the martial arts society is clearer and more accurate.

And if you don't understand this, you often realize that you will make mistakes.

"Dingru, what the **** is going on ?!" Song Jing watched him staring at the Time Sword in a daze, not paying attention to his alien appearance, and exclaimed angrily: "How did you become like this?"

Chu Li looked away hard, looked up at her, his wrinkled face smiled, "Don't worry, but the sword of time has devoured my Shouyuan."

"Swallowing Shouyuan!" Song Jing's face changed greatly, Shen said, "You originally had only a hundred years of Shouyuan, but now he has been swallowed up, to the point where the heavens and the heavens are in decline, you ..."

She couldn't believe how long Chu Chu had left.

People in this world have a life span of 10,000 years. Most of the time, they are in a strong period. They have grown for a hundred years and aging for a year. A year ago, although their appearance also grew older with the years, they only had old faces, but their bodies did not appear old, such as their arms. Will be thin, no wrinkles, no age spots.

Once Chu Li appears like an old man's spot on his arm, it means that when the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the humans are in decline, it will not last more than a year.

Chu Li didn't care: "It's nothing, a century is dead, a year is dead!"

"Li Feiyu!" Song Jing gritted her teeth and stared at Chu Li: "What good are you doing with this sword!"

If he hadn't pushed it, she would have hit the sword, and seeing Chu Li didn't care about her life like this, she was annoyed and hated, the anger was burning fiercely in her chest, and now she could unscrew Li Feiyu's head.

Chu Li solemnly said: "Girl Song, you must never find him, even hide from him!"

"... I know." Song Jing nodded slowly as she tried to suppress her anger.

She hated Li Feiyu again, and there was no way to take Li Feiyu. The treasures that appeared endlessly were pressed down like a mountain. She couldn't resist it, let alone kill Li Feiyu. This time it was a recent opportunity, but it seemed that the difference was one step away.

Chu Lidao said: "He may really have a dead sword!"

Li Feiyu's deadly threat was still there, and it was not this time sword.

He sensed this deadly threat more clearly, and faintly touched the breath of the extinct sword.

"The Sword of Divine Light!" Song Jing frowned and shook her head. "As far as I know, the sword of Divine Light should be at Lan Xingzong."

Chu Li's face changed slightly: "Lan Xingzong?"

Song Jing's light jaw head: "This is the news that Master received. It should be from Xuankong City. The relationship between Xuankong City and Lan Xingzong is delicate and should not be false."

Chu Li frowned and groaned.

He believes in his feeling that Li Feiyu has the faint scent of the extinct sword on his body, and he can never be wrong. Is there anything left between Li Feiyu and Lan Xingzong? And he is a disciple of Blood Yangzong ...

His face grew more gloomy, and he looked up at Song Jing.

Song Jing said: "Whatever you say, it doesn't matter if you guess, I will judge for myself!"

Chu Li thought for a while, and nodded: "I'm going to die soon. Some things have to be said, lest you be fooled again."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Song Jing hummed. "There will always be a way! ... let's go, what's the speculation?"

Chu Li shook his head and smiled. The Sword of Time devoured the original element, which is irreparable Shou Yuan. He has the eternal life and can absorb Shou Yuan, but cannot make up for himself. It can only be used for strength. That's it.

However, he did not entangle on this topic and continued: "Li Feiyu must have a relationship with the Death Sword, if Lan Xingzong really has a Death Sword, then Li Fei Yu and Lan Xingzong also have a relationship. Do you remember that fate lock? ? "

"Of course I remember." Song Jing head lightly.

If she reasoned that Li Feiyu had such good luck, it was all because of that destiny lock. Compared with other treasures, destiny lock is the real supreme treasure. With it, there are other treasures.

Chu Lidao said: "Is it related to Lan Xingzong?"

Song Jing frowned and thoughtfully.

Chu Lidao said: "Li Feiyu is also a disciple of the Blood Yangzong. How about Xingzong? Will it have a connection with Mozong?"

"No, right?" Song Jing's face changed dramatically.

If Lan Xingzong really had a relationship with Mozong, it would be terrible. Lan Xingzong's legacy is independent and impartial, so the Zhongzong Gate has little protection against it, because it is very difficult to prevent, so it is not very prepared.

In this way, Lan Xingzong really wanted to open his eyes for Mozong, and if he secretly shot, the world's gates were unprepared and really fragile.

In addition, Lan Xingzong can shield the inferior deduction ~ www.readwn.com ~ No one else can know the truth. I am afraid that in the end, he will be awakened when he is almost wiped out by the demon lord, or even awakened.

The most terrible enemy is always around, just because there is no defense.

Chu Li sighed: "I hope my inference is wrong, but it is up to you to verify it."

"Don't say these frustrated words!" Song Jing said angrily: "How can you be so weak and just packed up with a sword?"

Chu Li smiled and said, "I'll take this sword back to the temple for atonement. I am too unqualified as the Lord of the Temple of Fu Mo Temple. I am afraid that it is the worst owner of the Temple of Fu Mo Temple in the past.

Song Jing hummed with a calm face: "Well, I'll go back to find the Master first. This is a trivial matter. Since it's skeptical, I have to tell Xuankong City. They are more accurate than us!"

Chu Li nodded gently, "Yeah, go."

Song Jing gave him a deep look and slowly disappeared.

Chu Li "wow" spit out another blood, sitting cross-legged on the ground, the time Excalibur across his knees, slightly squinting his eyes began to exercise.

After a long while, he "vowed" another spit of blood, and the internal organs of the five internal organs were broken. The power of this time-sword was too amazing, and he couldn't get rid of it. Even the Liuli Miaolian Sutra was invalid.

Chu Li felt that this should be the strength of time and could not resist.

He frowned for a moment, then suddenly disappeared with his sword, and then appeared on a vast mountain surrounded by lush green pines. He reached for a green pine, blinked his eyes, this green pine was yellow and bleached, and finally a gust of wind blew. In the future, it turned into powder and disappeared.

The time sword in his hand began to brighten.

Chu Li acted according to the law, and fully absorbed the life of the two pine trees.

The time sword in his hand is getting brighter and brighter.

PS: The update is complete.

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